New Picture Thread

That smoking robe is AWESOME. I would love to own something like that!

(I have a silken robe, and I love it, but... well, I'm a really big fan of this kind of clothing)
Okay, so a while back I posted several pictures of the scale bikini-armor I was making for a friend of mine. She liked it very much, and I do have pictures, but I cannot share them because they're going to be used in an upcoming book from Super Genius Games, the Guide to Valkyries and Viragos. However, I can share the picture of the second maille piece I made for her, which was a micro-bikini.

I'd say it's probably NSFW, so I'm putting it behind a spoiler tag. I made the patches and the belly-button dangle, she had the straps done how she wanted them.
*Edit: okay, this didn't work how I'd hoped. Don't know why.*

Also, a Krypton Krewmember some of you may remember, Willowdragon, commissioned a drape top and skirt from me as well. Those pieces came out very nicely, I think.



*George Takei voice* Oh my.

Also, if you want to put images behind a spoiler, you need to change the text, e.g.
[spoiler=text goes here]


I was taking a picture of my daughter's new haircut with the cellphone, and didnt notice Antonio chomping away at a diaper at the back

Another new hobby of mine is to take pictures of the weird positions he sleeps in, for example
Me too!

Both are pretty cute though.
Added at: 21:11
It's probably just me, and even if I've been trying, I can't understand exactly why, but I really like this picture with my best friend (of the non-Tegid kind).

And that's why I posted it for all to enjoy.


Staff member
I'm picking up a strong young Orsen Welles vibe from TNG. I can't help but imagine TNG talking like The Brain now.

Oh my GOD yes!

"What are we going to do tomorrow, TNG?"

"Same thing we do every day, Dave. TRY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!"

"Uh, I think so, Nick. But isn't Regis Philbman married?"
Added at: 11:42
*sings* They're Gusto. They're Gusto and The Nick Nick Nick Nick..."
Me too!

Both are pretty cute though.
Added at: 21:11
It's probably just me, and even if I've been trying, I can't understand exactly why, but I really like this picture with my best friend (of the non-Tegid kind).

And that's why I posted it for all to enjoy.
Jelly... you didn't... *do* anything to your friend, did you? Cause it sort of looks like you're about to.