Ask Me Anything: ThatNickGuy - Second Edition!

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this does not seem to mean what i think Nick thinks it means....?
or it's a really hard question.


In Citizen Cain, the whole movie was about figuring out that old guys final words: "Rosebud". now, when he said that, no one was actually around. So my question is, how did all those people know what he said? Or that he said anything at all?
Never seen Citizen Kane, so I can't help. BUT, Quintin Tarrantino said that he'd love to remake Citizen Kane just to piss people off. He said he'd change "Rosebud" to the name for Kane's wife's pussy. :D


Ok man, i have a tough one for you:

On 1995, three men embarked on a quest that would forever change thier lives. The tale spanned across 7 years and 5 continents. an man lost his leg to ganggreen. One man died from an outbreak of Malaria in a South American village. Now, many tales and rumors have started about these adventurers, and the exact nature of the goal they were after was unclear. My question for you is, how many times a year do you get your hair cut?
تمشيا مع تقاليد عيد ميلاد أسرتي... عيد ميلاد سعيد لك. كنت قادما من حديقة للحيوانات. أنت تبدو مثل قرد وأنت تعمل مثل واحد أيضا. عيد ميلاد سعيد ايس!
Thank ya kindly for the birthday wishes. Kept meaning to get in here and say that but got distracted. It was partly Nourah's fault. ;)

Speaking of which, Nourah gave me a book for my birthday: the Everything Guide to Writing Graphic Novels. Someday, I hope to put it to good use. :D
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