[PC Game] Minecraft HF server info and game discussion

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Notch is not known for his thorough testing of releases is all, and with the game in this much flux you have to expect bugs to be released unless you perform good testing.
This thread was started in alpha, before the game was broken by every 4th update (And the other three were all fixing the one) :p
That an everyone's expectations changed. Prior to multiplayer being a teeny bit stable, everyone just played with it and assumed it wouldn't work. Once Notch started fixing aspects of it, people decided that multiplayer was serious business, and it had better become perfectly playable immediately, oh, and all the features should also be present and work.

And, quite frankly, Notch is learning on the job. MMORPGs are wicked hard to program well in terms of player - player interaction, timing, keeping track of objects, etc. It's no simple task, and as far as I can tell he's really just flying by the seat of his pants.

But then he changed it from alpha to beta not because the server was ready for beta, but because his lawyers told him he'd better do it soon or that "lifetime update" bit was going to cause him problems down the road. I suppose the single player game is beta quality, but he should delineate better between the two and specify that the multiplayer is still in alpha.


Staff member
I don't know, I think it's a perfect candidate for beta. It's relatively stable and is being used for bug reporting. Most alphas are pretty unstable pieces of crap.


Staff member
I don't know, I think it's a perfect candidate for beta. It's relatively stable and is being used for bug reporting. Most alphas are pretty unstable pieces of crap.
Conventional wisdom seems to be "alpha is for adding features, beta is for debugging." Seeing that Notch often has Kurtz moments where he thinks of something and exclaims "OMG that's AWESOME we should TOTALLY DO THAT" and then there it is... kind of unbetas the beta. He's still adding features (music machines, paint, new mobs, etc). Meanwhile I really wish he'd get around to taking the time to fix paintings. I got walls galore that need shit on them that has a pixel granularity smaller than 1 meter by 1 meter.

I agree that he went beta to get out of the wording of the alpha preorder.
Fed up with having to refer to cartograph to find buildings built ridiculously far away?

want an easier way around Ragnar?

Do you like...coordinates?

Introducing... the Ragnar Geographical office!

Okay, its not very big. yet. thats where you come in!

Steo 1: stick a signpost outside your house/doomfortress/prison fortress with the X and Z co-ordinates. (press F3 or /getpos)

Step 2:stick a similar sign up on the wall of the Ragnar Geographical Office!

The rest of the office is still under development.
so apparently our vent server is not our vent server, two guys who are no on our mine-craft server and not members of halforum are in the vent...i found this interesting. they claim it is a private vent and not the one attached to our minecvraft stuff.


Staff member
so apparently our vent server is not our vent server, two guys who are no on our mine-craft server and not members of halforum are in the vent...i found this interesting. they claim it is a private vent and not the one attached to our minecvraft stuff.
Interesting. Not for long. I'm on it now to speak with them.
Added at: 22:32
Apicontes & Meowmeowk?
Added at: 22:39
There is now a password: halforums.

I tried to talk to them but neither would respond. I frankly wouldn't have given a crap if they were there, but on Thursday nights Jay holds his D&D games and I don't want them to be bothered.


Staff member
Ha ha, take that bitches.. yeah it's a private ventrilo server, but not yours, and the proof is who's got the clanforge control panel access! HAAA! I love it.
I tried to talk to them but they didn't answer. So I banned one guy. Then I told the other one, "I have banned Apicontes. You are next unless you talk to me. I don't care if you guys are here because we don't usually use all of the slots. But we do have nights where people use this for other purposes. I just want to find out what your usage is." He didn't answer me so I banned him, too. Then I set the password.
haha, I was more surprised when raidrinn and i logged on and they told us to get lost, it was their vent server. thats why i posted it here more then to get rid of them. I was hoping one of you guys would be able to clear up what i missed, but it turns out they were just asshole sqautters, so I dont feel bad they got thrown out on their asses.


Staff member
There's a special level in hell for cybersquatters. It's with the child molesters and people who talk at the theater.


Staff member
It's why I go to children's theaters & hit on the cast. It satisfies all the criteria at the same time.


Staff member
Some more screenies - Links instead of spoiler tags because SPOILER TAGS NO WORKY

Got a graphics glitch that gave an overview of the catacombs under Castle Gasbandia.

Got irritated by the stacked-tree BS in the forest between my hovel and my can, so spent 3 hours cutting down every goddamned block in the forest to replant it. Here it is with all the trees gone. The hovel now fails to look foreboding and you can see where I stopped building the can when it hit the treeline. Same thing but from the window of the transit building. Same thing but from the roof.

With the can re-completed and over 128 seedlings re-planted.

The trees are still regrowing, but most of them have resprouted.

Meantime, built a suspension bridge north of my airport. From the side, from on the bridge. It's not quite done yet.
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