[Webcomic] PVP Discussion


Staff member
Admittedly, I do like how Max looks really, REALLY uncomfortable. Like he is thinking"Dude... Please, for the love of GOD, stop talking before I pierce my own eardrums!"


How can he have "no idea what that means"? Is he 3yrs old? Failed joke is failed.


Staff member
Wait, is Kurtz trying to say that Max is completely out of touch with 80's pop culture? No wonder Brent and Cole hate him.


I don't think Max is very...experienced with the ladies.
Max isn't a nerd and Skull isn't great at explaining things.
No, Skull explained very obviously. Max is clearly old enough to know both those films. Just because he's gay doesn't mean he doesn't understand what kissing is. The entire joke is a failure at its core.

Wasabi Poptart

I think it's supposed to be that one is sweet and innocent while the other is dirty sexy (though personally I think Top Gun is the furthest from hot or sexy as you can get).
Dude! Chill a little. You do sound very hostile. There's been a few possible reasons as to why Max doesn't get what Skulls saying thrown out at you but you've chosen to ignore all of them.

I'm starting to believe you aren't actually coprehending what other people are writing, instead you immediatly jump to "They are disagreeing with me! Must disregard them! Must snark! Exterminate, EXTERMINATE!"

Sorry...I sort of went off on a tangent.

I'm caught here. If I fall for this obvious bait, does that prove I have thin skin? If I roll my eyes and ignore it does that paint me a coward in those waiting to see if I respond?

This is a predicament!
I'm caught here. If I fall for this obvious bait, does that prove I have thin skin? If I roll my eyes and ignore it does that paint me a coward in those waiting to see if I respond?

This is a predicament!
Don't worry about it Sin, I know where you stand. It's basically the same place as me.

I've been sorely tempted to lock this thread numerous time because there is a core faction that believes that Scott can never do right with PVP. But I firmly believe that we as a forum can discuss PVP in a way that will not devolve into madness. I've even posted strips from time to time in WCAJ.

Seriously guys, leave your hate at the door. Today's was a decent strip; not perfect, but decent.


Staff member
I, for one, have no idea why Alfie is talking out loud to himself about which direction he should run. Pretty weak writing if you ask me.

It seems like after the video episode, it should've ended. Bumbz is a hack.
Did you get that flaming bag of crap on your doorstep last week?

That was me.
For real though, the only thing I didn't like about yesterdays comic, was the fact that he made no effort to change the ctrl c+v max in the last two panels... I mean, at least when I do it, I change the face or arms or something...