Finally, a restaurant that bans screaming kids

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I hope you are joking, if not, I pity you sir, pity you like no other.
You should take none of my postings on this board seriously.

I am very, very fortunate to have kids which listen to reason and require very little in the way of punishment - on the level of sitting in time out.

I may revisit the shock collars when they are teenagers...
At first I was like :eek:

But then I was like :D

Sometimes I think our flights would be a lot more pleasant if we put toddlers in the cargo compartment along with the dogs.

I always feel bad for the dogs. I'd feel worse for them if they had to be next to screaming children.
Sometimes I think our flights would be a lot more pleasant if we put toddlers in the cargo compartment along with the dogs.
After the one 10-hour flight I had where a baby was wailing for over half of it, I don't travel without a pair of earplugs in my jacket's pocket.
Get yourself some Valium prescribed.Then one of those Neck Brace Pillows. Pop one and wake up when you arrive.But yeah,flying coach on long distance flights is hell,if there is a baby on board.
She Steinman? Umm, I'm a dude.

I did like how somebody referred to me as "Batou". Hehe.

And supermarket? I expect kids of all ages. Similar with the Mall, and in fact most public spaces. Hell, I even expect "not a normal theatre experience" if I go to a Pixar movie (it has caused my wife and I to go to other movies on at least one occasion, and went another time, to the LATE showing of Toy Story 3). But I have a problem with small and/or loud children at places above fast-food. If it says "family restaurant" then I give it some leeway, but not a massive amount, depending on the place (in a way, I consider them "training grounds" for restaurants where they have to behave, i.e. everywhere else BUT "family" ones). It says something that we "expect" kids up to even 10 or more to be loud. I know I wasn't, and neither were my brother or sister (yes, 3 of us) at anything approaching those ages. That it's even mildly socially acceptable is an even worse sign IMO.

As before though, the problem is the parents. The screaming works, the kids learn this, and so it continues. And then the parents are inconsiderate by inflicting their known badly-behaved children on the rest of us.
Yep, it's obvious you don't have kids, and don't know shit. Sometimes the screaming continues even if you punish them. Some kids are a handful. I get that, and I'm willing to just ignore it because I know the parents are either embarrassed over it and are at their whits end. You say they're assholes for bring their kid to a restaurant. I say you're an asshole for not having any empathy. Just suck it up, and eat your damn Applebees platter.

What kind of restaurants are we talking about here, guys? NO ONE ever takes their kids to a tie and jacket place. It's just not done, and I don't think most of those places even allow children. Really, if you're bitching over a kid acting up at TGI Fridays, Red Robbin, Outback, or a pizza joint, you need your head reexamined.

The reason this thread is irking me is because I hate it when people without kids think they know the answers to raising them right. Yeah, you're a pro at child discipline and behavior.

Added at: 07:14
Get yourself some Valium prescribed.Then one of those Neck Brace Pillows. Pop one and wake up when you arrive.But yeah,flying coach on long distance flights is hell,if there is a baby on board.
Yeah, but that's not at all like the restaurant issue. Or would some of you childless ultra-parents suggest a babysitter option for travel too? Hell, why even go anywhere with your kids. Just leave them in a box at home until they're 18.
I never said that it had anything to do with the restarant issue.I was just replying to Denboroughs post.
I also never in any way implied to leave your kids at home when you travel.But it is hell,bring trapped in a metal tube,with no escape,having to hear children crying for 8 or more hours.
Thats why "I" take something to calm my nerves and sleep trough it most of the time.

For the restaurant,I dont really care.I frequent Sushi Bars or Restaurants that are a little more upscale and usually in the Evening.I never had a child in one of those places.If I eat at McD's, Pizza Hut or a Family Restaurant,sure,there are kids and they are gonna probably be loud,but I knew that there was a chance of that happening before I came in. So I dont think I have the right to tell the Parents to shut their children up. (unless they are ignoring the kid,while it is bawling their eyes out.)
yeah, I have never had a problem with kids in restaurants. my original post mostly had to do with the fact if the guy running the place doesn't want kids, thats his choice.
in regards to your advice about planes, I need to look into that the next time I travel, probably the premier way to make it through a flight.
I still don't get how people are completely resigned to the idea of really loud/screaming kids when they're above 3 or 4. Below, OK, that's life, but therefore you shouldn't be taking them out in the first place beyond McD's. I can't believe you put "Outback" in your list there Rendar. It's not black-tie, but it's still a sit-down meal.

Inflicting your screaming kids on others is NOT an OK thing. Leave them at home. Others are trying to eat in peace.
Get yourself some Valium prescribed.Then one of those Neck Brace Pillows. Pop one and wake up when you arrive.But yeah,flying coach on long distance flights is hell,if there is a baby on board.
Valium sounds expensive, and I don't know any crooked medics that'd prescribe it to me anyway :p

Wait I do have a brother with a brand new degree... HMMMMMMMMMM


This isn't about raising kids at all. It is about people without kids or people with kids who want a night without them having the right to not want them around.
Love how some folks are "I'm a parent and I'm bum hurt by this. You don't have kids so your point is clearly invalid. Deal with it.".

