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Cripes, my basement bachelor is pretty damn cool but I had no idea how flipping hot out it is today.

Right now, Ontario (and many other parts of Canada and likely the U.S.) are getting hit with a heatwave. It's currenly 38 degrees out (that's Celcius, by the way; Fahrenheit would be close to 100).

I'm sure there's other parts of the U.S. that's hotter than that on a regular basis, like Florida, Texas or California. But for us Canuckleheads, that's flipping hot.

I feel like a gremlin exposed to sunlight.




It is only 64 degrees Fahrenheit where I live




I live in florida. You don't know what hot is.




I live in florida. You don't know what hot is.
My prom night does. :D


Allen who is Quiet

Allen who is Quiet

My prom night does. :D
He said "hot", not "awkward, fumbling, and over after 30 seconds".





I'd punch you if that wasn't true.


Made Ya Blush

Made Ya Blush

I had to work in a kitchen where all the burners and oven were on high heat, walk home in this heat wave and than broil in my furnace of an apartment with out A/C or a fan. Now that is HOT!:eek:



Frankie Williamson

It's a scalding 20 degrees C in High Level right now. It may rain tonight...like it does every night. Humans here have adapted to breath mosquitoes instead of oxygen.




It's a scalding 20 degrees C in High Level right now.
Is... Is that hot? Like, what is that in real degrees?




Is... Is that hot? Like, what is that in real degrees?
Celsius * 9/5 + 32 = 68 F.

I think I have that right.



Frankie Williamson

Is... Is that hot? Like, what is that in real degrees?
We use real degrees here, not your funny weird ass arbitrary EFFFFFFFFFF.
Added at: 15:35
Celsius * 9/5 + 32 = 68 F.

I think I have that right.




It finally cooled down a bit here last night. Although the past few nights I have had to resort to sleeping naked and spread eagle with no covers as I have no AC. It was not pretty.




It's 100 in Philly today. Nothing like the smell of bum piss and garbage wafting through the air along Market street.


Chad Sexington

Chad Sexington

It finally cooled down a bit here last night. Although the past few nights I have had to resort to sleeping naked and spread eagle with no covers as I have no AC. It was not pretty.
:unibrow: FTFY


Charlie Don't Surf

Charlie Don't Surf

Dear loser states,






It finally cooled down a bit here last night. Although the past few nights I have had to resort to sleeping naked and spread eagle with no covers as I have no AC. It was not pretty.



I don't want to hear it. It can be 100 in April here and I'm not even in the hot part of the state.

On the plus side it's actually been pretty nice here the last few weeks while the rest of you roast. It was only 105F when I came home which is awesome.




I don't mind the heat. Really, I don't.

The humidity is some bullshit though.




Yeah it's the humidity that take mine and Nick's 38C almost up to nearly goddamned 50C. That's 122 for Americans keeping track.

This is Canada.




Yeah, all the frakin' polar bears are melting! Won't someone think of the polar bears?!
63F here in SK, going down to 54F tonight. I'm gonna have to put a blanket on my bed. :D




only 80F here... at 1:30 in the morning.

The air is so thick I can barely open the door.




Man, it's hot here!

How hot is it???



Allen who is Quiet

Allen who is Quiet

It's so hot I poured McDonald's coffee in my lap to cool off.




It's so hot it looks like Dali painted my yard.




It's so hot I can't be bothered to finish any etc.




It's so hot I made omelettes on the sidewalk.




Heat?? You crazy northen hemispherians.....Don't you know it's winter time?




Today's a CODE RED day, which means the air has basically turned into a breathable liquid toxin.

At least public transportation is free.


Fun Size

Fun Size

It's so hot when I went into a restaurant and asked what the soup of the day was, they said "ball".


General Specific

General Specific

It's so hot that your momma thinks Taco Bell is a Mexican phone company!




It's so hot that your momma thinks Taco Bell is a Mexican phone company!
Wait, hang on...




We got 15°C. Where is our summer?!


General Specific

General Specific

Wait, hang on...
Yo momma so ugly, last night for dinner we had popcorn on the cob!




Oh General.... you make-a me laugh. ^_^


General Specific

General Specific


Fun Size

Fun Size

It's so hot, this morning my glasses steamed up before I started reading Kim Possible slash fiction.


Philosopher B.

Yo! Fuck the heat. No, not the movie -
Pacino, De Niro, my heroes - that shit fuckin' moved me
I'm talkin' 'bout that feelin' when ya balls slick with sweat
When ya head fuckin' reeling, and you wish you were dead

And suddenly you see shit, like a fuckin' mirage
Of a Suicide Girl, bent over in a garage
She workin' like Kimble from that movie Hot Rod
Sweaty fingers be nimble and she got a hot bod

Hammer smackin' that engine - arms covered in grease
She gimme a smile like she wanna taste-a my piece
Now I'm twice as hot, my dick's fuckin' fried
'Cause I want what she got - man, how am I still alive?

