Holiday Treats

What kind of Holiday Treats are the best?

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I thought we could have a thread dedicated to favorite holiday recipes. I don't have mine here at school with me but I wanted to start the thread before I get home just in case I wanted to make something someone posts. ^_^

So what are your favorite recipes for holiday goodies?
The best is chocolate cake bourbon balls with a cherry in the center. I haven't made them in a few years, but when I did, ye gods they were good.


well tell us how dancing prospector guy.
Put a bunch of pretzels on a cookie sheet, and place one Hershey Kiss on top of each one.
Put it in the oven for a few minutes until the kisses get soft and you can squish them down.
Put one M&M on each kiss and squish.
Wait till they cool.

That sounds super easy. I might have to make those with my niece.
well tell us how dancing prospector guy.
Put a bunch of pretzels on a cookie sheet, and place one Hershey Kiss on top of each one.
Put it in the oven for a few minutes until the kisses get soft and you can squish them down.
Put one M&M on each kiss and squish.
Wait till they cool.

That sounds super easy. I might have to make those with my niece.[/QUOTE]

We did something similar last year, except with Rolos instead of Kisses, to add a bit of caramel to the mix.


Staff member
One of my favorite things to make during the holiday are Coconut-Orange balls. Take crushed graham cracker and mix with some OJ concentrate, mix in some unsweetened coconut flakes, roll up, and then dust with powdered sugar. Refrigerate and serve. Tangy and tasty.

Also, my pecan pie is the best... but in truth it's just the recipe on the back of a Steen's Cane Syrup can with just a little extra taste of vanilla and way more pecans... and no damn frozen crust.
I bake every year and give out stuff to my friends. It's fun! My grandmother taught me how to bake and passed on her recipes. I'm often told it's not the manliest thing ever, but I love doing it.

I need to come up with some new things this year. I always try to find something new or weird and make my friends try them.


Staff member
Put a bunch of pretzels on a cookie sheet, and place one Hershey Kiss on top of each one.
Put it in the oven for a few minutes until the kisses get soft and you can squish them down.
Put one M&M on each kiss and squish.
Wait till they cool.
Snaps work better than the usual pretzel shape.

Plus, Snaps + Hugs = Snugs, which is cute name, and I'd rather have more pretzel than an M&M on top.
Tortell de Reis, fo' so'. It's like a marzipan... cake... pastry... thing. And there's a figurine of a king and a bean (made out of plastic, ceramic or just a dried bean) stuffed inside, for the people who eat it to find. It's fun :D


So simple but so delicious. I wait every year for these things. First, it's awesome cake in November, and then peanut butter cookies w/ Hershey kisses on top for December.


Krisken I was going to post those the ones we make with the peanut butter cups because they are the inverse of the ones already posted. Haha
Our Christmas cookie roster consists of Scottish shortbreads, pecan cups (think bite-sized pecan pies), English toffee, and Linzer tarts (star-shaped sandwich cookies filled with raspberry jam with powdered sugar on top). The Linzer tarts are kinda fiddly to make, but they are divine.
Mom always makes some Nut Drop Balls (they're cookies, you sick perverts).

I don't know the actual recipe, but they're nut drop cookies that are spheres and have red &/or green sprinkles on them.

The rolos need to be heated longer than the hershey kisses, and I suspect that 425 may be a bit high (put them in after my pizza rolls...) but it only takes a minute or three and poof! instant treats.


It's seems as though a little mousey has been nibbling on the corner of one of your pretzels. ;)

I want to try them with Reese's Pieces some time instead of M&M's. I like Reese's a little better anyways, a side effect of growing up as an ET fanatic.
It's seems as though a little mousey has been nibbling on the corner of one of your pretzels. ;)

I want to try them with Reese's Pieces some time instead of M&M's. I like Reese's a little better anyways, a side effect of growing up as an ET fanatic.
Yeah, the bag of pretzels we bought seems to have only 15-20% fully intact pretzels, and I let that one slide past the TSA scanner (Treat Supply Analysis) thinking it couldn't possibly take out a whole tray of treats all by itself.

I'll have to get some reeses - While the M&M --> Kiss --> Pretzel combination is good, I think that the chocolate + chocolate could be spiffed up a bit.


Staff member
My step-aunt spreads peanut butter between two half-cracker, half-pretzels and then dips them in chocolate. Goooooood, and takes like a second. And it's not Christmas without my Nanny pauline's pecan tartlets.


To keep from taking over the general board with Christmas stuff Ill just post this here.

I am watching A Muppet Family Christmas!

I love that movie. It gives me the warm toasties.
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