Awwwwww Nooooooooooo!

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Still can't believe my shitty neighbors sold their house today. Is buying a bottle of champagne and celebrating on our front lawn as they move out a bit over the top?

Cause I don't give a SHIT!



Hell no.... invite your friends, have a cookout.... don't feed the shitty neighbors a damned thing. Watch them sweat in that viscious Quebecois heat. Occasionally cackle at random intervals.
It doesn't have to. He expressed disdain for his neighbors and relief at their departure. Jay made no mention of race, and it wasn't brought up until DA made his inquiry. I don't see why anyone has to bring it up further, we don't need another thread derail here. Let him have his fifteen minutes of bliss.
It doesn't have to. He expressed disdain for his neighbors and relief at their departure. Jay made no mention of race, and it wasn't brought up until DA made his inquiry. I don't see why anyone has to bring it up further, we don't need another thread derail here. Let him have his fifteen minutes of bliss.
This thread has raised some interesting philosophical questions for me - If Jay just makes a thread about his neighbours moving out with no mention of race, and DarkAudit is the one who infers some quasi-racist intent behind it, is it really Jay's fault?

I'm with you on this one. I can't give Jay an infraction for something he never said, or for something he might be thinking based on a thread that only a dozen people remember from like 2 years ago.

Continue with your jubilations!


Staff member
No. If my shitty neighbors moved out I'd throw a party, too. Race be damned, they suck anyway!
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No. If my shitty neighbors moved out I'd throw a party, too. Race be damned, they suck anyway!
Pretty much this.

You folk can think all you want from what you read on these forums but you don't really know me, you don't know the situation we are in, what kind of people they are. You just read and make assumptions to what I am. Whatever. My fiancee hates them too and from the discussions I gathered from 4 different neighbor couples I invited over last week when I hosted a BBQ, many of us were very relieved they were selling the house.

They simply ain't good people and don't belong to live in such a nice neighborhood. One thing I learned is that you can choose your house but you cannot choose your neighbors. Those of you who are home owners know this most. It sucks when you move in you realize you moved in beside scum.

The weekend has been awesome and hopefully in the next few weeks I'll see them move as I bought a bottle of champagne yesterday and hope to crack it open in the weeks to come.

Wasabi Poptart

One thing I learned is that you can choose your house but you cannot choose your neighbors. Those of you who are home owners know this most. It sucks when you move in you realize you moved in beside scum.
Not a homeowner at the moment, but I did learn this same or similar lesson about military housing. You never know who you will end up living next to and you have almost no choice about living there once you're moved in.
Fine. What I know about them and you, I got from you. "I hate their gibberish language," said it all.

I don't know you? Dude, I don't want to know you.
Meh. I certainly remember what was said 2 years ago and the "What the Fuck, Jay?!?" from Dave. In this instance, it doesn't really matter. Shitty neighbors are shitty neighbors. I'd cheer them moving too.

Here's hoping a very sweet Korean family moves in.
Fine. What I know about them and you, I got from you. "I hate their gibberish language," said it all.

I don't know you? Dude, I don't want to know you.
When your neighbors are outside by 7:30 AM during the weekends with their 4 children (from what I gathered, it may be more), all under the age of 4, screaming as if it's day care in a language you don't understand, it certainly is gibberish and I was being civil in typing that because I've described it much worse.

Oh, I also didn't know my reply catered to you. Don't be mad though, I know full well you don't like me. Nor do I care if you don't like me. The fact you go in rage mode when you can't come up with any comebacks and need to find ways to troll me is absolutely delicious.

It's alright though, someday you'll grow a little older, be a little wiser and simply let go of all the hate, all the rage.... don't fear the changes.


We gotta make a change...

It's time for us as a people to start makin' some changes.

Let's change the way we eat, let's change the way we live...

And let's change the way we treat each other.

You see the old way wasn't working so it's on us to do

What we gotta do, to survive.

Added at: 22:12
Dude...I didn't even remember that until you mentioned it. Have you been harbouring this hostility for the past two years?
Wait... wait... he's Korean? :awesome:
Added at: 22:13
Here's hoping a very sweet Korean family moves in.
They can be anything as long as they aren't a bother. :)
Oooh, is this the awkward moment where once again you can't think of a comeback?

Let go of the rage my Korean friend.

I hold no animosity against your people.

난 내 친구 한국어, 당신은 내 외교 사과를 받아 죄송 해요?


Staff member
And we were just saying we were lacking the appropriate level of angst and drama! I thought Peggy was going to bring it but she's got to step up her game.
I want this drama lama title!

Hey! Krisken! Your face smells you righteous hoe-bag!

C'mere and I'll box your ears!

No, wait, you're right, my face smells. I'll skip the ear boxing if it's alright with you.
Well...ear boxing was going to be my thing man. I can't let you get out of it on my first day of trying out for the drama lama races.

How about I just, kinda, tap the back of your head a little. Like a kitten pawing a ball of yarn.


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*Soap opera organ music* I just met my somehow identical half-sister... and ... she's.... PREGNANT! Dave is the father!
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