What keeps you up at night?

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No, it's not sleep apnea, since I only do it as I'm falling asleep (the first 10 minutes) and sitting up slightly. If I'm laying on my back or side properly I have no problems and get a full nights sleep except for when the seasons change, where I get my bouts of insomnia.

I literally hear myself snore.

Back when I lived in the duplex with two room mates they had a joke that I could be woken up by a mouse eating cheese on the other side of the place.
Lately I can't fall asleep without watching or hearing something, I always leave a Friends episode on my computer in the background or something... I don't know, those minutes lying in bed before you actually fall asleep are kind of scary at the moment.


Staff member
I know that feeling. I like having noise on, too... mostly when I'm home alone. I put on some music or a show/movie that's so familiar that it's easy to ignore.
I know that feeling. I like having noise on, too... mostly when I'm home alone. I put on some music or a show/movie that's so familiar that it's easy to ignore.
Yeah if I'm home alone tv has to be on. If kids or wife is here I'm fine but if not I'm asleep in front room with tv on because I don't like the dark if I'm all alone
The extreme fire danger in my neck of the woods and that there are wild fires in my county and two adjacent ones.
I could not sleep last night due to all the rain... second measurable rain in 7+ months.

I told my co-workers that I was late this morning because I spent 10 minutes dancing naked in the rain...


Staff member
Thankfully, it was the fellow. We were actually reminiscing about it last night and laughing hysterically. We wake each other up so often, it's gotten funny. I elbow him in the stomach when I roll over or shove my butt into his side, and he snores and groans a lot.


Staff member
Man, did I have a weird dream last night... something about an entrance exam into an Irish university, followed by a prawn festival where I kept running into David Caruso, who was a very nice person off-camera. And then getting lost in a hospital where in one locker room there was a squad of heavily armed soldiers of fortune gearing up.

Oh, and I think I discussed the taste of prawn with Morgan Freeman. According to him, kingprawn tastes like veal.

Since yesterday was the first decent rain in 8 months, they dug out of the mud and started getting it on last night. When I stood on the back porch that overlooks the lake, the croaking was nearly as loud as a jet engine.
The day before yesterday it was the thunderstorm outside my window. This evening it was a zombie invasion dream. Think I drank to many coffee's and espresso's earlier today.
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