Rant VII: Now With 25% Less Drama

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Wasabi Poptart

Whereas most are simply crippled by apathy, or only willing to help if it doesn't cost them anything. True, in this example, there's more good than bad - this would be the exception, not the rule, in my experience.
I'm with you, O_C. This does seem like the exception and not the rule. Maybe it's because of the experiences I had when I was working in the casino. Maybe it's because of other things I have seen since living outside of my little house in the country back in NJ. I don't think my view is cynical at all. It think it's very realistic.
I can't believe I still don't have a working computer.

Phone/email tag with CyberPower PC is still going.

Don't buy from CyberPower PC. Customer service is pretty much non-existent and they don't take responsibility for things they are clearly responsible for. I can't believe the shit they're putting me through.

Let your friends and family know, CyberPower PC is a piece of shit company. I should've checked out their customer feedback forum before buying. Lesson learned. @%(&@!$@*#@(!*


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Healthy skepticism isn't a bad thing. Debilitating cynicism, on the other hand, makes you look like a lunatic.
Listen, Pollyanna, hope for the best, prepare for the worst. Everybody's still stamping their feet for entitlement while the system drowns in debt. Maybe they're right, it does look like we passed the point of no return, so maybe it is best to grab what you can while the getting's good.

But just remember: you are simply an organic pain-collector hurtling inexorably toward oblivion. Maintain your priorities accordingly or collect a great deal.

Then I think I'll stay in Wisconsin, where the Mayor of Milwaukee rushes to the aid of a woman screaming for help.
Heh, didn't he get the stuffing beat out of him with a lead pipe for his trouble? Kudos to him of course, but isn't the mayor supposed to have an entourage or something?
Heh, didn't he get the stuffing beat out of him with a lead pipe for his trouble? Kudos to him of course, but isn't the mayor supposed to have an entourage or something?
Got a broken arm since the other guy had a lead pipe. Besides, you know as well as I do that if he had an entourage that's all we would hear about come election time.

Don't worry about me, Chicken Little. I was a Boy Scout for 14 years and already prepare for the worst. I just don't have to dismiss it when I see the best in people :)


Staff member
Got a broken arm since the other guy had a lead pipe. Besides, you know as well as I do that if he had an entourage that's all we would hear about come election time.

Don't worry about me, Chicken Little. I was a Boy Scout for 14 years and already prepare for the worst. I just don't have to dismiss it when I see the best in people :)
I'm not saying people can't have the odd or even regular spurt of do-gooding in them. What I said was that every single one of us is one really, really shitty day away from becoming a complete monster. Sort of a "there but for the grace of god go we all" type thing.
Of course, but on a given day, 99% of us go around living our lives not harming other people.

So what was your bad day that sent you over the edge?

Pregnant wife die in child labor, only to have Batman push you into a vat of chemicals...
I'll bet you I can find more examples of people doing horrible things than you can of people doing selfless/kind acts...
Maybe because the kind acts don't get reported as much as the other stuff? That doesn't prove anything.

Also, as I said, that story had 1 instance of a jerk and two instances of kindness. Which did you focus on?


Good things have more value anyway so even if it ends up being a thousand to one the good still means more.


Hate my job with increasing intensity. Tired and bored and realizing there's no career ahead of me that plays to anything I'd like to do for long term.

And yet it's a job and for that I'm thankful. Had an awesome interview back in my preferred field but did not get offered the job. Too many ups and downs with the applying/interviewing process.


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Good things have more value anyway so even if it ends up being a thousand to one the good still means more.
Well ain't you cute. The world is not an after-school special, entropy guarantees we're all on a permanent downhill slope and the truth of the matter is horrible things happen to good people all the time for no reason. Or rather, there is a reason - it is because each and every one of us is a single human out of billions on a planet, which is one of billions in the galaxy, which is one of hundreds of billions of galaxies in the universe - which means your misfortune is not only insignificant, but completely inconsequential. To the universe, the abject ruination and descent into insanity of a human, or indeed all humans, would be infantesimally less noticable than how noticable you found what any particular bacteria riding on an ant on your lawn had for breakfast this morning.

And you want to talk about "value and meaning?"


