When do you ref stuff

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At my sister's house, we often quote the Simpsons' "It's just a little _____, it's still good! It's still good!"

I probably do more that I can't think of off the top of my head.
Whenever I get a pint of beer, or donate a pint of blood, I ask if it comes in pints. Also, whenever I'm preparing potatoes for dinner and somebody asks what we're having, I'll respond with "POH-TAY-TOES. Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew."
Monty Python, MST3K and/or Rifftrax, The Princess Bride, Animaniacs, Lord of the Rings, The Simpsons.
Usually at work, which causes people to look at me like I have three heads, and usually accomplishes my goal of getting them the hell out of my office.

Philosopher B.

The minute I fucking hear a helicopter, I must stop and proclaim (to whoever is around at the time) that it says 'Ingen' on the side of that chopper, whereupon I will express surprise and dismay, verbally questioning why on earth Hammond would send two teams.

I could mention other instances in which I quote the Jurassic Park movies, but I would basically be at this keyboard all day.

For example if someone tells me they're taking their time, I will typically add "to perfect the beat, but you still got a love for the street...?"
When someone mentions time around me, I invariably inform them that time is a gift, given to them for the time they need to have the time of their lives.

I'm actually sort of insane when it comes to referencing things. Having grown up homeschooled and watching the same random and obscure movies (especially 30s and 40s films) as my brothers and sisters, over the years we've developed a quote-riddled way of communicating that mostly only we get.

For instance, if I say to my younger brother in a certain tone, 'Who is he?' he will immediately respond, 'Oh, I don't know, just a common tramp!' I mean, that is pretty random even for a quote from The Inspector General (1949).


Staff member
Heh, I just remembered a pair of long-running references my friend and I had. Back in high school we were in a musical together (The Emperor's New Clothes) and rehearsal led to some funny flubs. One came about when someone said their line with the entirely wrong inflection. "I'm an orphan, too" was supposed to be said in a sympathetic way, but it came out as a hostile snarl. After that the entire cast would bust out that line whenever they were upset about something.

The second came about because my friend and I were bored and decided to read our already memorized lines backwards. From then on we said "Idea an have I, Ha ah!" any time either of us thought of something.
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