Staff member
Some links for today:
Want booze or a tattoo but don't have the cash? Eh, spend your food stamps on it.
The latest column from Thomas Sowell: Dependency and Votes. “The poor have been used as human shields behind which the expanding welfare state can advance.”
Are you aware of the little stunt that the AARP has pulled in regards to ObamaCare? Here comes that "crony capitalism" word again.
Even after raising income taxes 66%, Illinois is still spending about $5 billion more a year than it receives in revenue.
Those evil Republicans want to cut a giant 1.3% ($2 billion) from our food stamps program (which saw a $20 billion increase in 2009).
Thousands of companies that cashed in on PrezBo’s economic stimulus package owed the government millions in unpaid taxes.
Obama is increasing government spending even faster than the budget numbers imply. That’s because some of his increased spending is disguised as cuts in taxes.
What happens if you post something on the Internet about our Dear Ruler that isn’t true? You may be hearing from the White House.
Reason Magazine explains why Obama's spin on GM's latest profit report is pure horseshit.
Don’t let these Quantitative Easement (QE2) stuff scare you. You need to know that the plan failed. Miserably.
SEIU union goons got their members and local citizens in Hastings, PA all worked up about an evil shale driller in their neighborhood. The only problem is …
Bruce Bartlett: Is the Fair Tax Herman Cain’s Ace in the Hole? I hope so. I don't think so, but I hope so.
Want booze or a tattoo but don't have the cash? Eh, spend your food stamps on it.
The latest column from Thomas Sowell: Dependency and Votes. “The poor have been used as human shields behind which the expanding welfare state can advance.”
Are you aware of the little stunt that the AARP has pulled in regards to ObamaCare? Here comes that "crony capitalism" word again.
Even after raising income taxes 66%, Illinois is still spending about $5 billion more a year than it receives in revenue.
Those evil Republicans want to cut a giant 1.3% ($2 billion) from our food stamps program (which saw a $20 billion increase in 2009).
Thousands of companies that cashed in on PrezBo’s economic stimulus package owed the government millions in unpaid taxes.
Obama is increasing government spending even faster than the budget numbers imply. That’s because some of his increased spending is disguised as cuts in taxes.
What happens if you post something on the Internet about our Dear Ruler that isn’t true? You may be hearing from the White House.
Reason Magazine explains why Obama's spin on GM's latest profit report is pure horseshit.
Don’t let these Quantitative Easement (QE2) stuff scare you. You need to know that the plan failed. Miserably.
SEIU union goons got their members and local citizens in Hastings, PA all worked up about an evil shale driller in their neighborhood. The only problem is …
Bruce Bartlett: Is the Fair Tax Herman Cain’s Ace in the Hole? I hope so. I don't think so, but I hope so.