Assassins Creed 1 or just go on to 2 and Brotherhood?

Should Espy bother to play Assassins Creed 1?

  • Yes, it's actually a really good game

    Votes: 11 84.6%
  • No, it's about as good as North Korea's department of human rights

    Votes: 2 15.4%

  • Total voters
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I think I fucked around out of order, because I did a load of rebuilding Rome before the game informed me that I was able to do that. Oddly, I'm enjoying the extra gunk thrown into this one, as opposed to in AC1 with the flags and AC2, where I did enjoy the side quests at first, but eventually ditched them and just went through the story. I don't like that landmarks sit there with their giant price tags, making you think they're worth something, when really they're just to have. That's 29,000 florens I'll never see again.

As for the story, I just got to the point of recruiting assassins last night. Deploying them is beautiful. A Borgia knight moved past a haystack on horseback while two foot soldiers marched behind him, and then two of my recruits pounced out of the hay, killing one soldier outright and yanking the other into the hay with a knife to his throat. The knight kept moving, completely unaware.

I kind of wish Ezio had some part in training them though. You see them on the street, you help them fight soldiers (which felt like saving citizens from AC1, which I missed), and then you send them off. Instantly, they're available as trained assassins. I would've liked to have done stuff with the first batch, showing them the ropes.

In case anyone didn't know (I stumbled upon it by accident yesterday), the PS3 version has some free DLC: two multiplayer maps, and an extra layer of side-quest stuff for the single-player involving rescuing Copernicus and his scholars from the Borgia.
Finished the single-player for Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood tonight. Pretty much what I expected after playing the last two games, so I'm eager for Revelations in November.

The story has me on the fence, because on one hand I feel these inspiring, romanticized historical fictions are being interrupted by the futuristic weirdness, but on the other hand I'm intrigued and want answers from the futuristic side of things. Supposedly Revelations will wrap up a lot of loose ends (according to the GameInformer I got today, anyway)... we'll see, now that that one guy has left Ubisoft.

I'm really tired of the meaningless busywork though. Lots of side missions that get you nothing, lots of micromanaging money situations that amount to nothing. Even your trained Assassins are able to play little role in the penultimate chapter. I fully upgraded the villa in AC2 and it amounted to jack squat. They did better with Brotherhood, considering investing in shops matters since you have easier access to them from anywhere, and the side missions at least had their own little storylines this time, but it feels like a glut of content made only to distract from the main story, and unlike Bethesda games, the main story is engrossing enough that I choose to ignore the distractions.

I hope they continue improving the integration with Revelations, but even if not, I'm looking forward to it just to see the story go forward and to play with that nasty-looking Hook Blade Ezio is going to get. As always, I love the gameplay. The actual movement and fighting and killing only gets better with each game. It'll be neat to go back to playing as Altair in Revelations with the advances made to the gameplay since the original.
I loved the ending of brotherhood, it was like OMFG NOOOO! NOOOOOOOOO

Then you watch the credits and you hear the things happening and you're like NOOOOOOOOOOO

Series is getting progressively better and Brotherhood was a fun playthrough. Have they revealed the setting for the next one?
I loved the ending of brotherhood, it was like OMFG NOOOO! NOOOOOOOOO

Then you watch the credits and you hear the things happening and you're like NOOOOOOOOOOO

Series is getting progressively better and Brotherhood was a fun playthrough. Have they revealed the setting for the next one?
Constantinople I believe.
You play as Desmond playing as Ezio, and sometimes Ezio will play as Altair. It'll be set in Constantinople around when the Ottomans are taking over, so it's a big turf war between Templars and Assassins.

Brotherhood spoilers:
Desmond is in a coma and apparently suffering some of the shit that Subject 16 went through. His mind has fractured and playing as Desmond will mean going through some of his own memories to piece things together so he can wake up from the Animus.

They're also trying to merge the sidequests into being more incidental encounter situations rather than the GTA-model they're currently aping.

They're also intending to wrap up some of the loose plotlines and clear some storyline ground for AC3. Revelations will be Ezio's final game in the main series.
Supposedly the multi-player will have story involved too, but I'll believe that when I see it. Each new element Ubisoft adds to the games has been gimmicky and tacked on at first, and then becomes refined in the next game, so I don't expect much out of that. Either way you're still playing as Abstergo agents.
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