A thread for secrets

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Ice cream and cereal are two foods that you just can't get full from eating. I can get through an entire box of cereal then go for cookies. I'm working on self control, though... Aha.


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Ice cream is the best food on earth. It was invented by gods, I am sure.
I'm gonna third this. When I'm feeling down, one of my go-tos is a scoop of sweet-cream flavored ice cream with a little Oreo smashed in there.

A positive secret.... I love shopping now. It's just now coming out. Used to hate it when I bought clothes simply to avoid a public indecency charge... but now... hell, today I was spinning around in front of a mirror and naming the garments I was trying on. Gary was my favorite. I wonder why and how a dress could feel like a Gary.

None of my secrets are actually positive. I tend to share positive news. Sorry guys, nothing today.
  • I love stormy weather, for some reason it puts me in a really good mood.
  • I lover power outages but at the same time they annoy me cause I can't use my electronics.
  • I sometimes feel incapable of feeling emotions at least in the same capacity as other people.
  • I don't know if I ever want to have kids.
  • I have never been on a date.
  • I often feel that my friends and family thinks overly high of my abilities.
  • I find myself correcting people all the time and I am not really sure why but I often feel it is myself trying to live up to the high standards I feel my friends and family seem to hold me in.
  • I go through times where I feel super smart and than other times where I feel dumber than a box of rocks.
  • I feel that in life I often put on a mask to hide my true self. It is something I have been working on but I still do it for certain issues cause I want to keep the peace.
  • I have a weakness for seedless green grapes If left alone I would eat an entire bag in one sitting.
  • I sometimes wonder if I am mildly depressed or if I should see a psychiatrist/therapist but than again I don't want to be loaded up drugs or labeled this or that.
  • I hate hospitals becuase of all the times my dad was in them when I was growing up.
  • There was times growing up when my dad was in the hospital that I feel that I gave up on caring and came to the point where I didn't even bother visiting him a couple of times.
  • I fear that I will be the one who tears my family apart because I don't act or believe the same stuff as them. So I put on a mask and pretend to go along with everything they say but in reality it is tearing me up inside and I know at some point it is all going to come out.
Sometimes, I will sit and read Dangerously Low On Grog for way too long, and laugh at jokes I made and then forgot about. For some reason, I am really embarrassed by this.
-Every time I talk to my dad on the phone, or get to spend time with him when I visit home, I realize how much I'm going to miss him when he's gone. I think of it as a net positive, though, because I treasure every time I talk to him.
-I'm doing my PhD in neuroscience, but I still feel like an idiot on a regular basis (except in random, esoteric knowledge, which I have an eidetic memory for). I know it's normal, though.
-One of my primary motivations for working out is so I can pull off a more convincing Green Lantern costume, and (possibly) eventually Superman or Hulk.
-I've never lost the belief that, one day, I'm going to wake up and be able to fly.
-The freest feeling in the world to me is running/climbing as fast as I can along the tidepools and cliff-sides of the ocean. I still dream of the time I climbed down a forty-foot cliff face and spent the day in the company of a rising tide, and a tide pool with a single kelp plant in it...

Wasabi Poptart

Positive secret: I sleep with one of my husband's shirts when he's away.


Staff member
- About 7 years ago I met a girl online, and we got engaged before we ever met in person. (Later, we did meet in person, and she moved to be near me some months later, but broke things off shortly afterwards.)

- I started my first college class at age 16. I'm 31 now, and I never finished any sort of degree (or very many classes at all. Chronic illness is a bitch.)

- I can't whistle. I've tried to learn many times, but I just can't figure it out.
- Occasionally, I enjoy the feeling of schädenfreude that comes from my job a LITTLE too much.
- Sometimes I fear that I'm emotionally stunted for one reason or another
- Sometimes I lie awake at night while my subconscious torments me with stupid crap that I've said or done
- Sometimes I drop right asleep because I feel fantastically comfortable with who I am and what I've done
- I worry about how I'm going to act when my daughter is older. I don't want to be THAT dad...
- I am starting to get grey hairs. I delight in the fact that my wife is gloating now, because when it happens to her, it's going to be SOOOO sweet... *evil grin*
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