Rant VII: Now With 25% Less Drama

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WHAT?!?!? Not only should you not feel guilty, but you should call the police on this loser for making threats! Jesus Christ why would you put up with this?
I should mention that when he made the threats I did not react meekly. I gave him a verbal bneating that I don't think he'll soon forget.

Then I went to the police station and filed for a peace bond.

I should also mention that I found out at this time that I wasn't the only that had been in that day about him. I'm given to understand that he is now chilling at a local mental hospital.
I should mention that when he made the threats I did not react meekly. I gave him a verbal bneating that I don't think he'll soon forget.

Then I went to the police station and filed for a peace bond.

I should also mention that I found out at this time that I wasn't the only that had been in that day about him. I'm given to understand that he is now chilling at a local mental hospital.
Thank God. Thats a little good news. Sounds like you dealt with it right sin! Way to go!

Also: What is a "peace bond"?
Welp, in a case of 'speaking of the devil summons him', I got another phone call minutes after my last post.

This time it was girl. She asked very sweetly "Are you Aprils sister?"

I responded yes, wondering if April was in trouble. She then went off on a tirade about how "we are going to kill you baby and beat you to death....and then we'll rape the baby afterwards."

Apparently these people have a thing for baby rape.

Cops have been called. Warrant is out for my incoming call records.

Once again responded by telling them that I will rape them with a butchers knife if the step on foot into my house. I don't like to threaten rape, it seems sick and juvenile, but it seemed effective as she started crying.

What the fuck people?


Staff member
Or you can take that frown and turn it upside down.

There you go. In one sentence Carl Sagan undermines everything you just said. The reality is that in this massive, massive universe, the only thing we have to make the emptiness at all bearable is each other. The thing is you do matter. Everyone matters. For all intents and purpose, WE - humanity- are what gives the universe its sentience and possibly some purpose to the enormous void.
That's a very humanocentric point of view... that the only purpose for the universe to exist is to give humans a playground?

Didn't he also say that it would be a huge waste of space if there was no other sentient life out there?

What the shit was this crap?

Good behavior and bad behavior matter to both the people who experience them and the people who perform them. The immensity of the universe is irrelevant. You've gone off on ridiculous tangents before but that one well, "isn't that special?"
What's really ridiculous is that you ascribe "value" to good and evil, and furthermore give more of it to one than the other.

When I was a kid, my dad used to go on when I was working with him in his shop about how all those apocalypse stories were pretty realistic, and how "good" people would be killing each other left and right to get their own if anything like that ever happened. Probably explains my cheery disposition.
Likelihood of any given apocalypse aside, take away the comforting structure of society or civilization and it's no great leap to imagine the survival instinct driving previously "good" people to willfully do ghastly things to continue to live.

You know, I don't normally go in for apocalyptic, build the fallout shelter kind of stuff, but I gotta be honest, when Gas mentions the actual, very real state of our economy, with the amount of debt/spending/etc I can't help but agree to an extent. I think there are a LOT of people with their heads in the sand who are just pretending like we aren't on a collision course with some very serious consequences to our actions as a country. I don't know that it will be end of the world stuff, probably not, but I do know that common sense says things aren't always going to be sunshine, roses and a sweet 14 trillion dollar debt.
I'm not even trying to get into politics in this thread.. I'm just talking about basic human nature.

What the fuck people?
Man, I used to think canadians were laid back and friendly.
Weeeelll, I was going to rant about not getting the managerial job that I applied for (which I've been basically doing for the past 3 years), but after hearing about what's been happening in LittleSin's life, I think I'll just keep my mouth shut.
LittleSin, they touch you or your family, I'll send my MP friends out to assist Dave.
"Dave Gets Anally Probed At The Aiport After Telling The TSA He's 'Going To Fuck Someone Up': A Lifetime Original Film starring Mickey Rooney as 'Dave'"

Wasabi Poptart

Aww, Mr. Gusto. At least this week is nearly over. Maybe next week will be a vast improvement.
Some pecker head 9th grade kids pushed down my 10 year old niece and stole her money and necklace as she played in the school playground across the street from her house. Apparently my sisters boyfriend chased them off, but it burns me up that High School kids are picking on elementary children and stealing from them. What little dicks.
I was driving back to work from lunch. I had the sunroof open, and the windows down. It was hot out (95+) a strong wind was up from the south. Willie Nelson was on my MP3/Car Stereo. I was singing along out of tune...

...and a mother fucking bird flew over and SHIT on my steering-wheel.

I should have posted that in the Random Crap Thread.
Ants have overtaken my backyard for the umpteenth time... which I didn't notice last night. So when I walked outside to let in my dogs during the night and accidentally stepped on the ant hill, I didn't register that the itching sensation on my feet was ants until they started biting me. Now my feet are all itchy and swollen.
Geez, Ash, that does suck.
Apparently, 25 years ago the entire area of my family's property was consumed in ant hills. When they were digging it up to put in the foundation, they literally had to evacuate the area because a swarm of ants came out of the ground and started biting people for collapsing their tunnels. The crew came back a few days later and finished the job but we've had ant problems ever since. We've had to resort to bug bombs more than once.

It's still not as bad as the time I was in Georgia and stepped on a fire ant mound. My foot was unrecognizable for days after that.
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