Cilantro: a loathing

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I love Cilantro but I also love millions of other herbs and spices.

I also Love all kinds of mushrooms that are edible and onions are delicious.

But then again, I eat almost anything if it is fresh and made from high quality ingredients. (I bloody hate N.American fast food and it's franken meat zaneyness: Greek, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, fast food is at least still food. As in, you could eat it every day and still be a healthy person.)
This is absolutely true.
No joke, the 6-7 yuan (around $1.00-$1.30 CDN) fast food meals I ate at a Beijing UNIVERSITY CAFETERIA all rank among some of the absolute best food I have ever eaten outside of homecooked meals. Except for one, which was loaded with mushrooms and thus completely unedible.[/QUOTE]

To you mushrooms are garbage, while others will pay more then the price of gold for a bag of the right ones.

really I can't think of anything I don't eat that isn't fast food.

well... I still haven't eaten pig brain, my wife tells me it is delicious.

You Cilantro haters are silly.[/QUOTE]

Fried up cow brains mixed in with scrambled eggs and sauteed mushrooms. Breakfast of Champions.

---------- Post added 12-02-2010 at 12:02 AM ---------- Previous post was 12-01-2010 at 11:58 PM ----------

How anyone can hate mushrooms is beyond me. I love the damn things. I prefer them canned and I can eat a huge can at a time. mmmmm.
It's the texture... plus the fact that mushrooms are one of the few things poisonous in Finnish nature.[/QUOTE]

In Soviet Russia, mushroom picks you!

I can't tell you how many times I've gone mushroom picking in Polish forests as a kid. I can I.D. the poisonous ones like a pro.


There's plenty of gene-related food stuff. Asparagus, cilantro, fish, cyanide.

Ok, cyanide isn't really a food. Usually.

Taste does vary from person to person on a genetic level. Hence the PTC paper test. Most people are sensitive to the [SIZE=-1]phenylthiocarbamide that's present on it those that are recessive for the trait can't taste the bitterness.[/SIZE]
Cilantro makes me gag every time I smell it and I refuse to eat food that has cilantro on it... even if it's a food I really enjoy.

If I do eat it... I come dangerously close to vomiting... it tastes so BAD!


Staff member
I don't care for fennel, myself... Any parts of it. They used to make us use the stalk and bulb all the time... Nasty.
I like/tolerate most food/edible substances out there. But there are a few things I can't stand such as coconut and molasses. Ugh even the smell of molasses turns my stomach.


Staff member
I'm with you on coconut, Hylian. Especially shredded. I can detect the most minute amount of coconut in anything. It really gives me the gag reflex.
I like coconut mixed with vanilla, but I can't stand the texture of coconut. I also enjoy cilantro, but I imagine it is because I was introduced to Mexican food early in my life and it has been in pretty much everything I have eaten in the last decade.


I don't think the amount of cilantro someone eats can change how it tastes to them. Either it tastes good or it tastes bad.
For the longest time, I couldn't stomach cheese on anything but pizza. I still don't care for much beyond cheddar...

Eggs either, come to that. If not scrambled (or hard boiled, but only in the case of Scotch eggs), don't even bother... I'ma gag and be unable to eat them.

Raw mushrooms are yummy. Onions are fantastic. Molasses is a staple part of anyone with Southern heritage's diet. Coconut is most delicious fresh. Pickles are the shit, yo... I may get the large jar from Wal-mart, next shopping trip.

So there. :hmph:
Coconut is great when fresh. It loses quite a bit when dried, then loses every else when sweetened/toasted (I hate Mounds, in case you couldn't tell).
It is especially vile on pizza.

I think it is possible to acquire a taste, especially if you are exposed to it from an early age.
but you would still be acquiring a taste to soap/blood. It doesn't change how it actually tastes.[/QUOTE]

It doesn't taste like soap or blood to me.[/QUOTE]
Forget it, man. I've had this discussion before. It just leads to the same point.[/QUOTE]

So, this is another one of those "my point of view refutes everyone else's" kinda discussion? The kind of thread in which everyone who agrees gets high fives, pats on the ass, kisses on the cheek which ultimately lead to a frenzied circle jerk?

. . . . . . . . . . .

I've decided to hate cilantro.


This isn't a personal taste thing where people just like a taste while other people don't. It ACTUALLY tastes different.

So if you like it obviously it doesn't have the bad taste to you while if you don't like it, it tastes bad.

It really isn't that complicated of a thing.
I think it is possible to acquire a taste, especially if you are exposed to it from an early age.
but you would still be acquiring a taste to soap/blood. It doesn't change how it actually tastes.[/QUOTE]

It doesn't taste like soap or blood to me.[/QUOTE]
Forget it, man. I've had this discussion before. It just leads to the same point.[/QUOTE]

So, this is another one of those "my point of view refutes everyone else's" kinda discussion? The kind of thread in which everyone who agrees gets high fives, pats on the ass, kisses on the cheek which ultimately lead to a frenzied circle jerk?

. . . . . . . . . . .

I've decided to hate cilantro.[/QUOTE]

No, it's one of those "some people actually have a genetic condition that causes them to get a soapy or other kind of taste from cilantro" kind of things. So quit being such a prat and read the damn thread. The point has been belabored to death.


Staff member
but you would still be acquiring a taste to soap/blood. It doesn't change how it actually tastes.
Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if it did change how it tastes. I know that my memories of my first taste of coconut water are far different from what it tastes like now to me. My first sip was like a mouth full of grass clippings, but now I really like the stuff.

However, even if that taste doesn't change, there are people who like the taste of blood out there. I'm not one of them, but there are a lot of cultures who have thought of blood (either raw or cooked) as tasty food.

If people can develop a taste for lutefisk, blue cheese, cinnamon, stinky tofu, durian, hákarl and other foods that most who didn't grow up eating them find revolting, then I'm betting it's possible to develop a taste for cilantro, soap flavor or not.


But that was what I said. You may develop a taste but it still has that taste that is different from everyone else's taste.

Like to me most salsa tastes like soap. I still eat it but it is soapy.
I'm so happy to see that other people feel the same way about cilantro as I do!! My cousin and I tried to describe our hatred for it and couldn't come up with anything besides, "I taste it in something and it just makes me ... sad."
It's definitely overpowering and after I bite down on some, that taste just won't leave. It ruins my whole day!!


I would also like to add that this thread was never supposed to be about hating cilantro it was supposed to be about the fact that some people hate it so much they wrote really bad poetry about it.
And I came into this thread ready to post the link to the site (as would be appropriate), but then discovered you'd already done so.

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