[Gaming] Official Dragon Age 2 Thread - Thar be Spoilers

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Even if he dies though in Awakening? That is more my question, because I heard the game uses old saves to add little references to what the Warden did in the other games. Most of the ending have Anders getting killed, only one of them hinting of his trip to Kirkwall.
For all the things they changed in the end the only thing that counts for me is if I enjoy playing the game, and I do.
I didn't mind paying 50€ for this game.
Oh yeah...that was super akward....I was like "hey Anders" and suddenly "i have the hots for you hawke."

I'm like... isn't this guy... dead? "Mmmm..... I guess I'll help you..." then BAM, gay come-on with penalties if you don't bend over while going.... "You're gay now? What?"

I was laughing too hard at the fail to get annoyed or upset.
It's a decent game, I won't deny that but it's very linear, streamlined and quite frankly earning its nickname.... Dragon Effect 2.
Mine says I never beat the game, despite me being level 25 and at the very end of Awakening with my rogue who is the king consort.
My save worked fine, except it shows my warden as being prince-consort instead of KING!


As for Anders, -10 rep isn't going to keep you from becoming his friend if you want to let him know you're not interested in man loving. But I know I had the same thought process.

"Anders is my best mage, I can't afford to lose him. I need him for this quest... for the world!

... I might have to take one for the team.

By one I mean a penis."
The rep hit didn't affect me as much it was really oddly placed.

"Oh, hi Anders"
"How, you doin?" /joey tribbiani
"WTF? Sorry, I don't swing that way?"
"Well fuck you then"
-10 rep

I've been taking my time playing the game.


Just had the story move forward 3 years, ran to my estate and currently am in front of it wearing a pimp robe. Fuck yeah.

And it took what? 10+ hours to get an epic boss fight? Other than 2 dragons thus far most of the game was easy going. It was pretty fun too despite being stuck with another bow rogue.

My party normally switches up, Aveline is my tank, I'd switch between my sister and Anders for heals and buffs/cc spells, then put someone else in the DPS role such as Varric, Isabela, Merill or Fenris. Though I rarely use Fenris despite a great voice actor, his character's brooding annoys me, especially with all the rep hits conflicts against my first "nice hawke" character.

I didn't take my sister with me into the Deep Roads. I regret that decision. She's with the circle now...fucking Cullen. Fuck that guy. I'm nearly at the end of the game I think. I just ran into some Wardens. When the Grey Warden somber theme kicked in from Dragon Age Origin, it actually sent a tingle up my spine. All the people SUPER bitching about this game are missing out. Everything is coming to ahead and it is fantastic.


I'm pretty sure Dragon Age 2 has the best voice acting in any game ever, well, tied with the Legacy of Kain cast anyway. Everyone is perfect.
at frankie
she dies if you take her with you. the siblings will join circle (for the sister) or templar (brother) if you leave them,or they will die if you take them with you.
SUMBITCH! Another 3 year jump! Man, ok, then to all the people complaining about a lack of substance (no one here, I know) must have just blasted through the main story, I'm at like 24 hours played (I think some pause time in there) and I've still got a ways to go now.

I was talking with a friend about the game yesterday. He told me of a scene that played out that was linked to his old origins character.

In his Origin play-through, he chose to spare Logainn and make him a Warden. This means Alistair got pissed and left. So yesterday when he was playing DA2, he went into a bar in Kirkwall and, entirely randomly, found Alistair drunk in the corner. He even found he could talk with him and have a little scene.

I found that pretty cool, makes me wonder all the little things that can happen based on what you did in Origins that people may have almost missed.
I think I finished my first playthrough in about 20 hours, including most of the side things, but I know I missed a few things due to achievements. I'm really annoyed by the way the climax began, but I'm pretty sure it's because of earlier choices I made. I would need another playthrough with different choices to be sure though. Or to hear how things came to a head for someone else.\

EDIT: ALSO, Kings outrank queens, so if a man marries a reigning ruler, he can't be king, or else he would outrank her, so by definition, any man marrying a reigning queen is always a Prince-Consort, unless she agrees to cede power.
Ouch, Zevran loooooks teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrible.
Added at: 12:56
I think I finished my first playthrough in about 20 hours, including most of the side things, but I know I missed a few things due to achievements. I'm really annoyed by the way the climax began, but I'm pretty sure it's because of earlier choices I made. I would need another playthrough with different choices to be sure though. Or to hear how things came to a head for someone else.\

EDIT: ALSO, Kings outrank queens, so if a man marries a reigning ruler, he can't be king, or else he would outrank her, so by definition, any man marrying a reigning queen is always a Prince-Consort, unless she agrees to cede power.
They call you the King Consort in the game. I know the term is Prince Consort, but that's what they call you.
I didn't see Zevran because in my first imported save I had to kill him. My next playthrough will be with my elf mage imported though, so I'll be able to see him then I imagine

I imagine they realized their goof and fixed it!

Also, I find it really interesting that Anders was coming on to the male characters, I had to practically grovel to start a romance with him because he was trying to avoid it for fear of hurting me. So was he throwing himself at male characters, or did you just get shitty choices on the convo wheel?
Meh. They are taking advantage of social networking to build buzz and make some cash. It kind of blows that all that shit isn't built into the game but getting some perks for pre-ording or having to pay for them if you don't doesn't really bother me.

The dumbed down fighting system bugs me. I miss having to plan each battle out.
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