For Sale: Halforums

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Staff member
Just got word: December is taken care of.

Thanks for the offers. I hope by January I can close stupid threads like these...


Just got word: December is taken care of.

Thanks for the offers. I hope by January I can close stupid threads like these...
If you'd stop being stubborn and accept donations, you'd never have to open stupid threads like these. :D[/QUOTE]


Element 117

Just got word: December is taken care of.

Thanks for the offers. I hope by January I can close stupid threads like these...
If you'd stop being stubborn and accept donations, you'd never have to open stupid threads like these. :D[/QUOTE]


a two to ten dollar donation from the active users would go a long way. And it's easier than asking a single sponsor to foot the bill.
Personally, I'd feel a whole lot better knowing you weren't stretched so thin by hosting this place. You're not helping anyone by taking it all on your self. It seems there are a lot of people willing to help keep this place going strong, take advantage of that.


Staff member
I say what I said a while back... put up the donation button when you need it... take it down when you don't want any more money.

Then use the excess to take us on a mod cruise.



Dave does what he thinks is right. Nothing we say will influence him.
I think doing a funding drive in the spring or summer would be awesome. Let people either donate money or art to be sold/auctioned. Only take enough to cover hosting for a year, and call it quits.


Well it wouldn't hurt to keep raising enough for the monthly contests.
Dave is like your dad at Christmas time. You want to buy him a gift to show him how much you appreciate him but when you ask "what would you like for Christmas?" you get the response "don't waste your money on me. I've got everything I want." Dave, a donation jar is not begging, it's giving the rest of us a chance to show you how much we appreciate you keeping this forum up and running. And I would have no problem if my donation was used by you personally instead of used to host this site. You've given enough of yourself to this site to earn a little reward.
Dave is like your dad at Christmas time. You want to buy him a gift to show him how much you appreciate him but when you ask "what would you like for Christmas?" you get the response "don't waste your money on me. I've got everything I want." Dave, a donation jar is not begging, it's giving the rest of us a chance to show you how much we appreciate you keeping this forum up and running. And I would have no problem if my donation was used by you personally instead of used to host this site. You've given enough of yourself to this site to earn a little reward.
That may be an apt analogy, but on the other hand he may merely be holding out because he doesn't ever want to be perceived as doing this for the money, or worse, finding out that it can be turned into a profitable enterprise and being lured into that path.

Alternately, accepting any funds, to some degree, yields a small, but annoying, "You owe us" and turns him into a low-paid employee, rather than the loving benefactor.

Could also feel like "selling out."

But most of all, I think he views it similar to inviting us all over for a barbecue at his place. He'll cover the food, make sure the grill is hot, and provide the atmosphere, and all we are expected to do is entertain him endlessly with our wacky, yet heart-string-tugging, antics...
Alternately, accepting any funds, to some degree, yields a small, but annoying, "You owe us" and turns him into a low-paid employee, rather than the loving benefactor.

Could also feel like "selling out."
I can understand that. That's why I think a funding drive would be good. Its like public television, we like the programming and want more, so let us support it. Let us at least cover expenses...
Alternately, accepting any funds, to some degree, yields a small, but annoying, "You owe us" and turns him into a low-paid employee, rather than the loving benefactor.

Could also feel like "selling out."
I can understand that. That's why I think a funding drive would be good. Its like public television, we like the programming and want more, so let us support it. Let us at least cover expenses...[/QUOTE]

I love this idea. I would draw SO many penises to be auctioned to you guys.

So many penises.


Alternately, accepting any funds, to some degree, yields a small, but annoying, "You owe us" and turns him into a low-paid employee, rather than the loving benefactor.

Could also feel like "selling out."
I can understand that. That's why I think a funding drive would be good. Its like public television, we like the programming and want more, so let us support it. Let us at least cover expenses...[/QUOTE]

I love this idea. I would draw SO many penises to be auctioned to you guys.

So many penises.[/QUOTE]

I have no clue what the context of this is but I have to say that considering how cutesy what you draw is those would be the cutest penii on earth.


Since no one will go as far to say this, Dave, you're being a prick.

To be honest, this isn't your site, this is our site. I don't believe that you should pay for the, lets say, 5000 posts a month (Which you obviously don't, sarcasm for point's sake).

Don't think of it as us giving you money, think of it as us giving the server money. We all know (hopefully) that you don't spend this money on yourself, and that's why we donate.

Now, I'm not saying to open the donation button for the rest of this websites life, because that would be ridiculous. Just open it for the month of December.

And I'm not saying for everyone to donate hundreds of their money, just donate a reasonable amount. Dave can ride our wave for a bit, and then pick up his surfboard of pride, and walk the beach until next December, when we do it again.

I feel I would feel better if this was the case.

Don't think of it as us paying for you, think of it as us paying for us.
If Dave does not open donations up to anybody, I will post pictures of myself.

Naked pictures.

Trust me. You do not want that.
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