Ryan Dunn dies in car crash

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People like him are supposed to die on set doing some stupid stunt. Not as a result of generic idiocy.

Anyone can die in a drunken car crash, but it takes a special person to burn to death in flight while jumping a shopping cart over the grand canyon.

It takes an even more special person to want to watch that brand of stupidity.
He's rolled cars how many times doing 23 times the speed limit? I know there's a story that Bam Margera would tell about how when they were young Ryan Dunn flipped a car with him and his brother in it and his brother ended up in a coma for a period. There's only so many times you can do that before it eventually ends in fiery death. Still, it's unfortunate to hear, always been a Jackass and CKY fan.


Does a nice impression of Zach Galifinakas in that picture... he will be missed in Jackass 4.
A man-child learns that he's not immortal all too late. News at 11.

As much as I don't like to wish anyone dead, I'm actually surprised it took this long for one of the Jackass assholes to die in a firey crash. All of those guys just piss me off. They're full grown men with minds like toddlers.

People are raging at Roger Ebert for tweeting something about "Jackasses drinking and driving". The backlash from Dunn fans is that it's not proven he was drunk. I say it's a pretty cut and dry case. The guy's a known heavy drinker. He was in a 2007 Porsche. Those things don't just magically fly off the road and burst into flames if driven at normal speeds with a sober driver. My guess from the wreck photos I've seen is that he was doing a buck 20-50 while drunk, down rt. 322 at 3 am. I've driven that highway many times. It's practically the American Autobahn, that's how straight it is.

The only possible non-drunk situation I can think of is he was still hauling ass and a deer jumped out in front of him.
He tweeted this picture last night...

His PR people removed it from his feed, but it was already out in the ether.

Bar owner confirmed it was from last night.
Just an FYI people who actually watch Jackass and the movies are the same people that would love "Ow, my balls"
I admit some of the shit they pulled off as kids was funny, but it's kinda sad to see 30 somethings still acting like they're 12. The only one of them I have an ounce of any respect for is Knoxville. Bam is probably the biggest douchebag on the face of the Earth.
I feel really bad for both Dunn's family and the other passenger's family. Not only because they have to deal with the loss of their son/brothers/etc but because they have to deal with knowing it was totally preventable. All I can really say is thank God he didn't kill anyone else. 2 people is bad enough. Huge props to Roger Ebert for speaking the truth. Maybe this will get some people to think before they get smashed and go put themselves and others at risk behind the wheel.
simple rule in my circle. when we drink, we don't drive, whether its one or 10. hell I don't even drink anymore so I just let my buddies get their shits and giggles off and I haul us home.
Just an FYI people who actually watch Jackass and the movies are the same people that would love "Ow, my balls"
Hey, I love "Ow, My Balls". There is nothing wrong with enjoying a little slapstick humor in addition to the more esoteric wit of the day.


Staff member
Hey, I love "Ow, My Balls". There is nothing wrong with enjoying a little slapstick humor in addition to the more esoteric wit of the day.
Those guys really go through some impressively convoluted and egregiously overpowering methods to deliver blunt trauma to testicles.


Staff member
I love about 1/2 of the Jackass stuff. The rest just makes me wonder why or want to puke.
I love about 1/2 of the Jackass stuff. The rest just makes me wonder why or want to puke.
Generally I'm not big on Jackass myself. I love Wipeout (other than the two hosts, which I find grating) and Road to Sasuke (which is shown on G4 as Ninja Warrior). Slapstick humor doesn't just have to appeal to the more mentally disabled among us and can be enjoyed by anyone.


Staff member
I'm sorry it happened, but like Mathias, I'm surprised it took so long for this to happen to one of them.
I feel really bad for both Dunn's family and the other passenger's family. Not only because they have to deal with the loss of their son/brothers/etc but because they have to deal with knowing it was totally preventable. All I can really say is thank God he didn't kill anyone else. 2 people is bad enough. Huge props to Roger Ebert for speaking the truth. Maybe this will get some people to think before they get smashed and go put themselves and others at risk behind the wheel.
The Jackass fans are really riding Ebert for his comments; coming up with all sorts of alternate scenarios as to why he lost control of the car. That's all well and good. I'm all for not ruling out things like a deer jumping out into the road, but let's list the facts:

He had a known history of alcohol abuse.
He was a notorious speeder (pulled over once on camera doing 167 mph)
He was drinking that night.
The wreckage of the car looks like that Porsche was a large crumpled and burned piece of paper. Cars don't look like that slamming into a tree at lower speeds.

Sure there's a 1% chance a deer jumped out, but there's a 99% chance that the whole thing was alcohol induced loss of control of a car going 130+ mph. Ebert is right on the money.

As someone who's brother died at the hands of a drunk driver, Dunn fans can go fuck themselves with their theories. The thing that pisses me off about people defending his actions is that if it was some sports athlete involved instead of a Hollywood actor people would be right along with Ebert's comments.
The thing that pisses me off about people defending his actions is that if it was some sports athlete involved instead of a Hollywood actor people would be right along with Ebert's comments.
I mostly agree with everything you said, but this I'm not so sure of. Fans will put up with just about anything (remember the excuses being made for Michael Vick?) and will defend their idols with reckless abandon.

I think Ebert was most probably right, and before I changed it the first post said "was alcohol related" instead of "may have been alcohol related".

So, yeah. Probably drunk and definitely stupid. Ebert is getting a raw deal from people criticizing him.

Dunn was going 140 MPH with a BAC of .196, over twice the legal limit. He also had a previous DUI to go along with 23 driving infractions over the past 13 years from six different counties.

So yeah, if anything, it's amazing it took this long for something to go wrong, and I feel bad for the families of the people involved. The passenger should've never been in that car, and I'm glad it was a tree they hit and not other innocents on the road.


Staff member
Some of the comments from that article are fucking brutal! I have a dark sense of humor but Jesus fuck.
I do at least one DUI like that every night shift I work and while it varies from person to person I've seen people who could barely get words through their incomprehensible spittle language to people who I would've bet a dollar weren't drunk.

I'm guessing he was somewhere inbetween.
Ryan’s last words, “Fuck you gypsy moth!”

0.16-0.19 BAC: Dysphoria predominates, nausea may appear. The drinker has the appearance of a "sloppy drunk."

0.20 BAC: Felling dazed, confused or otherwise disoriented. May need help to stand or walk. If you injure yourself you may not feel the pain. Some people experience nausea and vomiting at this level. The gag reflex is impaired and you can choke if you do vomit. Blackouts are likely at this level so you may not remember what has happened.
Thing is, from even back in the Viva La Bam days, Dunn was a functional drunk. At his soberest he was worse for wear and actually functioned better drunk.
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