The OFFICIAL DC Universe Online Thread (was Beta)

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Heh. The game is pretty fun.

The tree system allows good customization. it is really cheap to respec (500$ for the 1st 650$ for the 2nd... I didn't go beyond that)
I like keeping a single look for my character and can still use items for stats. (which I wish WoW would do, but that is just me)
The powers are pretty neat. It is cool that ALL heroes can use the same weapon list mix with base powers (Fire, Ice, Sorcery, Nature, Gadgets and Mental) which is REALLY awesome. So you can have a range tank (like me. Fire/Beam base)

I think the best combo is Ice/Martial Arts. I gotta try that. I am still trying to find my "niche" character, so far fire/beam is pretty cool.
Dual pistols/gadget is my 2nd fave so far.


Wait hold on, you can do instances, with famous characters, defeat them and get "upgrades" that are the gear that they wear?!?!

Ok I'm officially intrigued. This thread needs some screenshots to motivate just a bit over my edge.
So, I got it installed! My opinion of the game so far?

... no idea, I can't get it started. Launchpad starts, but all I see is a black screen with an SOE emblem and a DC border.

Time to scour forums...
Ug no idea, I seem to be one of the rare people with little to no problems/bugs. Only bug I have hit is the logitech gamepad bug which was solved by using my beta test settings file.
Been watching my fiance and roomie play lately. It looks so cool! I made a hero (mostly just an LOL character) named KittyMcFreezeALot. She has leopard skin (white & black), wears a top hat, blazer, skirt and thigh high boots and also carries a backpack. :p What I *really* want to do is make a Dora the Explorer hero.


So, I got it installed! My opinion of the game so far?

... no idea, I can't get it started. Launchpad starts, but all I see is a black screen with an SOE emblem and a DC border.

Time to scour forums...
Is it trying to update? I did purchase mine via steam instead of a DVD so not sure if that makes any different. It did take a while to install (over 30 minutes) after download is finish tho.
No, the problem is with the launcher, and that it seems to use internet explorer and a combination of flash and activex controls to function. As I don't use IE, and hate activex, I had most of that disabled. Even after getting it all re-enabled, it took awhile to finally finagle it into working.

But it now works, and the game is awesome. I haven't even gotten completely out of braniac's ship yet, I can't stop re-making character.


heheheheh... yea I got at LEAST 8 so far ;) 5 got out of the ship and into the world. It is pretty awesome.
I need to get this game working on my desktop. My laptop just can't handle it.

Here's to hoping I find an answer in the support forum. Or get one of my emails replied to.
Alright! It's up and running... or at least will be tomorrow after the patch is finished downloading. I'm rolling on Virtue and Vice, since I've heard that's the arpee server.

How do I find my fellow halforumites?
Added at: 23:07
And a quick question to anyone that might know. I already downloaded the game updates to my laptop. Does anyone know if that update is stored anywhere and easily transferred to my desktop? It would be a whole lot faster than another five hour download.
Nope, it is an active file overwrite, IE as it downloads it just overwrites the files being patched.


Wishes and prayers. The current chat/buddy system is garbage. Just be on the lookout for The Warden (thats me) I spend most of my time in Gotham. I will happily group with you and help you slaughter your way through instances.
Nope, it is an active file overwrite, IE as it downloads it just overwrites the files being patched.


Wishes and prayers. The current chat/buddy system is garbage. Just be on the lookout for The Warden (thats me) I spend most of my time in Gotham. I will happily group with you and help you slaughter your way through instances.
Happen to know which files it overwrites? I could just drag the whole damn folder over.
Yeah, considering it took me a day just to get it to start, I probably shouldn't risk it.

Guess I'll play tomorrow.
Open Question: Is there any interest in forming a forumite-only(and by extension IRC chat) hero league?

Also first post is being updates with people and their toons. Mine are all listed. If you want yours listed jsut see how I posted mine and PM me yours in the same format. The reason you will want to also lsit your mentor is because of the mentor exclusive missions. You can have somone with a different mentor group with you and go through the instances to collect data tokens and items they couldn't otherwise get.
You guys should make it an internet themed super group. You could have everybody pick a meme or something and personify it in a hero or villain. Like LOLbat, except not an idiot.
Like LOLbat, except not an idiot.
That is unpossible.

And more seriously if someone were to do that all it would take is someone reporting a copyrighted hero name being used to get the name changed or character locked. SOE is being a bit jumpy on that.
That is unpossible.

And more seriously if someone were to do that all it would take is someone reporting a copyrighted hero name being used to get the name changed or character locked. SOE is being a bit jumpy on that.
Derivative and parody characters are protected speech. Just as long as it wasn't LOLbat specifically, in name or image, it wouldn't be deleted. Besides, themed super groups are always the most fun.
That may be the case but it still hasnt stopped SOE from cracking down. They have already force name changed folk who have public domain and uncopyrightable names.

But as far as a "theme" goes that should wait until more than two people show interest and give everyone a say....democracy and all. LOL.

.....I would totally make a Power Rangers inspired league....and RP the shit out of it...


My main Character is Angela Hellfire (level 16 now)
I'm kinda playing two other but not as much. I am willing to help out with any thing I can :)


I keep hearing about all these characters, but I'm not seeing screenshots people!

You're supposed to be inticing me!
I don't know about anyone else, but the lag is so horrible that it's unplayable. I get desync after desync, so that no matter how much I bash on the npc in front of me, I'll never damage him, because he's really across the street shooting me to death. Maybe I'll give the game a month or so for the server stability to be addressed.

I'll post pictures of my characters soon. It takes forever to log in.
Added at: 21:52
I don't know about anyone else, but the lag is so horrible that it's unplayable. I get desync after desync, so that no matter how much I bash on the npc in front of me, I'll never damage him, because he's really across the street shooting me to death. Maybe I'll give the game a month or so for the server stability to be addressed.

I'll post pictures of my characters soon. It takes forever to log in.


I have trouble beliving that some of those really do travel by "flight". Otherwise, nice characters!
I have trouble beliving that some of those really do travel by "flight". Otherwise, nice characters!
In order of screenshots

Mechanical Wings
Uses his control of fire to create thermal updrafts to move him about
He is a Power Ranger. It just works.


Oh I'm sure that's the reason, it was just something I noticed that was "off".
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