Ire is not amused by such petty squabbling. the human woman was already dead, and killing the bastard tiefling wont bring the dragonborn back. one's squad and teamates are supposed to be closer than family, for you will have to eventually rely on them to survive. the tiefling should know that to lose one's teammates is meant to be a horror that he should ever be so lucky to never have to experience, much less to cause, and should face some retribution, but there is a place and time. and considering that ever since i met you people she has been dropped in fire, thrown down a sloping corridor, and attacked by drow, she thinks she would like to make it out of this strange place before you decide what to do with the teifling.
now Ratkor on the other hand, he says to kill that no good motherless red skinned horned bastard in the slowest and painfullest way imaginable, and has one message for tyrdin from the beyond: "I met your mother here in the afterlife, and i rode her hard."
lol jkjkjk. no hard feelings. XD