[PC Game] Minecraft HF server info and game discussion

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Staff member
Arial is the best font by far.

Anyway, it's been some time since I put up any screenshots, so I thought I would -

First up, I completed my King Koopa's Doomship from the old 80s SMB3 cartoon -

Reference photo:

Also, as someone mentioned, I finished this a few weeks ago:

Other things currently in progress:

Gasbandia Courthouse:

Been working on this statue of liberty for a little while, not really happy with how it's turning out, I may have to tear down a lot of it and start over.

Since my internet has proven too unreliable to make any progress in multiplayer, I have wasted my time with singleplayer. Today I generated a new world and built myself a castle jutting out of a cliff. The plan is to bridge off towards that floating island on the left (you can't see that it's a floating island, but it is) and make another tower there).


Staff member
Can you get around this by loading one with a chest (or cow)? I don't have the setup for experiments right now.

That's an interesting thought... but I think the cow will despawn once it is no longer in active range of any players, and cargo carts (last I checked) delete all their payload when the person who put it in there logs off.. though that might have changed with server side inventory.


Staff member
Yep. That's the plan for now until we hear that the lag issues vis-a-vis monsters are resolved.

Animals, however, are active, as seen in some screenshots.


Staff member
new guy joined today. Straevaras. Claims to be a friend of lywinis. Gave him benefit of doubt. backed up server just in case. Gave him member status after.


Staff member
To question him, naturally I had to summon him to the jail in Gasbandia, and try out my new interrogation room. I even got to play bad cop and punch him in the face once.


Oh my god, are you picking on my high school buddy? I'm the only one allowed to do that. >:|

(It's cool, he thought it was hilarious.)


Staff member
I discovered Bones wrote his name on top of my bean can. He has been executed. And so has his friend. For good measure.


Staff member
What happened here? This is not far from my front door, where the "gentleman's club" used to be.

Is this an ongoing project of someone's, or can I level it back to an open field?

Elsewhere, my chessboard is complete:

I love how obsidian looks in the scribblecraft texture pack.

Also, I had an interesting sight with the horizon glitch:

Bits of the bean can repeating across the horizon.


I actually like the horizon glitch at times. If I'm lucky enough to get a nice looking mountain repeating across the horizon, I find it preferable to a simple fade into fog.


Staff member
Went to check out the HELLDOME!!!™ today... expected it to be a bit more dome-ish.
I was originally going to make the glass enclosure more dome-ish but it was difficult to make it so that it would be easy to be a spectator. I still plan on constructing a massive dome AROUND the place but I wanted to build the seating, arena and skyboxes first.
More than likely this content patch will break the game again with all kinds of cool bugs that make it nearly unplayable...

I mean... yay! Water mob!


I find it amusing how this went from an adoration thread to a complaining one. -laugh-
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