GOP moves to redefine rape...

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Staff member
I support the sterilization of anyone who spends more than 3 hours a day loafing around online. Or watching TV.
It's a lot easier to hide from the eunuch brigade than it is to hide from the only source of safe water and/or food for a 50 miles.

Besides, who's saying we can't do both, and more? A chemical approach, coupled with a manual approach, coupled with necessary gov't services being denied to those still fertile, etc.
Because of spiralling national debt, that's why.


Staff member
Well I think some cuts in education could be made.
We could easily pay for the entire sterilization program several times over simply by eliminating medicare, medicaid and social security. Whatever's left over we can put into the military budget to figure out a way to weaponize the sterilizing agent and bombard every corner of the globe with it.
Once we institute the program where the elderly and infirm are carried to the top of the mountains to die, we won't need those things anyway.


Staff member
Young is a comparative reference. Even 20 years after the last child we allow to be born has slithered from its vile mammalian womb, there will still be those who are young. As compared to those who merely aren't quite old enough to be food yet.
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