But what the fuck is this? She's got a fuckin' gun!
Girl just committed suicide - man, THAT ain't fun
Dick fuckin' wiltin', fantasies turned to shit
If I'd known this was so depressin'? I wouldn't have written it!




59F here with light rain. Ahhhhhhhhh!


Allen who is Quiet

Allen who is Quiet

Sounds like Nick's prom night




I'm right around where Gusto and TNG are. So... same deal. Yesterday humidex brought it up to 50C, as Gusto reported. We are also having a drought. In Oakville, we rarely get a full week without rain, but we haven't had a drop all month. The grass is yellow and brown, and crunches when you walk on it, its burnt. The leaves on the trees are drooping and some are even yellow or orange.

And the cicadas start at 6am. Again, this is CANADA. And even more than most of my friends, I am not a creature of summer. I am made for fall and winter. Everyone always calls me crazy, but you know what, -20 is NOT as bad as positive 30.

I plan on going up north to my parents' place for the long weekend. If its not raining there, I may spend the entirety of my visit in the lake.




The rain actually made today a little mild. It was a lovely evening except for the mosquitos.




That is the one good thing about a drought; no mosquitoes (though they are not that bad here even on the worst years, regardless of how much the locals may complain)




Sounds like Nick's prom night
Yeah, well, you'd react like that, too, if...



Frankie Williamson

I'm right around where Gusto and TNG are. So... same deal. Yesterday humidex brought it up to 50C, as Gusto reported. We are also having a drought. In Oakville, we rarely get a full week without rain, but we haven't had a drop all month. The grass is yellow and brown, and crunches when you walk on it, its burnt. The leaves on the trees are drooping and some are even yellow or orange.

And the cicadas start at 6am. Again, this is CANADA. And even more than most of my friends, I am not a creature of summer. I am made for fall and winter. Everyone always calls me crazy, but you know what, -20 is NOT as bad as positive 30.

I plan on going up north to my parents' place for the long weekend. If its not raining there, I may spend the entirety of my visit in the lake.
Jesus it's bad out east. It poured all damn day monsoon style and hovered around 15 degrees or so. Other than our massive mosquito problem, our weather has generally been tolerable with a few 30 degree days here or there.




We finally got some rain here. It was 102F this past Friday (with high humidity as always, making it feel 6-8 degrees hotter). Tomorrow it's finally cooling down, to about 94F.




Mosquitos? My city has this http://mosquitofestival.com/




A town very near where I grew up (part of the same township, actually), has such bad mosquito problems that they used to have a bug repellent truck that would drive down streets and blast bug repellent all over. There was a sudden influx of new residents, who complained about the truck for the noise, and for the fact that at a certain time each week they were forced to go inside for an hour or two. The bug repellent service was revoked, and they soon saw their folly.

Now they have a plane fly over to do it.(Or so I've been told. The truck thing I can say with 100% certainty though)




A town very near where I grew up (part of the same township, actually), has such bad mosquito problems that they used to have a bug repellent truck that would drive down streets and blast bug repellent all over. There was a sudden influx of new residents, who complained about the truck for the noise, and for the fact that at a certain time each week they were forced to go inside for an hour or two. The bug repellent service was revoked, and they soon saw their folly.

Now they have a plane fly over to do it.(Or so I've been told. The truck thing I can say with 100% certainty though)
We have trucks come around every summer to do the same thing. Ahh, the joys of Florida.

I really hate my state.



Frankie Williamson

Mosquitos? My city has this http://mosquitofestival.com/
Again, the mosquitoes here this year are 15 years of drought dormant fuckfaces all coming out at once. There are fields that are nothing but tornado blight swarms of the fuckers. It's the worst thing I've ever seen in my life. Outdoors right now is a miserable place that few dare spend time in.




It's funny, over here it started raining after a few weeks of heat and next thing i see on the tube news is that the US is baking... WE TOOK YOUR COOL WEATHER!!!




I guess we got some rain this morning? I woke up to loud claps of thunder at around 6:15am, looked outside and it wasn't raining yet, got up at 6:45 and there was still no rain, but the ground outside is wet. So it must have rained for a brief period in between. Not really enough.




Was in Greece during a heat wave with a lot of humidity. Most days were well over 40 celcius with 80% humidity. Record was 44 celcius with 70% humidity while we went hiking up in northern Corfu. Sweated a lot! But damn was it fun and beautiful.




Just got back from LA where it was balmy 70s-80s during the day and mid 60s at night. Perfect.
