Rant VII: Now With 25% Less Drama

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Is that
Darn straight. See, if the nation allowed Texas to secede umpteen years ago, Bush would never have been released on this nation, and we wouldn't be having the flooding we're experiencing.
Is that also why we're having flooding in the Red River in Manitoba?


I'm not really sure how Pierre/Ft Pierre are being spared or whatever anyway. Both places are below the dam and therefore if the water hadn't been released we wouldn't have flooded as badly. It really is just too much water and regardless of what some people say the damn breaking IS a potential issue. If that happened, well we would all be really screwed.


Staff member
Because Steiny basically schooled me I'll take my rant another way.

This morning: My car breaks down on the way to work, overheating. I spend my last $$ buying coolant. As I pour it in it comes out the bottom at the same rate. I call a friend to get me to work. I get there and the AC is out. For lunch I get a ride back to my car to limp it to the mechanic and then have to walk home wearing a black shirt and black slacks in slick working shoes. It's 100 degrees out (38 C).

Now I'm sitting at my desk with no pants on in the air conditioning.
bad Southern accent
Ah do de-clare, Ah just mahght faint. Ah'm gonna go have me a set-down on my poach.
/bad Southern accent

Wasabi Poptart

clickity clickity clickity buzzz click clickity

That's my laptop's hard drive. Mr. Wasabi says he might be able to salvage it. But his methods might not work. Bye-bye music, videos, and photos. Stupid me for not making back ups.

Wasabi Poptart

No, it's not running. It won't boot up past the splash screen without an I/O error. Mr. Wasabi mentioned trying to replace the board on the drive...or something to that effect. He was muttering to himself quite a bit, so I didn't catch what exactly he was going to do. I do know this could work or it could be a giant disaster.
Several lessons learned here though including not to underestimate a 5-year-old's desire for Rice Crispies cereal or his ability to launch himself off of the couch in order to get to his breakfast, and why I should never leave my laptop sitting willy-nilly on a piece of furniture near either of my children. :whistling:
Well the clicking noises do mean that your hard drive is hosed. But on the bright side if you can find some one with a SATA-USB adapter you "might" be able to back up your files still.
No, it's not running. It won't boot up past the splash screen without an I/O error. Mr. Wasabi mentioned trying to replace the board on the drive...or something to that effect. He was muttering to himself quite a bit, so I didn't catch what exactly he was going to do. I do know this could work or it could be a giant disaster.
Several lessons learned here though including not to underestimate a 5-year-old's desire for Rice Crispies cereal or his ability to launch himself off of the couch in order to get to his breakfast, and why I should never leave my laptop sitting willy-nilly on a piece of furniture near either of my children. :whistling:
This may be helpful
As mentioned in the tech forum, Corsair is now recalling their SandForce-based SSD of similar design to my OCZ one. OCZ is resting doing this so far, but I've seen enough to stop trusting my new purchase, in spite of only seeing the issue in question once.

Problem is, I bought the drive in Mayfield, OH. A good 3 hour drive from here. And now it's construction season in the Pittsburgh area, which is in between me and there.

At least there's a Five Guys right next to the the Micro Center store.

Ironically, while I was working at a bike shop. Usually have it locked up, but my girl had the keys on her. Thought it'd be okay, since I'm in and out of the store all the time to grab a bike from outside.

But yeah, to reiterate?


(And because Nourah takes offense to side comments that I make when not thinking clearly...she may have had the keys, but she offered to come by with the spare keys. So, it's twice-wise my fault.)

Wasabi Poptart

SixPack - He has an adapter and hooked it to his laptop which is when I could hear it making the clickity click buzz (and also when he was muttering to himself about his children and a certain wife who has destroyed one laptop and now laid waste to the hard drive on its replacement).

Drifter - I'll have him check out that link. Thanks!

Steinman - What's the freezer trick? I think I remember reading about this, but refresh my memory please.
That link specifically recommends not using the freezer trick.

Changes in temperature will expand/contract the components inside the hard drive and this can every once in a while line everything back up right. If you get condensation on the platters, though, you might brick the whole thing.

Wasabi Poptart

That link specifically recommends not using the freezer trick.

Changes in temperature will expand/contract the components inside the hard drive and this can every once in a while line everything back up right. If you get condensation on the platters, though, you might brick the whole thing.
We're already talking last ditch efforts anyway since it's playing the clicks-of-death song. I just realized I have quite a few of the photos backed up on a portable drive and some are still on my camera. I'll probably just lose the music if it is bricked - which bothers me, but it won't be horrific.
If you want anything off of the drive, leave it alone until someone who knows more about what they are doing has a chance to look at it. You can do even more damage to it by powering it up.
Well, yes. If it turns out to be just some music lost, it doesn't matter so much. Play around with it to your hearts content. If you're talking about family pictures you'll never get back, it may be worth it.
Steinman - What's the freezer trick? I think I remember reading about this, but refresh my memory please.
I have done this as a last ditch effort for data recovery for people that don't want to spend real money on data recovery. In theory you can use a hair dryer, or an oven set for no higher than 125F as well.

