Rant VII: Now With 25% Less Drama

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So, ummm... anyone know how makare is doing? This was one of her last posts, and she's been gone for quite some time now.
She's perfectly fine. A bit stressed with finals and job interviews but she just went home from school yesterday. She hasn't been posting much here but she's been active in IRC.

Wasabi Poptart

She's perfectly fine. A bit stressed with finals and job interviews but she just went home from school yesterday. She hasn't been posting much here but she's been active in IRC.
Glad to hear she's doing ok. I was hoping I'd catch her on Twitter since she wasn't coming around here. But she hasn't been on over there much either.
<Please note that the following rant is not directed at anyone here on Halforums.>

You little jumped-up, self-important piece of shite! How dare you give me attitude just because you wear a uniform and I don't! It does NOT make you a better person than me and I will bury you for your sense of entitlement! I will rip your head off and bathe in your blood! Do NOT fuck with me!

<Thank you.>
A four-year-old girl in my son's preschool class was hit by a car and killed yesterday afternoon after chasing a basketball into the street. It's hard enough for me to explain to my son why his friend Annabelle won't be coming back to school, I can't even imagine what the parents are going through right now.


Thank you for interviewing me on Friday the 29th. As you indicated that the person vacating the position was scheduled to have their last day this Friday, the 13th, I thought it only appropriate to send a follow up email last Friday (6th), first thing in the morning..giving you plenty of time to respond.

Which you didn't do.

So I called you at noon yesterday, only to have the receptionist tell me you werent available but that email was the perfected form of contact....so I wait, and emailed you again this morning, only to get the following response within minutes:
I got your emails and your phone message. We’re currently still in the process of interviewing. We will contact you if we need to see you again.
So now I get to come across as the pushy/anxious one! Appreciate the communication and/or honesty!

Especially for a position that I was extremely intrigued by.....
Damn Kayk, that's tough. I had the same sort of issue happen to me a few times during my recent unemployment and it really made me question whether or not I was going to get the positions or whether I had just screwed myself by seeming needy. Good luck to you on the position.

I posted some about auditing these forums on the minor rant thread, but now it's expanded into a full-blown rant. Some of the agents we use to moderate these things are so closed-minded about exploring new options for what could be causing a problem that if I were the users posting in them, I'd be beating my head against my desk until I heard the satisfying squishy sound. Seriously, how many times can you rephrase the same question before you just accept that the user has a very unique problem and escalate the damn thread to an escalations rep so the poor schmuck can get this dealt with and move on?!:mad:


Staff member
Okay, this day is gonna suck like hell...

I've barely slept on the account of the weather getting warmer.
I'll be driving about a hundred miles in total in heavy traffic.
I'll have four quite teacher-intensive classes to teach.
Normally I'd have some downtime during the day but I've been told to schlep the responsibility for a group of students who will have to tell their next year's course selections by Friday - some of whom have yet to do it.
Plus, there's a teachers' meeting today after classes.
With travel time, I'm looking at least an eleven-hour day.
Perhaps having to deal with some students who spend their high school fuckin' around.
With practically no sleep.
With a growing headache.



Staff member
A four-year-old girl in my son's preschool class was hit by a car and killed yesterday afternoon after chasing a basketball into the street. It's hard enough for me to explain to my son why his friend Annabelle won't be coming back to school, I can't even imagine what the parents are going through right now.
When I was in kindergarten my best friend was killed when a truck frame that was suspended by chains broke free and fell on him. I still remember being told he died and being a pallbearer at the funeral.

I have no words to say how sad this makes me. And the driver was only 16. Fuck.
:mad: **RAGE ** :mad:

Had so many problems with the iPad in Vegas, roaming just didn't work and Wifi was sketchy at times.

Just got our data bill back. $615.

I don't believe I've ever sent so many F-words in one email to one company. That's like $6/Mb....ARGH.


Oh god I need a job. Oh god oh god oh god.
Been applying all over, haven't gotten a single call back. Only leads I have are in Ottawa, so if I end up moving out there I have to come up with the money to pay off my rent here.
The Twin Cities hates me. Right before I got there, the tread seperated from one of my tires while driving 70 mph. Who knew the tread of a tire could do so much damage. My wheel well and side panel is all fucked up from it flailing around. At least I got pulled over before the tire blew.

