I'm never going to shave my head. EVER.
Anyhow, my latest batch of pics is from a little while ago. My brother had come t o visit me in China and I never got around to posting them, but NOW I AM. I also added some video. It's not all incredible footage, but I figure, hey, why not? Also there's some Haley video if any of you are interested. I also seem to be a bit bigger than I remember. Huh, fascinating.
S'ok. So my brother came to Shenyang and I ended up taking him to Chang Bai mountain, Tianjin and Beijing. LETS TAKE A LOOK
ALSO NOTE: The videos look like regular pictures for some reason. They dont have a pig PLAY symbol on them. The ones you can click on are the videos (hosted by photobucket). You can tell its a video because it's looks a little grainier than a regular picture.
First, took my bro over to see my school. Earlier that year I had shown my students some videos that my bro had made for CLO (Collegiate Living Organization--at The University of Florda) as an English lesson and they all lined up for his signature..lol.
Said videos can be seen here:
Shot of one of the main commercial streets in Shenyang
Our traveling companions to Chang Bai mountain
My bro got sick. As a future doctor himself, he was interested to see how things were done in China
Took him to a North Korean restaurant in Shenyang. This is one of the North Korean singers. Fun restaurants. They'll ask you such questions like "Are you allowed to marry foreigners in your country?"
Drunk Chinese dude trying to sing with her
Added at: 10:51
Chang Bai
The little town of Bai He
What a small, middle-of-nowhere place. Ate some North Korean food, saw the sights. Went to a small restaurant with a beautiful young waitress who had never seen a foreigner before. Asked us if we were foreigners. Amy told them my brother was, buy I wasn't. I was just a chinese person with a skin condition. She believed it. I eventually felt bad and told her I was American. Lawl. She ended up getting my brother's e-mail address.
Wedding procession in Bai He
For those of you that don't know, Chang Bai mountain is a dormant volcano and lies on the border with North Korea. Thus Chinese military personnel are stationed there because literally on the other side of the lake is North Korea.