Who's faster, Superman or Flash?

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Apparently DC Comics shut down their forum due to vitriolic ad hominem attacks flying around a thread where fans were vigorously debating the life and death topic mentioned in this thread's title.

Enough of that, though, who's really faster?
If we're going to debate this seriously (and what subject deserves it more, really?), we will have to establish some prerequisites:
-Which Flash?
-Which Superman?
-Does the method matter? (Running v. flying)
-Can one of them really go faster than the other? (Both have gone fast enough to break the time barrier at some point)
-Can we discuss this civilly?
-Will the trolls from the other forum come here to continue their mayhem?
-Which trolls will lock the thread faster? Ours or theirs?



Which would I like to be faster? Flash. Why? Cause that's the only thing the poor guy has going for him.
Which is most likely to be right? Superman Why? Cause he's DC's God.


Staff member
Enough of that, though, who's really faster?
The Flash is faster, just by a hair.
The Superman-Flash Races
The article covers the 6 races (that were finished to some degree) between the Flash and Superman that have taken place in DC Comics. Of those six, two finished in ties and four finished with the Flash winning (Wally West took two, Barry Allen and Jay Garrick each took one).

An interesting comment in the article:

Note: in this post-Crisis on Infinite Earths story, the two of them are only able to hit about four times the speed of sound. In the earlier races, both Superman and Barry could easily exceed the speed of light. In recent years, Wally has regained near-light speed, and Superman seems to be able to keep up with him. Apparently, Superman’s speed is defined to be just about as fast as the Flash.
Admittedly, a Flash fan-site is a biased source of information, but it's been said by multiple DC writers that the Flash has, potentially, the most power of any DC hero. If Superman were every bit as fast as the Flash, then the speed-force wouldn't have any edge over Kryptonian physiology.


The Flash is faster, just by a hair.
The Superman-Flash Races
The article covers the 6 races (that were finished to some degree) between the Flash and Superman that have taken place in DC Comics. Of those six, two finished in ties and four finished with the Flash winning (Wally West took two, Barry Allen and Jay Garrick each took one).

An interesting comment in the article:

Admittedly, a Flash fan-site is a biased source of information, but it's been said by multiple DC writers that the Flash has, potentially, the most power of any DC hero. If Superman were every bit as fast as the Flash, then the speed-force wouldn't have any edge over Kryptonian physiology.
Not to mention it took speed-force to contain Superboy-Prime, when nothingelse could. Granted he did escape, it did contain him for a while.
I've always thought the Flash has to be faster because that's what defines his character. As I see him, he isn't just fast. He is "faster". But, of course, when ansquering these kinds of questions, I decide to ignore all in-universe facts and give a metatextual opinion, wich is probably not that interesting in comic book terms,
Admittedly, a Flash fan-site is a biased source of information, but it's been said by multiple DC writers that the Flash has, potentially, the most power of any DC hero. If Superman were every bit as fast as the Flash, then the speed-force wouldn't have any edge over Kryptonian physiology.
Let me put it this way... in the DCAU, the Flash was able to do this...

... where as Superman, Hawkgirl, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Batman, and the Martian Manhunter combined couldn't due crap. The Flash may not be as versatile or durable as Superman, nor can he fly (as well anyway), but the Flash can do the few things he can do better than anyone else. He's simply limited in that he can't really use the full range of his speed without it utterly destroying the area around him, not to mention he risks things like accidental time travel or becoming one with the Speed Force if he does.

TL;DR - Flash is faster, by far. He's simply unable to use the full range of his speed 99% of the time.
I would laugh that such a silly thread got out of hand on a comic forum, but then again we've had a forum meltdown over steak. Not to mention the proper way to wipe one's own ass.

Based on my incredibly limited knowledge of DC comics, I would say the Flash is the fastest.
The Flash is faster, because Superman is too much of a sissy to ever use the full extent of his powers.

Superman is all like "I must control myself, I am a titan among cardboard men. I dare not use all of my powers, for it may scatter them to the wind."

While the Flash is all like "I'm the Flash! I'm the FLASH! Suck my dick Super bitch! I'm the Mother Fucking FLASH!!!"


Let me put it this way... in the DCAU, the Flash was able to do this...

... where as Superman, Hawkgirl, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Batman, and the Martian Manhunter combined couldn't due crap. The Flash may not be as versatile or durable as Superman, nor can he fly (as well anyway), but the Flash can do the few things he can do better than anyone else. He's simply limited in that he can't really use the full range of his speed without it utterly destroying the area around him, not to mention he risks things like accidental time travel or becoming one with the Speed Force if he does.

TL;DR - Flash is faster, by far. He's simply unable to use the full range of his speed 99% of the time.
I have to agree with this. Flash main power is speed. It would make sense that if speed is his main power, that he should be the fastest.
Pretty much what the Chibster said. Why have a guy called the "Fastest Man Alive" if someone else can beat him in a race. I love Superman and all, but Flash is in my top 5, as well.

Before he could tap into the Speed Force? Maybe. Now? Pfft, screw it. The Man of Steel'd be eating his dust.
Considering Flash's name suggests his only single super-power, he damn well better deliver and be faster than Superman. And considering that nothing can go faster than 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 to the infinity % of the speed of light, I'd say that's the limit to Flash's ability.

And really? The Speed Force? Just say that he approached the speed of light, and almost transitioned into a being of pure energy. What a bunch of retarded writers. Speed Force, lol!
Added at: 18:33
The best bit of that video was Batman helping to pull him back. I bet he made all the difference, too.

Haha! I thought the same thing. It's like a little kid helping his dad to "lift" a heavy object.
I like the Speed Force. :( They explained it kinda in the comics (I think; don't have it in front of me to double check). Basically, it's a realm where all energy from speed, used and potential, is gathered. The Flash is able to tap into that. There was a supervillain named Savitar that was able to tap into it with greater ability. He was able to steal speed from items and lend speed to objects and people.

It led to some fun stories, to be honest. Though writers over the years since it was introduced have gotten lazy and pretty much relied on it. To be honest, I always liked the more scientific explanation, where he had to eat a LOT just to keep up with his fast metabolism.
Added at: 17:52
Batman is the fastest.

I...wait, hang on...
Let me put it this way... in the DCAU, the Flash was able to do this...

... where as Superman, Hawkgirl, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Batman, and the Martian Manhunter combined couldn't due crap. The Flash may not be as versatile or durable as Superman, nor can he fly (as well anyway), but the Flash can do the few things he can do better than anyone else. He's simply limited in that he can't really use the full range of his speed without it utterly destroying the area around him, not to mention he risks things like accidental time travel or becoming one with the Speed Force if he does.

TL;DR - Flash is faster, by far. He's simply unable to use the full range of his speed 99% of the time.

What I love about that clip is when Hawkgirl tries to pull him out of that portal, and then GL grabs her to anchor her and then of course Martian Manhunter, effing superman AND wonderwoman (all of whom have super strength) all grab on too........THEN Batman because...you know, why the hell not? And of course it's not until Batman joins in that they actually make any progress.
You mean Professor Zoom?

Nah, he's just as fast as the Flash is. Bizarro Flash is fast as well (though one version is so fat he can't run, so he flies, comics make no sense.)
Point of order! Zoom (The new Zoom) exists outside of the time stream, acting more like a rock thrown across a pool, skipping across our dimension. He's not super fast, he just exists outside of time making speed inconsequential.
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