Are we friends, or just internet friends?

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Thinking about the friend thread Tress posted in Ask Dave or Jay, I was wondering - if I lived down the street from you all, would we hang out together? Not me and you specifically, I'm thinking more generally:

We have a carefully controlled environment here where we all react together, and many here wouldn't hesitate to support each other in whatever way seems reasonable.

Yet I can't help but wonder if local friends are fundamentally different than internet friends.

Also, I'm really tired, so chances are I'm going to read this tomorrow or monday and think, "What the...?"

So... thoughts?
There are some people here I'd definitely want to meet. And, my experience meeting a few of our comrades in Barcelona was positive. But, I can suppose there are some here who I enjoy reading more than I'd enjoy meeting...


All the people online I consider friends I am pretty sure I would consider friends in person.
There is definitely more people here that I would want to hang out with, then those that I would avoid in the real world ;)

We should all have a vegas trip or something sometime :awesome:

When I talk about Halforums with my family and friends, I do refer to a good number of you as "my friend"
I do the same, Bumble.

I feel most of you would people I could chat and hang out with IRL.

There are a few though that I would be painfully polite to while secretly hoping that someone would whisk me away before I said something that may or may not be uncalled for
In the last couple years, I have become closer with my internet friends than my "real life" friends, mostly thanks to conventions. I love meeting internet friends in the real world! :) actually I had a WoW friend before who got upset with me for calling her and another guildee internet friends instead of just friends.


Staff member
I got a couch any one of you can crash on for one night. I may have to hide my daughter from a few of you, though.
There was a stretch of time, not too long ago, when I was afraid no one really knew or cared who I was because I didn't post much. Then I started talking to people outside of the forums and....




Staff member
I'm pretty darn boring in person, due to my health issues. Despite that, I think I'd have fun hanging out with a lot of different posters on the boards. One of these days I'm going to get healthy enough to attend some local geek convention, and hopefully I can talk someone else near Houston into going with me.
I'd only be interested in being friends with Dave's daughter.

I kid, y'all are all right, and I'd love to hang out with most (if not all) of you, as long as you can tolerate a boring, introverted, and slightly creepy Asian guy.
That depends, in this hypothetical scenerio where we all live near eachother, is there a mutual meeting ground, like, say...
a bar?


Staff member
I know DocSeverin & I are meeting up at the end of this summer to hoist a beer or three. Actually he'll be drinking and I'll be laughing at his silly antics. It'll be in Colorado Springs. W00t!
Friends are friends--if you're differentiating between internet friends and real friends, you're probably not actually friends with the internet friends--they're just people. I've had places where I could call people online my friends and form genuine connections.


The people who are my online friends are the ones I talk to away from the forum too. Like in irc. There are people on the forum that I like but just because you like someone doesn't make them your friends.
I thought you were all just JCM's alts? You mean there are different people behind these avatars?

EDIT: Seriously though, we're all cool in my book. If anyone finds themselves in the SF Bay Area with time to kill I'd happily meet up for a beer.
Dern it makare, that reminds me, we have to get the group together and Skype again.

Yes, my friends on the internet I consider friends. I'd hoist a beer, chat, or play Warhammer with any of you.
Some of my closest friends are people I've met online - and having met them in person just cements it further. There are definitely a few of you I'd love to hoist a glass with.
I dunno if I should list people because I'm half drunk and will invariably leave some worthy people off my list.

Just know that if I plan to vacation for a while in the States, I'll likely be Louisiana-bound, and prepared to sing in a ukulele duet.

Added at: 02:20
Actually, going to California would be my best bet, to meet Bumble, Allen, Zen and Shawnacy...
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