Fuck off.

I deal with it every single time I go to a decent resto and have the misfortune that a bad parent decided to bring their bratty child out. After the 2nd annoyance coming from their table I usually call the waiter and tell him I will have none of that and ask him politely to do something about it. I always get it my way either in the form of a table change (which I'll perform and have direct eye contact with the parents at the table), get their table changed, get freebies from the house heck even free meals... or in one case confront them if they weren't willing to do anything about it.

This last case was special. After enduring the first 15 minutes of a child crying and being COMPLETELY IGNORED by their parents more interested in having their romantic conversation. Other tables clearly looking annoyed as well with many of them giving dirty looks. I eventually got up from my table while we were quickly discussing another resto to go to for the evening, walked over, stood over them and called my friend at my table and started talking loudly on the phone while I towered over the parents. They looked at me perplexed while I was there as I was in my conversation. My friend over at our table was in tears over it. They tried to ask what I was doing but I ignored them, pretending to be engrossed in my useless conversation. When I eventually hung up on him after 3-4 minutes, I looked down while the family was staring up at me, transfixed by what they saw. The nearby tables were quiet and even at this point the little infant was perplexed as well and was finally quiet.

I said: "Are you annoyed? Good. Now you know how our table feels over there along with every table around you (everyone was at this point staring at this table) with your child making so much noise and the shitty service in this joint won't budge a finger to do a thing about it." pause for dramatic effect "I figured I needed to find a way for you to realize how much of an inconvenience this situation is for a lot of other people who didn't expect to be your babysitters tonight."

I walked back to my table and sat down.

They left 5 minutes later after their bill was paid and their food stuffed in a box. The woman was shamefully embarrassed and looked the ground and the man gave me a heavy angry look. I shrugged. The wine tasted great and I got several approving nods from people from the other tables.

I don't have much sympathy when you bring kids to a resto beyond the audience for it. I don't usually go to a suit and tie resto nor should I be forced to. I'm sorry you folks are bum hurt about it. However, I don't have to have to endure your poor decisions.

More restos should enforce this policy.

If you don't agree with this, it doesn't fucken matter to me. :)
In other news, local area man expects to live in personal bubble, completely unaffected by the unpleasant aspects of living in a human colony, and is upset when that carefully crafted bubble of self-centeredness is burst.
Other businesses have tried similar things. This article is old but it still shows the over-inflated sense of entitlement that many modern American parents have. It also highlights the divide between parents and non-parents.

Threatening to sue just because an upscale business wants kids to behave? It's a very simple concept; if you can't stop smoking then you either leave or go to a smoking section. Similarly, if you can't keep your kids in line then you leave and allow others to eat in peace. Again, I'm not talking about Denny's or TGI Friday's. I know that some parents are at the end of their line when their kid acts up at dinner so I'm willing to let it slide at family restaurants.

By the way, in Texas I've noticed parents bringing their kids into the bars. WTF? These aren't bars and grills, but straight up BARS.


We don't have any suit tie restaurants around here but it would still be nice to have a no kid zone restaurant.
Love how some folks are "I'm a parent and I'm bum hurt by this. You don't have kids so your point is clearly invalid. Deal with it.".

Fuck off.

I deal with it every single time I go to a decent resto and have the misfortune that a bad parent decided to bring their bratty child out. After the 2nd annoyance coming from their table I usually call the waiter and tell him I will have none of that and ask him politely to do something about it. I always get it my way either in the form of a table change (which I'll perform and have direct eye contact with the parents at the table), get their table changed, get freebies from the house heck even free meals... or in one case confront them if they weren't willing to do anything about it.

This last case was special. After enduring the first 15 minutes of a child crying and being COMPLETELY IGNORED by their parents more interested in having their romantic conversation. Other tables clearly looking annoyed as well with many of them giving dirty looks. I eventually got up from my table while we were quickly discussing another resto to go to for the evening, walked over, stood over them and called my friend at my table and started talking loudly on the phone while I towered over the parents. They looked at me perplexed while I was there as I was in my conversation. My friend over at our table was in tears over it. They tried to ask what I was doing but I ignored them, pretending to be engrossed in my useless conversation. When I eventually hung up on him after 3-4 minutes, I looked down while the family was staring up at me, transfixed by what they saw. The nearby tables were quiet and even at this point the little infant was perplexed as well and was finally quiet.

I said: "Are you annoyed? Good. Now you know how our table feels over there along with every table around you (everyone was at this point staring at this table) with your child making so much noise and the shitty service in this joint won't budge a finger to do a thing about it." pause for dramatic effect "I figured I needed to find a way for you to realize how much of an inconvenience this situation is for a lot of other people who didn't expect to be your babysitters tonight."

I walked back to my table and sat down.

