My Item Suggestions
Boots of Jaunting (minor: teleport one square) Falagar
Gauntlets of Blood (+2 DMG to bloodied foes) Helga or Sylvaria, though Doom makes a good point about his no misses
Gravespawn Potion I kinda want this one, if no one else wants it. Please tell me if no one does so I can add it to inventory.
Goodnight Tincture (can be dissolved in food/drink and knock someone unconscious) We'll end up making Falagar use it eventually anyway.
Potion of Mimicry (spend surge, gain no HP, but as an illusion, take on the guise of a humanoid creature, speech mimics, lasts 5 minutes or until dismissed; gain +5 Bluff to pass as this creature) Again, We'll end up making Falagar use it eventually anyway.
Lifesaving Broach (+1 to Fort, Reflex, Will; allies gain +5 to Heal checks to aid wearer)(possible claim by Tyrdin) I almost demand it be Tyrdin
Hedgewizard's Gloves (wearer can do Mage Hand, Presdigitation as at-wills)(stuck to Falagar's hands) well, I don't think we get a choice in this one. lol
Added at: 02:47
also Gusto, I'll get a summarry posted soon.