Rush Limbaugh Calls Michelle Obama Fat

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There are a few things I'd like to say to Rush's face, but he couldn't hear me anyway. He took so much drugs that it made him fooking deaf. And he's still a social conservative.
Added at: 19:02
And when the hell did the fittest First Lady in 50 years become fat?


I don't really think using any kind of model as a, well as a model, of health is very smart anyway.
At the same time I do agree with Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann..

In the past week, both Sarah Palin and Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) criticized the First Lady's advocacy for breastfeeding. Michelle Obama has mentioned breastfeeding as a way to lower childhood obesity at the same time the White House has successfully pushed the Internal Revenue Service to offer tax deductions for breast-feeding supplies.

I hate breastfeeding propaganda almost as much as anti-smoking campaigns.
1) It's offensive to claim that, because the First Lady doesn't look like a swimsuit model, she's fat.
2) It's offensive to attack a woman in politics because of her looks.
3) Funny, Laura Bush didn't look like a swimsuit model either. Gee, I wonder why she didn't get any of Rush's wrath?
4) Rush Limbaugh needs to STFU about other peoples' weight. He has no room to talk (because his gut used it all up).*

*I'm quite overweight myself, so I get to say that. Nyah nyah.
I think his issue is more with her being a hypocrite and telling people to cut down on food sizes, and restaurants need to be legislated to have smaller portions - but then we hear about their big Superbowl party and their dinners out all the time.

If you want to tell people to eat healthy from a point of moral superiority, you better be damn sure to do the same.
I think his issue is more with her being a hypocrite and telling people to cut down on food sizes, and restaurants need to be legislated to have smaller portions - but then we hear about their big Superbowl party and their dinners out all the time.

If you want to tell people to eat healthy from a point of moral superiority, you better be damn sure to do the same.
This would be valid except Michelle Obama never said people should avoid junk food at all times. She's been pushing to have people eat more nutritiously overall, which still allows for eating junk every once in a while. Rush is claiming that a Superbowl Party and eating some ribs while on vacation means that her message of "You should eat healthy foods most of the time" is somehow invalid now.

She also doesn't advocate using legislation with restaurants. She's encouraging restaurants to serve smaller portions, but nothing anywhere near a mandate or law. Big difference.
At the same time I do agree with Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann..

In the past week, both Sarah Palin and Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) criticized the First Lady's advocacy for breastfeeding. Michelle Obama has mentioned breastfeeding as a way to lower childhood obesity at the same time the White House has successfully pushed the Internal Revenue Service to offer tax deductions for breast-feeding supplies.

I hate breastfeeding propaganda almost as much as anti-smoking campaigns.
Wait... what the hell can you have against breastfeeding? :confused:
Wait... what the hell can you have against breastfeeding? :confused:
I don't think he's saying he's against breastfeeding, but rather dislikes the hardcore breastfeeding crusaders. I feel the same about the anti-smoking crowd: good cause, but their zealotry makes them unlikable.
I don't think he's saying he's against breastfeeding, but rather dislikes the hardcore breastfeeding crusaders. I feel the same about the anti-smoking crowd: good cause, but their zealotry makes them unlikable.
I understand the sentiment with the exaggerated anti-smoking campaigns.. but how can a breastfeeding one be the same? It's not like they're ATTACKING anyone, like the anti-smokers attack smokers.... am I missing something here?
Honestly, I'm not sure. I wasn't aware of any over-the-top campaign for breastfeeding (like Mathias mentioned). Just a few advocates now and then.

Wasabi Poptart

I don't think he's saying he's against breastfeeding, but rather dislikes the hardcore breastfeeding crusaders. I feel the same about the anti-smoking crowd: good cause, but their zealotry makes them unlikable.
This. I am all for breastfeeding. However, there are some breastfeeding advocates who are overzealous. They make it seem like it's a crime if you choose to use formula. If you have tried breastfeeding and switched to formula, you didn't try hard enough. If you had problems breastfeeding, it's no excuse for giving your baby formula because you should have stuck it out longer. Believe me, I had it all said to me by other parents and pediatricians when I switched my son to formula at 3 months old. From some of the reactions you would have thought if I stopped feeding him all together it would have been better than "poisoning him with formula".

I don't really care for the tax breaks being promised. I don't see a problem with encouraging more American women to try breastfeeding though.