They left 5 minutes later after their bill was paid and their food stuffed in a box. The woman was shamefully embarrassed and looked the ground and the man gave me a heavy angry look. I shrugged. The wine tasted great and I got several approving nods from people from the other tables.

I don't have much sympathy when you bring kids to a resto beyond the audience for it. I don't usually go to a suit and tie resto nor should I be forced to. I'm sorry you folks are bum hurt about it. However, I don't have to have to endure your poor decisions.

More restos should enforce this policy.

If you don't agree with this, it doesn't fucken matter to me. :)
Before I had little imps of my own, I thought in this same manner. Now I'm willing to give parents at a restaurant the benefit of the doubt. How annoying a kid is is a subjective issue. Everyone has their own tolerance to that sort of thing. A kid could be a perfect angel in the eyes of certain people, while other people will think he's a brat.

I'm pretty sure the couple in your story was fully aware of the situation, and probably embarrassed as hell before you showed up to act like a jackass. Tell me, what are you supposed to do? Everyone is so fucking judgmental about how to raise other people's kids that as new parents, a lot of people are confused and just flustered as to how to act when their kid goes ape-shit.

Should you ignore the kid and hope he settles down? That seems to draw ire from people like you.

Should you take the kid out and spank them? That'll definetly piss someone off.

Should you take them out and yell at them? Piss another group off.

What happens when the threats and punishments fail? It's not fun being at that end of the spectrum. But it's a part of being a parent. Something people without kids, just don't and won't get and empathize with until they have little monsters of their own.

Realize that those people are paying customers too. Let's swing the judgmental pendulum the other way. What makes you so special that the entire restaurant needs to adhere to what you consider a reasonable volume?

No. The best thing I've learned as a parent is to not give a flying fuck about dirty looks and judgements about my style of parenting. If that had been me at the table you made a fool of yourself to, I'd have told you to fuck off and buy some ear plugs, or stay at home and eat your dinner in a padded room.

I'm still confused at what's considered a decent restaurant. I won't ever take my kids to a black tie place, or exclusive restaurant. If the place requires you to wear a button down shirt and slacks, then, no kids allowed. A steakhouse, bar and grill, Applebees, Chilies, Olive Garden type place is NOT a fancy restaurant. Kids are perfectly acceptable in that atmosphere. I'd suggest that if you don't like kids ruining your evening, ante the hell up and pay more than 50 dollars for your meal - you get what you pay for.

Getting back to the OP article. That place is NOT a fancy restaurant. It's a bar and grill clubhouse. Kids should be perfectly ok to eat there. I, however, don't give a crap about their policy, they just wouldn't get my business.
Telling him to "Ante the fuck up and pay more than 50" sounds exactly like the counter argument "Don't go out to eat if you can't afford a babysitter" :confused:
Agreed completely.

I still would go to a "No Children Under 5" restaurant over one that allows them, with all things else the same. (Menu/Prices etc)
What I'm wondering was if the kid atthe restaurant was autistic and there was really nothing the parents could have done to calm him down. But I agree you were an asshole for that just like the parents were, from your story, for not attempting to calm the child. Either way two assholes don't make a right.
Relevant, whether true or not, it's still hilarious and horrifying at the same time (strong language warning):

<Anonymous> Now, I’m sure many of you have encountered little shits in supermarkets. Little kids running about and knocking things over, being rude, walking all over their parents, you know the kind. But the worst are the biters. Yes, those little cunts that feel it is okay to bite you whenever they feel like it.
<Anonymous> Okay, here’s the best part. A biter got me today when I was grocery stopping. He broke the fucking skin, too. This was when the gears started turning, the moment I saw a tiny sprickle of blood on the little shit’s teeth as he was grinning at me like the little cunt he is. I made my eyes get wide, and started screaming “SHIT! SHIT!.” Now, my good friend, Tom we’ll call him, was there too, and he instantly picked up on it. He started shouting “FUCK! MAYBE HE DIDN’T GET IT! FUCK!.” By now, the kid is scared shitless and starts crying, and instantly, Mizz Mom appears out of nowhere and starts getting pissy at us for yelling at her kid.
<Anonymous> Here’s the kicker, I look her straight in the eye and say, “Mam, get your son tested as soon as possible, he just bit me and I’m… I’m FUCKING HIV POSITIVE.”
<Anonymous> And now there is silence. Not a peep in the entire store. The brat knows he just fucked up big time because his mom isn’t defending his ass. She just stares at me wide eyed. I walk away from them, buy my shit from the wide eyed cashier, all the while blood is dripping from my calf, making a nice little trail on the floor. And, just s we leave, we start to hear the mother sobbing. Sobbing like the cunt she is.
<Anonymous> I have never felt any more satisfaction than the moment I heard that sob.
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I read that a while back and just rolled my eyes. What exactly was gained by acting like that? Sometimes adults are worse than kids.


No she probably just went home thinking "asshole trying to tell me how to raise my kid! I bet he doesn't even have kids himself. Prick!"
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