Finally, a restaurant that bans screaming kids

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You people are annoyed by kids at a restaurant? You're all dead inside. As was said before, teenagers are much more annoying. They're at least supposed to have a filter. I don't think I've ever been bothered by someones kids going a bit crazy before.
I generally am not bothered by kids crying in restaurants. Normally restaurants are noisy enough that it is not an issue... until that child is sitting a foot behind me and the parents don't take them out even after they cry for 10 minutes.
Oh, did our comments put your panties up in a bunch? TOO BAD.

So your kid's going to be locked in the cellar for most of his life? You need to take them out and socialize them too.
Didn't ask for pre-parenting advice. Either way, I think we'll be able to handle it and I'll still think low of parents bringing kids to resto to annoy us and plan in the most BASTARDLY of ways to get them kicked out.
Yeah, teenagers can be annoying too. I know waitresses who HATE the gangs of teens that show up on Friday nights. Two or three teenagers are okay, but I'm talking about the huge packs of ten or more. They constantly switch the seating arrangement, take forever to order, make a lot of noise, and don't really know how to tip because they're used to having their parents pay the bill.
While going through a drive through today, a car full of 5 teenagers sat in the line behind me yelled out their windows "HURRY UP" over and over again, while giggling in their car in between like they were the masters of comedy.

I remember when I was that dumb. But I try not to.


Staff member
I have to admit, it's not always even teenagers that can be loud. In the Medieval Market we have this tradition that about a week before the show starts (usually around the time when we first rehearse in our costumes), some of us of-legal-drink-age go on a night out after rehearsals, to a dinner in some nice place. Last year, we went to a steakhouse, and ended up being rowdy enough that a group of soccer fanatics switched to the other side of the restaurant because of us. Funny ^^

This year, we went to a bit more fancy restaurant. You know, three-course meals and such. We were a slightly older group now, so I didn't expect much to happen. Well... one or two of the ladies got tipsy as hell, one of the man accidentally broke a glass and cut himself, another accidentally set his bill on fire. And apparently we were loud enough that after sorbet had been served and the bills were paid, we were asked to leave. Not so funny.


Staff member
This is why staying in and cooking is great. If there are any children in my home, it's my niece--who is an interesting and insightful person--or some lost kid who somehow broke into my apartment.


At restaurant, I don't mind. My nephew is VERY well behave (my sister takes him out often so he is not scared of the outside world) He is 2.

Now I do mine NOISY kids (that including teenager) in movie theaters. I am trying to watch a movie and some kid yammering/crying for 15 minutes during the movie (not previews) bothers me.
I'm gonna be honest, I don't see it as a big issue, but I think thats because we don't go to many "family" restaurants. It's been years since I've spent much time in places that a parent would actually want to take a little kid too. I don't really care if a place wants to do it, hey, it's their loss if they lose business but it's not something I've ever thought needs to be a major concern.


I'm gonna be honest, I don't see it as a big issue, but I think thats because we don't go to many "family" restaurants. It's been years since I've spent much time in places that a parent would actually want to take a little kid too. I don't really care if a place wants to do it, hey, it's their loss if they lose business but it's not something I've ever thought needs to be a major concern.
I agree. In Texas, there is always a sign that a restaurant has the right to refuse service.


As long as the signs are not applied generally they should be fine. Like the article said children are not a protected class however "minority races" are.


In the 60's the Blacks and Hispanics proved that those signs don't hold water.
Well. I don't think any owner can restrict a race to the restaurant but if any family members have some screaming kids, the manager can kick them out (regardless of race)

now if there is a race issue (i.e. ban all Asian) then that is a different ball game

but if I was ban cause I was rowdy but another Asian was allow to stay, then I have no case.
If you can't afford to buy a house AND fire insurance for it, then you can't afford to buy a house.

If you can't afford to go out and dine (not at McDonald's, or the like) and afford a babysitter too, then you can't afford to go out.

Same principal.

You are INFLICTING your children on others by taking them with you. Done. Full stop. You can't find a babysitter? Then STAY HOME. It's not your right to inflict your uncontrollable child's crap on everybody else. YOU, the parent, are the one being an asshole by inflicting this on other people. Your child is too young (only from about 4 and under IMO though) to have responsibility, but YOU sure do. Stay home, or find a babysitter. Tough crap if that means you only go out once a month. You decided to have a kid, you deal with it.

If I found out there was a place near where I lived that had this sort of policy, I'd go there whenever I could to support them. But wasn't there a place in the 'states that had a similar policy, except it was "loud children" or something? So not strictly age-based, but if you were found to have loud children, you would be asked to leave. I'm thinking 1-2 years ago it made the news.
I would be much for receptive to a no loud children policy than a no kids allowed policy. Give the parent a chance to resolve the problem should one arise and if they can't calm them down or refuse to take them to a bathroom or outside to calm down then have them leave. This would be much more reasonable in my book.

