Bad Guy does some Bad Stuff, totally evil and twisted

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Some bad guy did some bad stuff, and it's all over the news. People who watch it are flabbergasted, concoct revenge fantasies, and then forget about it while the families still deal with it.

Post your revenge fantasy against bad guy, so you can move on.
Post about bringing said Bad Guy to justice. Said justice involves mock trial then public execution via immolation.
Vagabond is sad I didn't post the link to the story.

Because that's very necessary, and stories like this are rare, not available on every single news site pertaining to a different story. Sorry I disappointed you.
Yeah, right. I tell you my revenge fantasy, then you use it and I get framed for the murder. I've seen too many episodes of Monk to fall for that old trick.
The best ones are along the line of: "OH MAN! Just leave me in a room with him for an hour. I'd make him wish he was never born blah blah blah..."

Yeah right. Most people that do the ol' beat em up fantasy would get winded and break a sweat after the first 2x4 swing.

That guy who's always shit talking about being able to pummel everyone and everything? Yeah, the internet revenge fantasy maestro is his retarded cousin.


Well my pedophile revenge fantasy usually involves a kettle of boiling water. I may not be very physically fit but I assure you I can handle that.
Well my pedophile revenge fantasy usually involves a kettle of boiling water. I may not be very physically fit but I assure you I can handle that.

Ok you got my Achilles' heal. Pedophile revenge fantasies are ok (as long as someone makes them reality in the end. I wish I were kidding.)


I guess that's what I always think of for revenge fantasies. I don't go around hurting pedophiles but if it were my kid or the kid of someone close to me and I had access to that guy. Hell yes I would hurt him. That would be the kind of thing losing my profession and doing some time would be worth it.


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Create meta-thread about bad guy reactions and then create meta-post in meta-thread referencing meta nature of thread, creating a singularity that ends the wor-
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