Millionaire finds credit card. Buys pizza.

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Is there a difference between debit and credit cards in the States?

I thought a debit card took money straight from your personal savings/chequing account while a credit card borrowed money from visa/mastercard to be paid at a later time?


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Is there a difference between debit and credit cards in the States?

I thought a debit card took money straight from your personal savings/chequing account while a credit card borrowed money from visa/mastercard to be paid at a later time?
Yeah, there are lots of differences, but the line is kinda fuzzy in some areas. Debit cards do take from a bank account, and credit cards are still borrowed money, but debit cards can sometimes be run as if they were a credit card (and possibly vice versa). Consumer liability for fraud is different between the two, as are many other laws. The whole card system is seriously messed up.
pffttt... all you hypocrites..

If that poor dude dropped 50 bucks, and you found it wouldn't you keep it despite having 250 in your wallet?
If the poor dude's name was on the 50 bucks and a phone number I could use to try and contact someone who could find him? I don't think I'd keep it then, no.


I dunno, reason I wouldn't have used the credit card is because I know how easy it is to get busted, not the morality. So yeah, I'd have kept the $50.

Now if I was a millionaire? Nope.
I dunno, reason I wouldn't have used the credit card is because I know how easy it is to get busted, not the morality. So yeah, I'd have kept the $50.

Now if I was a millionaire? Nope.
I think the guy figured something similar. He probably thought he had enough time to get a pizza and then toss the card.
PatrThom said:
That was actually repealed recently. Minimum purchase is no longer a violation. Sorta.

Ah, didn't know that. Dodd-Frank bill changed a lot. Either way, those rules were rarely enforced.
It doesn't really matter that the guy is rich. There are rich scumbags. There are poor scumbags. There are men scumbags. There are women scumbags. There are black scumbags. There are white scumbags. There are gay scumbags. There are straight scumbags. There are religious scumbags. There are non-religious scumbags. ETC. ETC. ETC.

If you are an asshole, it doesn't really matter what category you fall in. You will always be an asshole.
Yeah, but as human beings even assholes tend to rationalize their behaviour with things like "well i need it more then the owner" etc.

This guy was just doing it for shit and giggles... that's beyond asshole and into 4channer territory.

I dunno, reason I wouldn't have used the credit card is because I know how easy it is to get busted, not the morality. So yeah, I'd have kept the $50.
Yeah, but you play MMO's, so we already know you're an awful person...


MMOs are the least reason I'm an awful person, but definitely a good reason.
pffttt... all you hypocrites..

If that poor dude dropped 50 bucks, and you found it wouldn't you keep it despite having 250 in your wallet?
Unless you see the guy drop it there is no way to find the owner.

I've given $400+ back before when I $30- in my wallet.
Losing $50 on the ground is not the same as losing a credit card. One has an easy way to identify the person that lost it, money does not usually have such an identifier. It's like when I accidentally left a 24-pack of coke on a shopping cart, I don't expect someone to know it was mine and send it back to me, but if I lost my phone with my name and number written on the back, I expect the person to not make long distance calls with it.

Even so when it comes to cash, I usually look around a bit to see if I notice anyone scanning the ground for something they lost, and if so ask them what they are looking for. If they say some money they dropped, I give it back to them. I am not going to keep something that does not belong to me unless the person has actually abandoned it.

Really, the issue is not that some rich guy was using lost "money", it's the fact he was using another persons "money" knowing full well the name and contact info of the person that lost it. He might as well have been taking it out of the guys pocket. (or the pocket of the credit card company, if his intention was to buy the pizzas and get out knowing the guy would dispute the charge and hopefully get it removed).
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