And Eriol youmust have insane babysitting bills! Babysitter when u need gas or go to the post office or go shopping etc. If thats what I'm suppose to do then I'm the worlds biggest asshole because I takey kids almost everywhere!

Sorry for grammar at work on my phone :)
Yeah you missed the point Crimson, he's saying that to take a child (4 and under) to a place where quiet is supposed to be the atmosphere, aka a restaurant or theatre, then you shouldn't go if you can't get babysitting (He's also talking about it from a financial standpoint). I completely get what he's saying. You're taking it a bit far by saying that he meant that a child should never be taken anywhere without a sitter.
If you can't afford to buy a house AND fire insurance for it, then you can't afford to buy a house.

If you can't afford to go out and dine (not at McDonald's, or the like) and afford a babysitter too, then you can't afford to go out.

Same principal.

You are INFLICTING your children on others by taking them with you. Done. Full stop. You can't find a babysitter? Then STAY HOME. It's not your right to inflict your uncontrollable child's crap on everybody else. YOU, the parent, are the one being an asshole by inflicting this on other people. Your child is too young (only from about 4 and under IMO though) to have responsibility, but YOU sure do. Stay home, or find a babysitter. Tough crap if that means you only go out once a month. You decided to have a kid, you deal with it.

If I found out there was a place near where I lived that had this sort of policy, I'd go there whenever I could to support them. But wasn't there a place in the 'states that had a similar policy, except it was "loud children" or something? So not strictly age-based, but if you were found to have loud children, you would be asked to leave. I'm thinking 1-2 years ago it made the news.
I have no idea who you are... but I like you already.

Well said.
Isn't part of what we are dealing with just rude parents here though? There are kids who are super well behaved and when they aren't the parents remove them from the place. The parents who take their kids to a nice place (read: Not Denny's or Applebees) and then proceed to let their kids scream for 30 minutes are rude. Yes, maybe you are trying to teach your kid a lesson but just like a jerk yelling into his cellphone you are disrupting the folks around you.

I would much, MUCH rather see a restaurant ask people to please step outside until their child calms down than have them ban children.


Batou was talking about going to restaurants not every place on earth.
She Steinman? Umm, I'm a dude.

I did like how somebody referred to me as "Batou". Hehe.

And supermarket? I expect kids of all ages. Similar with the Mall, and in fact most public spaces. Hell, I even expect "not a normal theatre experience" if I go to a Pixar movie (it has caused my wife and I to go to other movies on at least one occasion, and went another time, to the LATE showing of Toy Story 3). But I have a problem with small and/or loud children at places above fast-food. If it says "family restaurant" then I give it some leeway, but not a massive amount, depending on the place (in a way, I consider them "training grounds" for restaurants where they have to behave, i.e. everywhere else BUT "family" ones). It says something that we "expect" kids up to even 10 or more to be loud. I know I wasn't, and neither were my brother or sister (yes, 3 of us) at anything approaching those ages. That it's even mildly socially acceptable is an even worse sign IMO.

As before though, the problem is the parents. The screaming works, the kids learn this, and so it continues. And then the parents are inconsiderate by inflicting their known badly-behaved children on the rest of us.
Dude, I just did a whole course about how to teach my child to speak (he is on the delayed side when it comes to this) and, yeh, kids ARE expected to be fucking loud. You have to teach them not to be but kids hear things differently then adults. A child's hearing isn't fully developed until they are 10-12 years old so they speak louder because they genuinely can't hear themselves!

I'm not saying I wouldn't take my child out of a public place if he is pitching a fit. I have and I will continue to do so...but saying that kids are expected to be loud because their asshole parents let them be...well that's just stupid.
She Steinman? Umm, I'm a dude.
Sorry dude. I know a girl with a similar sounding name to your forum username, and I'm not good at remembering the individual traits of people around here, so I'll also apologize now for future mistakes I'll make in this regard...
the parents are inconsiderate by inflicting their known badly-behaved children on the rest of us.
This I can agree with. Badly behaved children are a symptom, and inconsiderate parents are the problem. Such parents can ruin an evening for a lot of other people who just want to enjoy themselves.

Saying that you cannot take your children to a restaurant above "family" grade under any circumstances is something I do not agree with.

I do, however, believe restaurants should be allowed to set rules regarding children if they want to, and allowing market forces to enrich or bankrupt them based on how their clientele react to those rules.

Of course, my viewpoint is severely skewed - I enjoy children, and recently an older gentleman came to our table at the last non-family restaurant we went to and spent some considerable time complimenting us on our family and how well behaved our children are. Then he told us about his grandchildren, so I'm sure his viewpoint was skewed as well, but I still maintain that any child can behave with appropriate use of technology.
At first I was like :eek:

But then I was like :D

Sometimes I think our flights would be a lot more pleasant if we put toddlers in the cargo compartment along with the dogs.

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