Ok so this is a long rant but I want to rant so sorry.
Tonight I had to run over to my friend Toni's house because my friends brilliantly had wine but no wine bottle opener. So I get over there and I'm greeted by one dog I know and another new dog I haven't met. I immediately notice that one of their dogs is not there. So I said aren't you short a dog? She got really quiet and said they had to put her down dont you read facebook?
Now of course I do I just must have missed that. They had to put her down because she had hip dysplasia and the other dog pulled her hip out of joint. I was pretty upset to hear it but I didn't really say anything.
The reason I am upset is I have a dog with hip dysplasia that is very bad. But we love her and as long as we are able to keep her out of pain and happy we are willing to do all sorts of extra things for her. We make sure she has a warm place to sleep and we massage her hips. It's very important to us that she is comfortable and happy.
I don't know if Toni did that. That is what upsets me I guess. Also a few years ago Toni had a really annoying beagle named Reggie. Reggie caused all sorts of damage to their house and was a giant pain in the ass. Toni said she and her husband were just thinking of putting him down. I said you know there are people who will take a dog even a troubled dog to keep that from happening check the internet. So she said she would.
A few weeks later she told me they found a nice home for him in a town a ways away. I was so happy about it all being resolved so nicely. But that night I went to class. In one of my classes I had a classmate named Bill who is also a mutual friend of both mine and Toni's. So when I saw him I said "Isn't it great that they found a home for Reggie in Mitchell?"
He looked at me like I was from space and said, "That's just what they told the kids. They had him put down." I felt like I had been gut kicked. First off my friend lied to me and not just any lie the same bullshit lie she told her children. And second that dog did not have to die Toni just wasn't willing to do the work needed to spare him
I can't help thinking that this time, with this dog, they did the same thing. Before when they had talked about putting her down because of the dysplasia, my mom told me to tell her that we would take the dog if it came to that. But I didn't tell her because for whatever reason I didn't think Toni would be able to do it. You know maybe it was so bad that the dog would not have been able to live happily and then I understand putting her down. It is about quality of life but considering the history I have a hard time believing that Toni was willing to put any work into assuring quality of life. So she copped out.
I'm just so broken up about the whole thing. I know that we love our dogs and our cats more than a lot of people love theirs but I know that I could never put a pet down unless it was absolutely necessary and there were no other options.
And I'm also pissed off that she couldn't pick up the damn phone and tell me. I am so sick of hearing about bad news on Facebook.
She was a really good dog