Rush Limbaugh Calls Michelle Obama Fat

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No, that part is not true... the reason why the life expectancy was lower is because of the high child mortality rates... you made it past puberty chances where you'd live to 80 easy (ignoring war, abusing your body or epidemics).

Life expectancy at birth and life expectancy (or life span)... Two different terms. Ultimately, life span in the human population has ALSO increased because of technology. Anyway, that's not relevant to the point, and again (like always) you are missing the point.

Hjelmborg, J.(2006). Human Genetics. 119(3):312-321

Only about 20% of your genetic makeup is responsible for your longevity. The rest is determined by environmental factors and your own behavior. But this again, isn't relevant to the conversation, since we're actually talking about the definition of what New Age douchebags consider natural, and the reality of what nature really is.

Breastfeeding proponents argue that breastfeeding is best because it's the 'natural' option; therefore formula feeding is wrong. This is a half-truth fallacy of believing that formula is bad to begin with. Formula is not bad. The data is inconclusive (and I'd argue a lot of it bunk), as to whether or not breastfeeding will help your kid become a super genius, superman. It's the same line of rationale as the Baby Einstein craze of the late 90's.

The only concrete evidence is that breastmilk contains an ample amount of immnoglobulin A, which helps with the baby's gastronomical immunity. It exists in colostrum, which is expressed for a couple of weeks after birth. Breastmilk possibly has other beneficial antibodies, which formula cannot replicate, but that's really about it.

What happens often in nature is that infants that don't take to breastmilk-or if the mother doesn't produce enough- the infant dies. This is why I can't stand nurses and doctors who try and force the issue. Oh btw, doctors support breastmilk feeding for one main reason, and it ain't because of the research: they're afraid you'll come back and sue their ass if their kid comes back with cerebral palsy. Peds always follow the safest course of action based on social trends because they're a group that has high malpractice issues.

Bottom line is that the breast is best campaign follows the logic that all things natural are warm and fuzzy and good. Nature is not warm and fuzzy. Nature is about the competition and struggle to pass on your genetic material to the next generation.

If I were an evil man, I'd found a start-up company based off of preying on the fears of new parents. Oh wait that's pretty much what every parenting social trend does anyway.

I have a timer going to see when I get a reply that alludes to the notion that I'm against breast feeding, thus proving Fade's idea...


Staff member
I have a timer going to see when I get a reply that alludes to the notion that I'm against breast feeding, thus proving Fade's idea...
Doesn't that pretty much ruin the point of your experiment, if you announce what you expect to happen? ;)

But since you insist...

*goes to the podium, thumbs through his papers, sips some water*


Lights, please.


Thank you.

Mathias is against breast feeding.

*cue for applause*

Life expectancy at birth and life expectancy (or life span)... Two different terms. Ultimately, life span in the human population has ALSO increased because of technology. Anyway, that's not relevant to the point, and again (like always) you are missing the point.
Child mortality isn't just at's at least a couple of years after too...

And relax, i was just pointing out that what he said is an exaggeration, just like the part where breastmilk makes kids into geniuses is one...

The only concrete evidence is that breastmilk contains an ample amount of immnoglobulin A, which helps with the baby's gastronomical immunity. It exists in colostrum, which is expressed for a couple of weeks after birth. Breastmilk possibly has other beneficial antibodies, which formula cannot replicate, but that's really about it.
So breast feeding is better...

No really, i think we all got it that you're against people that are being stupid zealots about it, but there's no real need for you to take the exact opposite position to them because of it...


I guess that is "cool" for kids who was never breastfed? now you CAN. IN ICE CREAM! :)
Now that's one ice cream parlor that'd be awkward to go to on a date.

As for natural = good... you know what's natural? Mercury.
I was talking to a stoner once, he asked me to go out in the woods to help him collect mushrooms for tea. I told him that I liked my health and sanity the way it is...

Then he told me that shrooms are natural, and God made nature and there's nothing in nature that is going to hurt you...

I suggested that he should get high on arsenic.


Staff member
You know what I find creepy? The mention of free-range... as in there is such a thing as NON-free-range mother's milk.

The mental image of that is something that even I find weird and disturbing.
Gross and a waste of breast milk that could go to babies

I'm more worried about the harvesting techniques. Is this milk getting pasteurized? If not, not only do you run the same risks of bacterial infection as drinking unpasteurized cow milk, but also if the lactating woman:
  • Has been infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
  • Is taking antiretroviral medications
  • Has untreated, active tuberculosis
  • Is infected with human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I or type II
  • Is using or is dependent upon an illicit drug
  • Is taking prescribed cancer chemotherapy agents, such as antimetabolites that interfere with DNA replication and cell division
  • Is undergoing radiation therapies; however, such nuclear medicine therapies require only a temporary interruption in breastfeeding
  • Has Lyme disease
  • Has Hepatitis A, B

I doubt these women are getting screened. This is a fucking disgusting idea.
You know what I find creepy? The mention of free-range... as in there is such a thing as NON-free-range mother's milk.

The mental image of that is something that even I find weird and disturbing.
Weird and disturbing? You can bet there's japanese porn of it.
I'm just going to leave this right here:

Breast Milk Ice Cream Causes Hepatitis Fears In London

Updated: Tuesday, 01 Mar 2011, 9:44 AM EST
Published : Tuesday, 01 Mar 2011, 8:07 AM EST

By NewsCore - A London borough council confiscated breast milk ice cream being sold in a shop in the city's tourist district over fears it could contain hepatitis viruses and sent it for testing.
"Following two complaints from members of the public and concerns from the Health Protection Agency and Food Standards Agency, our officers visited the premises and removed all ice cream being sold as containing breast milk," council officer Brian Connell told theLondon Evening Standard newspaper Tuesday. "Selling foodstuffs made from another person's bodily fluids can lead to viruses being passed on and in this case, potentially hepatitis."
The ice cream, dubbed Baby Gaga by maker Icecreamists, is made by combining a liter of donated breast milk from a single woman with vanilla pods and lemon zest.
The shop's founder, 44-year-old Matt O'Connor, was outraged at the council's actions and claimed that he took "every possible precaution" when preparing the ice cream.
"Our donor was screened at a leading medical clinic, and then the ice cream mix is fully pasteurized. We have had a fantastic response, and 200 women have come forward and offer[ed] to give us milk," he said.
Lactating mothers are paid £15 ($24) for every 10 ounces of breast milk they supply for the ice cream and are required to undergo the same health checks used by the UK's National Health Service to screen blood donors.
O'Connor added that he would consider protesting if the council banned him from selling the ice cream.


What really makes this stomach turning, is that this is a thread involving Rush Limbaugh and it's now involving breast milk....


Now imagine Limbaugh lactating and his milk being turned into ice cream which is then fed to Glenn Beck.


Staff member
Okay, someone tell me this is a hoax:
Lady Gaga Suing the Makers of “Baby Gaga” Breast Milk Ice Cream
Gaga’s lawyers called the dessert ‘nausea-inducing’ and ‘intended to take advantage of [her] reputation and goodwill’. Whether that is the case or not, the legal documents around the case tell the shop to ‘change the name of the ice cream to something which is not aurally, visually or conceptually similar to Lady Gaga’.
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