Staff member
I understand the sentiment with the exaggerated anti-smoking campaigns.. but how can a breastfeeding one be the same? It's not like they're ATTACKING anyone, like the anti-smokers attack smokers.... am I missing something here?
Yeah, you've missed quite a bit of the history on the matter (my mom was a regional coordinator for La Leche League when I was a toddler, so I grew up hearing about this stuff.) Read up on the Nestle Boycott, in some places that boycott is still ongoing.
Breast feeding up here is sorta in flux.

What I mean is that breast feeding is being promoted but Newfoundland has an aging population that is very vocal about it being 'indecent', especially in public places. The old folks shame their younger relatives when the breast feed because, when they were raising kids, it simply wasn't done. You got Carnation Powdered milk and that's what you gave the child.

I remember when I told my grandmother that I had to give up attempting to breast feed Jet because of his condition she sighed in relief. "Thank the Lord. You'll give the boy a complex if he sees your privates. He'll become a pervert."

So, I guess you can say we have quite the opposite problem up here. That's why it seems so strange to me.
Yeah, you've missed quite a bit of the history on the matter (my mom was a regional coordinator for La Leche League when I was a toddler, so I grew up hearing about this stuff.) Read up on the Nestle Boycott, in some places that boycott is still ongoing.
Probably because kids in Africa and other places are still dying because of the use of contaminated water...
To me people who don't breast feed are like people who are against immunizations, they are going based off of social pressure and stereotypes based off of misleading facts. It is well documented that breast feeding can protect infants against RS infections and GI infections/problems, as well as other immunities that synthetic or freeze dried powders do not provide. Not to breast feed if able is doing your children a dis-service.
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And passive smoking is bad for you(putting any type of smoke in your lungs is not good for your health full stop), i don't think that's why Mathias dislikes anti-smoking campaigns.
I understand the sentiment with the exaggerated anti-smoking campaigns.. but how can a breastfeeding one be the same? It's not like they're ATTACKING anyone, like the anti-smokers attack smokers.... am I missing something here?

My wife didn't breastfeed our daughter. She did it for like three weeks and stopped because the baby wasn't getting enough. The baby got the initial colostrum that she needed to boost her immunity. We were fine with using formula. The bitches at the hospital and several breastfeeding crusaders that we knew made her feel like she was less of a woman because she didn't breastfeed. Not to mention all the propaganda bullshit they spouted about how our daughter was going to be sick her whole life and not mentally develop correctly.

Jokes on them. My daughter's 4, has only been sick twice in her life, and was recently tested as a gifted child. She's three and a half and she can read, write, and do basic arithmetic. I don't even advocate the whole gifted trend bullshit. I treat her like a regular toddler without forcing any sort of advanced learning on her. I read to her every night for like 30 minutes, but that's about it - we just finished the Wizard of Oz. That's the other surprising thing. She's four and listens intently to stories without the need for pictures to illustrate the story.

I always like to shove that in a breastfeeding nazi's face.

Added at: 10:56
And passive smoking is bad for you(putting any type of smoke in your lungs is not good for your health full stop), i don't think that's why Mathias dislikes anti-smoking campaigns.
I don't like campaigns that infringe on my rights to do to my body what I want to do it. If I want to smoke a cigarette, fuck you, I'll smoke a cigarette. I know cigarette's are bad for you, but people who smoke are not the evil, weak-willed devils that anti-tobacco crusaders make them out to be. Tobacco smoking is very much ingrained in many cultures.

The only agenda that I agree with anti-tobacco campaigns is to create smoke-free indoor public areas. No one should have to breathe in smoke if they don't want to. At the same time outdoor anti-smoking laws are retarded. Someone lights up a cig in a park and you're behind them? Go another direction.

I see much of this in the same light as I view abortion. Leave others' decision making up to them and mind your own fucking business.

Joe Johnson

To me people who don't breast feed are like people who are against immunizations,
Some, maybe. We didn't breastfeed because, well, my wife almost died in child birth and ended up not being capable of producing breastmilk.
To me people who don't breast feed are like people who are against immunizations, they are going based off of social pressure and stereotypes based off of misleading facts. It is well documented that breast feeding can protect infants against RS infections and GI infections/problems, as well as other immunities that synthetic or freeze dried powders do not provide. Not to breast feed if able is doing your children a dis-service.
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You sir, can go fuck yourself. I'm not even going to explain why this is probably the most idiotic comparison I've ever seen.


I don't see why you are so upset. Your wife wanted to breastfeed but it didn't work out. So what he is saying doesn't apply to her.
So back on track to the sweaty blowhard's statement. The oxycontin king hasn't been interesting in years. When he says something off message, maybe then he'll be interesting.


I don't think people who are overweight themselves can't call other people fat.
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