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Cripes, my basement bachelor is pretty damn cool but I had no idea how flipping hot out it is today.

Right now, Ontario (and many other parts of Canada and likely the U.S.) are getting hit with a heatwave. It's currenly 38 degrees out (that's Celcius, by the way; Fahrenheit would be close to 100).

I'm sure there's other parts of the U.S. that's hotter than that on a regular basis, like Florida, Texas or California. But for us Canuckleheads, that's flipping hot.

I feel like a gremlin exposed to sunlight.
I had to work in a kitchen where all the burners and oven were on high heat, walk home in this heat wave and than broil in my furnace of an apartment with out A/C or a fan. Now that is HOT!:eek:
It's a scalding 20 degrees C in High Level right now. It may rain tonight...like it does every night. Humans here have adapted to breath mosquitoes instead of oxygen.
It finally cooled down a bit here last night. Although the past few nights I have had to resort to sleeping naked and spread eagle with no covers as I have no AC. It was not pretty.
It's 100 in Philly today. Nothing like the smell of bum piss and garbage wafting through the air along Market street.


I don't want to hear it. It can be 100 in April here and I'm not even in the hot part of the state.

On the plus side it's actually been pretty nice here the last few weeks while the rest of you roast. It was only 105F when I came home which is awesome.
Yeah it's the humidity that take mine and Nick's 38C almost up to nearly goddamned 50C. That's 122 for Americans keeping track.

This is Canada.
Yeah, all the frakin' polar bears are melting! Won't someone think of the polar bears?!
63F here in SK, going down to 54F tonight. I'm gonna have to put a blanket on my bed. :D
Today's a CODE RED day, which means the air has basically turned into a breathable liquid toxin.

At least public transportation is free.
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