Finally, a restaurant that bans screaming kids

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You know, now that I think about it, both people in this situation deserved each other. The jerk deserved to be bitten and the mom deserved to be treated like a twat.

This is a beautiful story.


Staff member
Man, I wanted to ban kids from the restaurant today...

There's a family that comes in once a week--two really bitter-looking parents and three horrible little boys. I don't mind kids who run to our ice cream machine (they're just excited), laugh loudly, or like to get up out of their seats every now and then. That's just a kid being a kid, and usually it's pretty controlled behavior. But these boys shove chairs around the restaurant floor, punch each other, squirt our sopapilla syrup all over the table, and tear up napkins and throw them around. They are horrible, and if I were the manager, I'd tell those parents to control their kids so that people around them can enjoy their meals... or else find somewhere else to unleash their hellish little brood. People request not to sit near them every time they're in, and it ruins our lunch hour by making about 4-5 tables unavailable. While these boys tear up our restaurant, the dead-eyed adults just sit there gorging themselves on fajitas, not even attempting to make them stop. I. Hate. Them.

Fast forward to about 45 seconds in, and it's exactly what we're talking about. I can't believe it took me this long to remember this episode.

And the whole "dead-eyed parent" thing is something that always stands out. It's like the thousand yard stare.
haha, the thing I don't understand is, my parents never needed to hit me, nor did their requests to behave seem unreasonable. I mean we all have our "bad" moments, but usually I was pretty good. so why are kids brats?
haha, the thing I don't understand is, my parents never needed to hit me, nor did their requests to behave seem unreasonable. I mean we all have our "bad" moments, but usually I was pretty good. so why are kids brats?
I made a comment similar to this to my dad the other day. His response was, "Kids aren't born as brats. Parents raise them that way." I think he's right. Usually it's overindulgent parents worried about hurting their child's feelings. If a kid is raised well, but the time he's going out to restaurants he already knows better than to act up.

But what do I know... I don't have kids of my own. I guess I can't comment on anything having to do with parenting. :p


I don't know. I was a terror. I mean I was really naughty. I didn't have trouble in restaurants but other places, like home, I was a nightmare. I turned out fine.


Staff member
You know, now that I think about it, both people in this situation deserved each other. The jerk deserved to be bitten and the mom deserved to be treated like a twat.

This is a beautiful story.
I don't know, Mak. I can't really believe some guy just going to the convenience store would deserve to be bitten. What he did was probably enough to send the mom into panic, but hey, that could have really happened. What if the next guy the little terror bit actually was HIV positive?

Hell, I'd do something like that if I wouldn't have such a demeanor that little children usually avoid me like a plague.


I guess my philosophy in life is not to try and act worse than other people. I mean he didn't say to the lady "your son bit me!" to find out how she would actually handle it, or anything like that he just decided that she must deserve to be treated badly. Naughty children are a pain in the ass but they are still children. Adults should know how to handle situations better than this jackass did.


A lot of advice I give about parenting came from my parents (but I personally don't have kids yet) I talk with my parents about it, in Asian culture, if the kids is acting it IS the parent's fault.
My parents made sure that I behave in public places or I don't get to go to public places. (which in my case a lot of fun places)
A lot of advice I give about parenting came from my parents (but I personally don't have kids yet) I talk with my parents about it, in Asian culture, if the kids is acting it IS the parent's fault.
My parents made sure that I behave in public places or I don't get to go to public places. (which in my case a lot of fun places)
Ah Asian parenting. Nothing like using shame and fear to make a nice, loyal little robot.

If you like messy things, doctor. If you like organize things, engineer. See? Both personality type covered.

You be fine, don't worry.


From the fact that her child was running around biting people, I doubt she had the intelligence to come up with a retort.


Staff member

Fast forward to about 45 seconds in, and it's exactly what we're talking about. I can't believe it took me this long to remember this episode.

And the whole "dead-eyed parent" thing is something that always stands out. It's like the thousand yard stare.
HAH! I love that opening.
A pair of young kids was acting out of control at the supermarket and being annoying pests at the check out. So just as the brats and "mother" were leaving, I picked up a copy of the newspaper and shouted "Holy Shit! Santa Claus found dead in Florida brothel! Christmas at risk of being cancelled!"

It was mid-November.
She means a person who is of the character that would assume the mother would've defended her child without even giving her a chance deserves to be bitten.
Interesting. You punish someone for a crime they would only commit due to your punishment.

That's more twisted than a tornado in a trailer park.
Interesting. You punish someone for a crime they would only commit due to your punishment.

That's more twisted than a tornado in a trailer park.
*shrug* That's not exactly how I interpret the argument, and I don't agree with her argument anyway, but I think it's more like "His jerkish behaviour implies he's a jerk and jerks deserve to be bitten." It's not even a crime, it's his character. But! I cannot really speak for her mind, just how I understood her argument.
Interesting. You punish someone for a crime they would only commit due to your punishment.

That's more twisted than a tornado in a trailer park.
Added at: 21:07
*shrug* That's not exactly how I interpret the argument, and I don't agree with her argument anyway, but I think it's more like "His jerkish behaviour implies he's a jerk and jerks deserve to be bitten." It's not even a crime, it's his character. But! I cannot really speak for her mind, just how I understood her argument.
Both of those sound really stupid.
"His jerkish behaviour implies he's a jerk and jerks deserve to be bitten."
I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you, but I don't see how this is different. The punishment for being a jerk was administered well before it was established that he was a jerk. In fact, had the punishment not been administered, one might never have discovered that he was a jerk.

But I'm not trying to interpret what everyone here is saying, I'm just toying with that concept which was only hinted at in the above discussion.
Added at: 21:12
Added at: 21:07

Both of those sound really stupid.


I was really just kidding but since my first thought was I hope that guy actually gets aids that would probably have been more objectionable.
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