Staff member
Well ain't you cute. The world is not an after-school special, entropy guarantees we're all on a permanent downhill slope and the truth of the matter is horrible things happen to good people all the time for no reason. Or rather, there is a reason - it is because each and every one of us is a single human out of billions on a planet, which is one of billions in the galaxy, which is one of hundreds of billions of galaxies in the universe - which means your misfortune is not only insignificant, but completely inconsequential. To the universe, the abject ruination and descent into insanity of a human, or indeed all humans, would be infantesimally less noticable than how noticable you found what any particular bacteria riding on an ant on your lawn had for breakfast this morning.

And you want to talk about "value and meaning?"

Your retirement plan, then?
Well ain't you cute. The world is not an after-school special, entropy guarantees we're all on a permanent downhill slope and the truth of the matter is horrible things happen to good people all the time for no reason. Or rather, there is a reason - it is because each and every one of us is a single human out of billions on a planet, which is one of billions in the galaxy, which is one of hundreds of billions of galaxies in the universe - which means your misfortune is not only insignificant, but completely inconsequential. To the universe, the abject ruination and descent into insanity of a human, or indeed all humans, would be infantesimally less noticable than how noticable you found what any particular bacteria riding on an ant on your lawn had for breakfast this morning.

And you want to talk about "value and meaning?"
You and I would get along. I just explained entropy and the desolate meaninglessness of existence the other day. It was as well-received as it could be.
I think we would have all figured out by now that there is no filter on Gas, you have to take his absolute cynicism with a grain of salt...personally I have found this entire exchange hilarious, you guys keep me chuckling just when I think life is getting to mundane.
Added at: 15:30
You and I would get along. I just explained entropy and the desolate meaninglessness of existence the other day. It was as well-received as it could be.
heat death?


Staff member
You and I would get along. I just explained entropy and the desolate meaninglessness of existence the other day. It was as well-received as it could be.
I often fondly recall the words of my high school physics teacher in explaining the three laws of thermodynamics to the class all those years ago:

1) You can't win
2) You can't break even
3) You can't even quit.
Well ain't you cute. The world is not an after-school special, entropy guarantees we're all on a permanent downhill slope and the truth of the matter is horrible things happen to good people all the time for no reason. Or rather, there is a reason - it is because each and every one of us is a single human out of billions on a planet, which is one of billions in the galaxy, which is one of hundreds of billions of galaxies in the universe - which means your misfortune is not only insignificant, but completely inconsequential. To the universe, the abject ruination and descent into insanity of a human, or indeed all humans, would be infantesimally less noticable than how noticable you found what any particular bacteria riding on an ant on your lawn had for breakfast this morning.

And you want to talk about "value and meaning?"
Or you can take that frown and turn it upside down.

Consider again that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar", every "supreme leader", every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there - on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.
The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner, how frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds.
Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the Universe:, are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves.
The Earth is the only world known so far to harbor life. There is nowhere else, at least in the near future, to which our species could migrate. Visit, yes. Settle, not yet. Like it or not, for the moment the Earth is where we make our stand.
It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another, and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known.
There you go. In one sentence Carl Sagan undermines everything you just said. The reality is that in this massive, massive universe, the only thing we have to make the emptiness at all bearable is each other. The thing is you do matter. Everyone matters. For all intents and purpose, WE - humanity- are what gives the universe its sentience and possibly some purpose to the enormous void. We are part of the same stuff that everything else is composed of. We essentially are all the same and different at the same time. Now isn't that an encouraging thought? Even death can't take that away from you or anyone. Hell, even the essence of that bacteria still remains after its replicated and dried up.

Gas. Bubbie. Buddy. I highly recommend you read some stuff by a guy named Brian Swimme, particularly a book called "The Hidden Heart of the Cosmos", and do some extensive insightful looking into Buddhist based religions. I think that'll help alter your perspective on things a little bit.

I'm not even a very religious person, but it's mind blowingly amazing to me to the level of entropy required to counterbalance the organization that you find in living organisms.


