Are we friends, or just internet friends?

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I'd seriously consider meeting a few of you peeps. I know that Tin lives like an hour and a half from me, and I think Shannow lives in NYC, which is like 3 hours from me.

I'd crash on Dave's couch, and fart in his general direction.

I'd say I'd like to hang out with JCM, but he's still in new baby daddy mode. I'll call him up when he's in my stage of trying to get a 15 minute moment's peace to himself mode.

I love your puns though.

(as a side note, I once actually dreamed I met Shego. I went to the bank, and I was asked by the woman there to sign some papers to get a mortage or something like that. After filling up all my personal information, I gave her back the papers and said "Thank you mrs..." I read her name tag on the desk and said whatever name my subconscious had invented for her. "you're welcome. But you can call me shego" she said. And while I looked at her in terror having realised I had given her all my personal info, she smiled a joker-like smile. "See you soon. And say hi to you children".

If I didn't already know that, this would have been a good clue that I spent too much time online)


Staff member
A couple of ya, sure, why the fuck not. I'm in upstate NY Mathias, though, not in NYC. Although I do travel down there from time to time to party hard...okay, just drink excessivley.
I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.
I actually think it would be interesting to meet some of you. I'd like to see how many people put forth a different side of them online than they do in person. Plus, you all seem like pretty good people.
I'd like to see how many people put forth a different side of them online than they do in person.
That's a topic in itself. How many people are themselves, how many people put on an intentional front, and how many people act different online than they do on the internet, but don't realize it.


I'm pretty spot on online as I am in person.... Never saw a point to having a "persona". Other than talking with a Scottish accent on STEAM every now and then.


Staff member
One of the biggest issues I think we'd run into is that people can be radically different online. I mean, everybody knows that, of course. That being said, most of you'd be fun to hang out with for a little while. I envision a lot of uncomfortable silence in real life though.
One of the biggest issues I think we'd run into is that people can be radically different online. I mean, everybody knows that, of course. That being said, most of you'd be fun to hang out with for a little while. I envision a lot of uncomfortable silence in real life though.
That's just how I am. Uncomfortable silence is my super power.
I actually talk on the internet.
Added at: 11:32
Well tat's not really a fair comparison.

What I mean is based on my post count, you might think I'm a fairly verbose person. But in a setting with more than like 4 people I usually just sorta take it all in.
I've met umpteen people on the Internet, through forums, chatrooms, etc. Travelled overseas to have 'meets', had 20 of them of descend on my house once from all over the world (As far away as Japan, oooooo, exotic). Many of them showed up for our wedding (We put them in the far corner next to the bathrooms - good thinking too.)

All I've learned is that I'm excessively normal in comparison. And I talk a lot. And make a lot of decisions for the group. ALPHA MALE.
I actually talk on the internet.
Added at: 11:32
Well tat's not really a fair comparison.

What I mean is based on my post count, you might think I'm a fairly verbose person. But in a setting with more than like 4 people I usually just sorta take it all in.
Gusto, this is more evidence that we're basically the same person.


There are a few people I would meet and hang out with but not tell them I'm makare.
I've thought a lot of times about a "Halforums party", then my mind scales it down to a more realistic "EuroHalforums party" and I finally sit all alone in my room with halforums open behind another browser window, looking for porn, always ready to be minimized.

Wich probably means I use all of you as the online version of "this magazine isn't mine, I was keeping it for a friend?"

Wasabi Poptart

I'm basically the same here as I would be in person. The major difference being that I vent a lot on here and IRL I have more to talk about than kids, the Navy, and stupid things my neighbors do.
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