Today is Wednesday. (Yahtzee)

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I liked Limbo. It's not the greatest game ever, but worth the money and time.
LIMBO was good, but it was hardly worth the money when better games have given us more at a lower price point. It really does seem like $10 dollars is the highest anyone is willing to pay for an indie game unless it's absolutely amazing.
Why are you paying for Limbo? Just prop up a couple even-height pieces of furniture, get a long stick, and you're good to go.

Consumer whores.
Too busy watching the ones i didn't see because i had to work at work for more then half the 8 hour schedule... i think we're the only country that can make using the computer for something to take more work then without it (because we made the starting part be on the PC, while leaving all the boring, copypasta paperwork for the humans to do... idiots).
Too busy watching the ones i didn't see because i had to work at work for more then half the 8 hour schedule... i think we're the only country that can make using the computer for something to take more work then without it (because we made the starting part be on the PC, while leaving all the boring, copypasta paperwork for the humans to do... idiots).

Reading this made me think I was having an aneurysm. It doesn't make any sense.
I was a little surprised he enjoyed Dead Rising 2 so much. It really is a great, fun game, but I was just expecting him to rail on it.

Not surprised he bashed Spidey, though.
I was a little surprised he enjoyed Dead Rising 2 so much. It really is a great, fun game, but I was just expecting him to rail on it.

Not surprised he bashed Spidey, though.
After playing it I can see how he couldn't find anything to rail on it about. I actually didn't like Dead Rising 1 all that much. It was too full of bullshit. I mean the bosses took absurd amounts of damage to take down, There were never any good weapons near the hideout so I was constantly fighting with weapons that sucked and Otis was annoying. The core game was fun but those problems kept me from really liking it. Along with a few minor problems like the follower AI and the absurdly slow speed of Frank.

Dead Rising 2 on the other hand fixed each and every one of those problems. Bosses are challenging but doable, you can make a variety of strong useful weapons right outside the hideout and mission control doesn't require you to walk for 5 minutes each time they call to report a survivor. Hell even the minor problems I had with it were fixed.

Dead Rising 2 is a rock solid game top to bottom and in every way an improvement on Dead Rising 1.


Staff member
Well, completely forgot about this for a month. I'm feeling kind of enslaved to this thread, which is odd, I see, so I'll just head out to the west where Yahtzee did this review.

There's bound to be some fallout, and I'll try something new in the future, but I think you'll find better odds in Vegas or in this other review.

I doubt anything will get me a gold star at this point, but at least I didn't start any wars. The force behind something like that could be unleashed at any moment, too. I think Yahtzee was saying something about that.

I'll have to make this quick, in case I get a phone call. Of course I prefer email, but some people seem to think it's their duty use older technologies, or if there's some black mark for people who don't like a disembodied voice in their ear... and now I'm wondering if I've got the chops to work in this last bit. Maybe Yahtzee's commentary can help.


Staff member
Yahtzee tells A Shadow's Tale to get lost.

and he'd rather get an empty box than one full of Dead Space 2

I wonder if Yahtzee will do a review of Magicka in the future. He's sure to hate it, since the single player is completely inferior to the multiplayer. It should be fun to hear him lament about a nice idea being ruined by it's execution and needing other people to play.
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