Ask Me Anything: ThatNickGuy - Second Edition!

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I had an AMA thread before I left the forums for awhile. But now that I've been back for awhile, I figure we can have a new and improved one. Fire away!
About 10 miles if I'm going to school. (17 kilometers/10 miles one way).

Around my area, like if I go for comics, groceries and such? Maybe around 3 miles (5 km). A lot of what I need is pretty nearby. My work is less than a mile away, for example.


I can't believe I'm going to be the first to say it:

"When can I hit that?"
In the last few months, I have. I really wish they'd go away.

See, I've had a recurring dream about a nuclear holocaust. Or the end of the world. Something like that. Sometimes, I remember enough to be looking out my window and seeing a mushroom cloud appear in the horizon. Other times, it's just a flash or a very loud explosion.

Either way, it causes me to wake up near screaming, heart racing, going "Oh, my god oh my god" over and over, racing to the window (which is right beside my bed, so more of a roll onto my knees), thinking it's actually happening.

When I was flying to and from home a few weeks ago, I woke up in a fright both times, startling the person sitting next to me. :(


Staff member
Jeez... didn't mean to bring up anything traumatizing. :\ That's awful. ...Do you have any fun dreams at all?

Also, I wanna add that you were totally right about Green Arrow +Black Canary. I quit reading it very shortly after I started. I really like the character Green Arrow, though, and I'd like to read more of his stuff. Can you point me in the direction of a solid series, either older or new? And since I love Chew, can you suggest anything like it?
I used to have reoccuring Superman dreams, actually. Don't look so surprised. :p But yeah, it was a gradual build up. At first, I could simply leap higher (like 10 feet in the air). Then I was able to leap in the air and hover briefly. Then hover low and slow. Eventually, I was zipping around the city, in costume and all. The one I remember the most was seeing a car getting chased by the police. I held it to the ground, ripped open the driver door and pulled out the driver. He put a gun to my forehead, pulled the trigger...and the bullet bounced off. :D

Sorry to hear about GA + BC. I don't honestly know a whole lot of Green Arrow stuff, but lemme think. Mike Grell's run in the 80's is amazing. If you want a sample of it, there's a trade of the mini-series before his run called The Longbow Hunters. Sadly, Grell's run was never collected, so you might have to find the individual issues. I've also heard the Green Arrow: Year One story was really good. Don't remember the artist, but writer was Andy Diggle. You might like Kevin Smith's two stories (Quiver and Sound of Violence). I liked them at the time, but I'm not sure how well they hold up anymore.

Hm. There's not a lot that's like Chew. It's such an odd bird that took everyone by surprise. BUT, if you want more funny stuff, seriously check out Atomic Robo. I've read it on the subway home many times and had strange looks from how hard I was laughing. :D

One that I have a feeling you would love to bits is Starman. DC recently re-released the whole series in these beautiful, big hardcovers. The sixth (and final) volume is coming out this month.


Staff member
I LOVE ATOMIC ROBO! Jake got me into it. :D I'll definitely check out Star man. I've enjoyed year one, and I had one other comic book-y person mention Grell, so that's definitely a go. I appreciate it. Haven't been reading again for very long, so I've been seeking advice. ^_^
Jiarn: She's playful, funny and easy going. :) Especially the playful part. Never had a girl enjoy playfighting as much as I do. :D

Biannoshufu: [Edited out due to TMI.]


is this where someone says TMI? or is there such thing as TMI on a message board.
Jiarn: She's playful, funny and easy going. :) Especially the playful part. Never had a girl enjoy playfighting as much as I do. :D

Biannoshufu: [Edited out due to TMI.]
What makes her funny and easy going?

Anything that makes her playful other then what has already been mentioned above?

Can she kick your ass when playfighting? Lol

Where's Fluffy?


Staff member
I'd like to throw my hat in on this question:

While Goku was wasting 5 episodes groaning and being veiny and making rocks float, Superman would easily destroy him in a totally non-tedious way.


Yeah, the un-butchered version. With all the restored scenes and all the power up scenes that were cut and pasted in their place gone.


Staff member
Sorry, dude. I can't even see that salvaging that show. I'm a die-hard hater of DBZ. Anyway, I'm sorry to be so smartassed about it. :p And I also didn't mean to hijack Nick's thread.


Wouldn't be a problem if you voiced valid dislikes about the series -wink-
What makes her funny and easy going?

Anything that makes her playful other then what has already been mentioned above?

Can she kick your ass when playfighting? Lol

Where's Fluffy?
1) She's totally always laughing at my lame jokes, for one. Especially my puns. Though I think she's getting tired of my "Not with that attitude" or "Sounds like my prom night" lines. :p Easy going? She spent a whole day with two wacky friends of mine in a museum. Heck, even THEY were surprised by how awesomely easy going she was. :D

2) Well, it's like times when we're waiting for the subway and we'll start having pushing contests. Like, I'll nudge into her. She retaliates with a nudge of her own. Eventually, we're pushing each other, shoulder to shoulder, trying to push the other one over.

3) Hell yes. I don't stand a chance.

4) I hear they're playing at a club down on Queen and Spadina! Let's go!

Goku vs. Superman?

Pfft. Superman.


hile Goku was wasting 5 episodes groaning and being veiny and making rocks float, Superman would easily destroy him in a totally non-tedious way.
It's called DragonBall Z Kai. Streamlined the show. No more 5 episode transformations or power charging. It's amazing.
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