In the summer it's tricky, though, due to humidity. To avoid problems with condensation, and to use the freezer trick I do the following:

Place desiccant puches in a gallon ziplock freezer bag (if you don't have any such pouches, you can do without them, or you can use dry rice in small socks).

Place the drive, with the cables attached, inside the freezer bag with the desiccant pouches. Put the drive inside in a position that would allow you to get the cables out without opening the bag very much.

Seal the bag and let it sit for a few hours at room temperature so the rice/desiccant can suck all the moisture out of the drive and the air in the bag.

Place the bag in the freezer and let it cool off for an hour.

Take it out, and get the cable ends out, only opening the bag as much as is necessary, and connect it to a USB drive adaptor. Plug it into the computer and it might work.

If it does, you only have about 15-30 minutes.

If it doesn't put it back in the freezer, sealed, for another hour.

Once it fails again, put it back in the freezer again for an hour or so.

Even though it might not, you should assume that this process destroys the drive and any remaining hope of removing the data. If you think you might want to try data recovery services later, just bag the drive and save it for when you have the resources to pursue that option - don't try this unless you are certain that you are ready to chuck the drive already.

Heating the drive should have a similar effect, and should be less destructive, but can be trickier to control because most ovens don't go that low in temperature, and very few consumer ovens tell you the truth about what temperature they are actually at. But if you run your oven around 100-150F and heat the drive slowly, it should have the same effect, you just don't have to worry about the desiccant.

Ironically, while I was working at a bike shop. Usually have it locked up, but my girl had the keys on her. Thought it'd be okay, since I'm in and out of the store all the time to grab a bike from outside.

But yeah, to reiterate?

I told you yesterday when I saw you hadn't had your bike locked up that you should lock it up. I also offered today to bring the spare set of bike lock keys to your work place and you said not to bother so I didn't. I'm really sorry that your bike got stolen, but you can borrow Charger until you get a new bike.
I just sneezed and broke my best inking pen. I was chewing on the end of it, looking around for an erazer when the sneeze snuck up on me. My head boobed down toward the desk where the pen nib collided with the surface! It is now bent at a 90 degree angle!

This pisses me off. The pens are 10 bucks a pop!
My supervisor walked out today. So now, as the senior most senior, much of his work is going to fall onto me until we can find someone to replace him. Recently the store has gone through quite a few changes staffwise including my old sup moving up to manager, one of the seniors moving to sup(the guy that walked out today), and myself becoming a senior officially, after having done the job for two months prior. Over the last month or so I've expressed to the appropriate people that I don't feel I've received either the correct or the full amount of training necessary for the position that I am currently in and that the other senior kinda just farts around the store all day instead of doing his work, this on top of the fact that we were also down one senior as well, normally running with three. This had put a tonne of pressure on myself as, in order for the store to run efficiently, I had been picking up the slack as it is.

Also, as of last week, my manager is now also doing the job of the inventory manager on top of his normal duties because the previous one had to be let go. We had finally filled the third senior position but now are left with three, in my opinion, under-trained seniors and half a manager to run the monetary side of a big chain store. On the one hand it does open up a position that I could probably have, but, it I'd also be taking responsibility of this massive train wreck and the clean up that is going to have to ensue. Looking for another job right now is pretty much out of the question unfortunately as we've just passed the point where most places have finished any hiring they'd do for the summer.

Honestly, I have no idea what to do right now with that place..

I hate people who like to play pseudo-boss at work. You're not my fucking supervisor, stop acting like I have to do everything you beckon for on a whim and report to you.

Yes, I started my new job back in industry, and yes, it's fun dealing with the same old co-worker stereotypes. There's this one senior analyst who's driving me fucking insane. She watches everything I do like a hawk, and gives me her opinions on my technique when I don't fucking ask.

She's one of those people that believes the company would go bankrupt and out of business if she decided to up and leave when the reality is she matters very little.

I'm convinced she's insecure because I can already do what her job entails after three weeks of working there, compared to her 5 years of experience. I know this because she always flags me out on company policies that I just haven't been around long enough to know.
Added at: 07:03

Ironically, while I was working at a bike shop. Usually have it locked up, but my girl had the keys on her. Thought it'd be okay, since I'm in and out of the store all the time to grab a bike from outside.

But yeah, to reiterate?


(And because Nourah takes offense to side comments that I make when not thinking clearly...she may have had the keys, but she offered to come by with the spare keys. So, it's twice-wise my fault.)
Dude, it's a bike shop. Why didn't you just buy a lock there?
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