NCAA Bowl Pool

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Okay, not really that much of a contest. You can't really win anything...except the ability to give me a really embarrassing team name in next year's Fantasy Football League. And by that I mean MY fantasy football league, not the Halforums one.

Here's the rules. Go here and fill out a bracket. You can't really do it yet because the bowl teams haven't been picked yet. But once they do you can choose who YOU think is going to win.

Here's the kicker. You give the games a rating from 1 to 35 - 1 being not sure at all and 35 being almost positive. If you are right you get that amount of points. Person with the most points wins. If you win you get to choose my team's name next year. No matter what it is.

Games start December 18. You have to set it up by then. I'll be bumping this when it gets closer to the Bowl Selection day.


Staff member
College Bowl Pickem

The games are now set and ready for your picks! Now, some of those you will see on that page are from my fantasy football league so you'll have some competition. I'll add a little something extra for you guys, though. As long as it's SFW if someone here wins it you can choose my avatar for a month!

Come guess the winners and have fun!
Well, things don't exactly get exciting until almost January. I mean, the Beef O' Brady Bowl is sure to be thrilling, as will Nebraska's attempt to beat Washington...again, but the real fun games are New Years Day and later (except those games between crappy teams they toss in there for publicity).


Oof. I had 29 points on Fresno. Way to get destroyed by a MAC team that just lost their coach, Bulldogs. Fantastic effort.
Yeah, that was disappointing!

From what I've heard, the Big 10 haven't had any luck in the bowl games this year.


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What shall I name my team next year? Because I am gonna win this shit. I'm starting to run away with it.


Staff member
I can still win if I get the last 7 games all right...
If all your picks come in you'll have 433 points.

Since we have some of the same teams, I'd end up with 445. It's going to be hard for me to lose if at all.
If all your picks come in you'll have 433 points.

Since we have some of the same teams, I'd end up with 445. It's going to be hard for me to lose if at all.
Actually, if Arkansas wins tonight, and then all the rest of my games come through, I'll have 412 and you'll have 411.


Staff member
Actually, if Arkansas wins tonight, and then all the rest of my games come through, I'll have 412 and you'll have 411.
You're right! I was adding in Ohio State as a win as I thought you'd have to sweep. Ain't gonna happen, though. Too many if's.
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