4 new truck tires + fixing the body damage = me having zero money for a long time.
What irks me is I was going to replace them last fall. I knew they were getting old, but they had plenty of tread left on them. So I ended up putting it off. I won't be doing that again.
Second tooth extracted without problem... or rather, it would have if the insurance company hadn't denied payment. I now have to pay the whole $135 out of pocket, instead of the $15 it was supposed to be.

They told us I had coverage until the end of the month when I scheduled these appointments. I feel like I need to sue a bitch...
Putainasse de salopeass de merdeass de poufiasse de conasse de scheisse und ficken von VITTU!!!!

I had gone so long without something unfortunate happening to any of my police vehicles, and today, whilst driving the transport wagon, some son of a coprophilic pedophilic mongolian clusterfuck decides to rear-end me, whilst I was beginning a left-hand turn.

Not my fault, once again, but there's always a little bit of stigma associated with an accident, and it's the last thing that I need right now...
Putainasse de salopeass de merdeass de poufiasse de conasse de scheisse und ficken von VITTU!!!!

I had gone so long without something unfortunate happening to any of my police vehicles, and today, whilst driving the transport wagon, some son of a coprophilic pedophilic mongolian clusterfuck decides to rear-end me, whilst I was beginning a left-hand turn.

Not my fault, once again, but there's always a little bit of stigma associated with an accident, and it's the last thing that I need right now...
Did you get out of the van with your gun drawn?
So one of my best friends (the one who's transitioning into becoming a woman), pretty much dumped me and our circle of friends for a group of transgenders who "get" her. Look man, your wife is one of my close friends too, I'm sorry if I can't be 100% behind your decision to change. Just because I can empathize with her doesn't mean I'm abandoning you, asshole.
So one of my best friends (the one who's transitioning into becoming a woman), pretty much dumped me and our circle of friends for a group of transgenders who "get" her. Look man, your wife is one of my close friends too, I'm sorry if I can't be 100% behind your decision to change. Just because I can empathize with her doesn't mean I'm abandoning you, asshole.
That sucks man, but it sounded kind of inevitable.
Sitting at my computer waiting for the police dept to call me back after they do a well-fare check on a friend of mine who threatened to cut his own throat and then logged off of everything. This is just shitty.

Edit: He's "fine." He has been directed to get help, as this is the second time in two months that he's threatened to kill himself, and about the 5 millionth time (ok, that's an exaggeration, but you catch my drift) that he's talked about how much better off he/his family/the world would be if he were dead. He's previously failed to check himself in to a hospital - he couldn't prove that he was a threat to himself or others because he had not yet tried to commit suicide, only wanted to - so he really needs some professional help.
Bloody hell, Gared, I hope he gets the help he needs. I have a best friend like that and being on watch seriously sucks.
I hope so too, I've (finally - I've been trying to keep him as happy as possible for about 2 years now) come to the realization that aside from being there to chat when he wants to talk and pressing him to get help, there's nothing I can do. And, I finally found a family member who's been burying their head in the sand about this whole situation this entire time and told them in no uncertain terms that they need to make sure they talk to him and try to get him to get professional help as well, because neither of us is qualified to provide mental healthcare.


Our town and surrounding area is flooding. My mom's best friend was told to evacuate their home and that the house probably wouldn't be there when they get back. It's very scary. Some people are already without water and electricity. Seeing the river engulf the beaches and the causeway is awful in the true sense of the word. The nature preserve island, La Fromboise, is going to be gone they say. There are so many beautiful, culturally, and historically significant places that are in the waters way. I hope the predictions are wrong
Flash floods are scary in their own way, but this slow, inexorable flooding that's occurring along the Mississippi must be terrible. There's warning, time to evacuate, the waters are rising slowly, but they are rising. And there's simply nothing you can do to stop it. You know that whatever is in its path is history well before the actual damage occurs.
Argh. I have a really dumb coworker. Really dumb. I work in Finance, ergo there's a lot of math involved. She wants me to calculate an average balance for our customers. I have the total balance and the number of customers, but I can't send her those numbers because she won't know how to figure out the average. That makes me feel like a tool because I'll do the extra work to avoid her retardation from being exposed.
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