Well ain't you cute. The world is not an after-school special, entropy guarantees we're all on a permanent downhill slope and the truth of the matter is horrible things happen to good people all the time for no reason. Or rather, there is a reason - it is because each and every one of us is a single human out of billions on a planet, which is one of billions in the galaxy, which is one of hundreds of billions of galaxies in the universe - which means your misfortune is not only insignificant, but completely inconsequential. To the universe, the abject ruination and descent into insanity of a human, or indeed all humans, would be infantesimally less noticable than how noticable you found what any particular bacteria riding on an ant on your lawn had for breakfast this morning.

And you want to talk about "value and meaning?"
What the shit was this crap?

Good behavior and bad behavior matter to both the people who experience them and the people who perform them. The immensity of the universe is irrelevant. You've gone off on ridiculous tangents before but that one well, "isn't that special?"


Staff member
When I was a kid, my dad used to go on when I was working with him in his shop about how all those apocalypse stories were pretty realistic, and how "good" people would be killing each other left and right to get their own if anything like that ever happened. Probably explains my cheery disposition.
Does anyone remember what happened to me after the Canada beat the US at the Olympics? The police cars? The ambulance? The flaming US flag and the tackling?

My neighbours were at it again last night. Apparently they go beyond sports nut to sports psychos.
Added at: 14:09
Also, apparently they are Boston fans.

Poor guys.
You know, I don't normally go in for apocalyptic, build the fallout shelter kind of stuff, but I gotta be honest, when Gas mentions the actual, very real state of our economy, with the amount of debt/spending/etc I can't help but agree to an extent. I think there are a LOT of people with their heads in the sand who are just pretending like we aren't on a collision course with some very serious consequences to our actions as a country. I don't know that it will be end of the world stuff, probably not, but I do know that common sense says things aren't always going to be sunshine, roses and a sweet 14 trillion dollar debt.
My parents charged us rent whenever we weren't in school. Even when I dropped out in '07 with the full and complete intention of going back in '08 I was charged for that year. My brother worked during most of his electrician apprenticeship and pays rent even now, but the couple of times he was in school for a semester as part of the apprenticeship, he didn't have to pay.

Your son doesn't have a job? Tough shit. Either he continues school or he contributes to the household to such a degree as to necessitate a full time job. Either as a student or a labourer, he needs to become a productive member of society.
Pretty much this.

I paid rent as well and then I realized, 300$ more a month I could get the fuck out, 500$ more I can get a bachlor's pad all included and food was in the cost.


Bringing bitches home, going to bed when I wanted to, do what the FUCK I wanted to.

Good times.

No reason to allow a kid to live in his room not going to school or have a job. In fact, I'll nicely say, the parents are in fault in this to allow this to happen.

My dad would have taken off his belt and threaten me. :)
I just told my parents they should throw my sisters out.

I feel terrible saying it but she's becoming a bit much. She works a better, higher paying job then my husband...yet she always claims she doesn't have money. She doesn't pay her car payment or insurance, she doesn't pay rent or any utilities. She does, however, but a lot of clothes and shoes, parties every weekend and ingest several illicit substances.

She's been having her friends in and my parents jewellery has gone missing.

It gets worst. She tracked down the guy that she thinks stole the jewellery...and he's been threatening to kill her, my parents and he has called me and threatened to rape my baby because my sister is a "dumb slut".

I've had it. She actS apologetic yet this stuff keeps happening.

...so why do I feel so guilty?


Staff member
I just told my parents they should throw my sisters out.

I feel terrible saying it but she's becoming a bit much. She works a better, higher paying job then my husband...yet she always claims she doesn't have money. She doesn't pay her car payment or insurance, she doesn't pay rent or any utilities. She does, however, but a lot of clothes and shoes, parties every weekend and ingest several illicit substances.

She's been having her friends in and my parents jewellery has gone missing.

It gets worst. She tracked down the guy that she thinks stole the jewellery...and he's been threatening to kill her, my parents and he has called me and threatened to rape my baby because my sister is a "dumb slut".

I've had it. She actS apologetic yet this stuff keeps happening.

...so why do I feel so guilty?
WHAT?!?!? Not only should you not feel guilty, but you should call the police on this loser for making threats! Jesus Christ why would you put up with this?
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