The New NHL thread

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Carolina Hurricanes rookie Jeff Skinner has been promoted to the All-Star roster and hurricanes rookie defensman Jamie McBain has been added to the Rookie skills competition!

:D that makes 4 hurricanes participating this weekend, with 3 playing in the game. Best part? I have tickets.
Yes. The Draft was awesome and the most fun I've had watching a hockey related program on VS. I didn't like the format change at first but now I think it's going to be a great weekend.
Okay, I get it - it's like picking out sides on the pond. I guess even the guy for the Raleigh Observer would like to see this spread to other sports.

Only one problem: have any of these athletes EVER played a pickup game where they just chose up sides and played? In baseball, I'm almost betting they haven't. Sandlot baseball games went out the window (at least for most US/Canadian players) back in the 1980's.
heehee, Kessel got picked last. Maybe if he'd try shooting from a different spot on the ice every once in a while...
See the problem with that is that you paid attention to the all star game. Whose bright idea was it to have it the same weekend as the NFL pro-bowl?
See the problem with that is that you paid attention to the all star game. Whose bright idea was it to have it the same weekend as the NFL pro-bowl?
I don't see a problem with that at all. I don't think I could possibly care less about the NFL. I care even less about the NFL than I do for the CFL, which is already very little.
See the problem with that is that you paid attention to the all star game. Whose bright idea was it to have it the same weekend as the NFL pro-bowl?
who watches the pro-bowl? That game is even less relevant than a college bowl.
Of all four major league all-star games, the Pro Bowl is the most useless, impracticable and least interesting game of all. It's not even in the same worth-your-while level as the other three games (though I think the NBA ASG is slowly declining towards that point).
I had to ask a friend of mine what the pro-bowl was, she informed it is American football's most boring game, because all the players are too afraid of injuring themselves before the superbowl to really play. Is that about right?
Something like that. Imagine if they had a football all-star game the week before the Grey Cup - involving stars from all of the teams not playing in the Grey Cup.
I had to ask a friend of mine what the pro-bowl was, she informed it is American football's most boring game, because all the players are too afraid of injuring themselves before the superbowl to really play. Is that about right?
That was right even when it was held after the Super Bowl. The game sucks.

It's not just injury concerns. Even with top level athletes Football isn't a game where you can put a team together in a week and expect high level results.
That's my point. The NHL needs to grow in the States and having a battle of two irrelevant games (the NHL being far more irrelevant) on the same day makes no sense.

One of these years I want a defenseman to just say "Fuck it." and flatten someone during the all star game.
Then you changed your point. Your initial point was :
See the problem with that is that you paid attention to the all star game
My argument was just that the NFL is irrelevant to me, which has nothing to do with the NHL's audience in the USA.
That's my point. The NHL needs to grow in the States and having a battle of two irrelevant games (the NHL being far more irrelevant) on the same day makes no sense.
How do you "grow in the States" when every single major media outlet in Canada wants all the teams in new markets to move to Canada?
Added at: 14:56
Oh, and that was a two-hit fight for Johnson.

Johnson hitting DiPietro, and DiPietro hitting the ice.
To be fair, that's about the equivalent of hitting a window with a sledgehammer - with DiPietro it was pretty much a foregone conclusion.
Predators 3, Red Wings 0. SUCK IT DETROIT
Yeah Baby.

SK's one-handed shorty on Old MacDonald = Play of the YEAR.

Oh, and the CMoA of the night - intermission band. Small Time Rock Stars, a popular cover band in the Music City, were joined by some season ticket holder. Vince something. Oh, and he had a golfing buddy of him there from Phoenix, too. Funny, he didn't look like an "Alice".
Who are you talking about? Vince Gill? I went to a whole lot of games when I lived in Nashville, and the Small Time Rock Stars were the highlight of intermissions usually. Usually cover bands are really lame.
Duuuude... Vince Gill sat in with STRS - and he brought along "his golfing buddy", Alice Cooper. They did "School's Out".

Almost made Pekka's shutout and Kostitsyn's one-handed shorty pale by comparison.

6 goals in the last 4 minutes and currently 11 men in the penalty boxes.

You all need to be watching this game!
Oh Nashville what were you thinking? You got Mike Fisher for a 2011 1st round pick and a 2nd/3rd round pick in 2012? And you called him a top 6 forward? He's top 6 only for teams that are bottom 6 not for play-off bound teams like yourself.

But we all knew this trade was coming, it was just a question of when and for how much.
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