Norway blast

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This is all a damn shame, sigh. At least no government official was harmed, that I know of, that would've been the icing on the shit cake.
Now I just hope Norway doesn't go post-9/11 too hard.
Oh crap... He plays World of Warcraft, and watches True Blood and Dexter (again, Finnish article).
Perkele. Tomorrow, we'll find out he played D&D, read Tolkien, and recycled.


Staff member
Couldn't find this in English, so hears a quick translation of a small Finnish article I just came across:

Heroic Couple Saves Dozens of Campers

Hege Dalen and Toril Hansen saved youngsters near Utöya.

Hege Dalen and her partner Toril Hansen were having dinner at the camping ground opposite Utöya, when they heard gunfire and screams coming from the island.

"The smell of gunpowder started to waft from the island. Then we heard terrible screams. We saw how young people were running in panic into the lake", Dalen told Helsingin Sanomat.

The couple wasted no time and pushed their boat into the Tyrifjorden Lake.

Many people near the island also did the same.

Dalen and Hansen drove their boat to the island, picked up wounded and shocked young people from the water and transported them across to the mainland. From time to time bullets hit the water right next to their boat.

Because they couldn't fit all of the people aboard at once, they made the trip next to the island four times.

They may have saved up to 40 people from the killer.

"We didn't sleep a wink last night. Today we've been together and talking about what happened", Dalen says.
I read through some of the manifesto crap that was posted and it became clear immediately that this man; no, I refuse to label him a man for planning and carrying out this act; this monster is an elitist, racist, self-important asshole. Any claim that he did this for a certain cause is bullshit. No cause or group will be bolstered by the murder of children. He did this for himself only. He wanted to be remembered and now, sadly, he will be.

Fortunately, we have people like the couple and the others in NR's story that will head into unknown danger to help fellow humans. They are truly heroes.


Staff member
Early reports indicate he worked for a nursery/farm/garden or something of the sort, where fertilizer (ie, bomb compounds) would be readily available.
A farm, Stienman. A farm in eastern Norway. The articles and news I've read and heard indicate that he ordered several tons of nitrate-rich fertilizer that could be used to manufacture bombs.

As for the use of the word 'terrorism', it was somewhat painful for me to read the morning papers yesterday. By morning the Norwegian police had arrested Breivik and ruled out the possibility of Islamic extremists, yet the morning papers - printed some hours before the press release about Breivik and his motives - were all about the attacks likely being committed by Muslim terrorists. Granted, Abu Sulaiman, a relatively well-known blogger with connections to the Al-Qaeda, did hail this as the beginning of a new time of terror, and there was a terrorist group who said they did it. All before Breivik was revealed, of course.

As a bit of a devil's advocate, I have to agree with some of the experts: the likes of Abu Sulaiman saw an opportunity and took it, using the Oslo bombings as an excuse to make threats and demand the withdrawal of Nordic peacekeepers from Afghanistan (Finnish peacekeepers included, stationed in Mazar-i-Sharif) and trying to make the transition from peacekeepers to Afghan military as difficult as possible. That, however, does not excuse some of the reactions by the press and politicians - including the Finnish ambassador to Norway, who apparently claimed having been told where the "Muslim bombers" were originally from. At least a lot of the papers today had the balls to clarify the events this morning and giving space to columnists who challenged this kind of idea that you can't speak of terrorism if it isn't done by Muslims.

I'm still hoping that some of the more vocal right-wing parties in my country have the common decency to keep their mouths shut, though... The True Finns and the Christian Democrats would have had a field day if the events in Norway had indeed been committed by Muslim terrorists. The manifesto might be a bit tricky, though; Breivik actually mentioned a True Finn MP, Jussi Halla-aho, who a few years back was well-known for anti-multicultural, anti-Muslim statements in his blogs and writings - and is generally considered the 'heir apparent' in the True Finn Party.
I hope the friends he writes about in his manifesto come out and publicly denigrate this asshole. The fact that he thinks anyone would consider the massacre of children a 'positive thing' just blows my mind.

"He has two wishes: the first is that there is a public hearing and the second is that he is allowed to wear a uniform," Geir Lippestad told the NRK television channel late Sunday.
"I don't know what uniform," he said, adding that the 32-year-old wanted to explain why he unleashed the carnage and "wants to do it publicly".
Dude kills a bunch of people, and then wants us to build a grandstand for him, and allow him to dress up as though he held some official status of some sort?

Give him a closed hearing in an orange jumpsuit like the criminal he is. Don't give him the attention he so desperately craves.

Send a message. "We are not interested in hearing the rantings of a murderer."

But the press and public will eat it up if such a forum is provided for him.
Hearing is to be closed.

If we can't have this useless shit stomped to death by an elephant, the next best thing is to lock him up in absolute isolation. Let him not see or hear another living thing for the rest of his days. No radio, no TV, no news. Even light should be a privilege denied him.
So, a local radio just said something about the guy saying he did it because of what happened with the military intervention in the former Yugoslav states... if it's not just a rumour then this guy's definitely an attention whore...


Hearing is to be closed.

If we can't have this useless shit stomped to death by an elephant, the next best thing is to lock him up in absolute isolation. Let him not see or hear another living thing for the rest of his days. No radio, no TV, no news. Even light should be a privilege denied him.
From what I heard Norway's maximum penalty is 21 years in prison. However, they can also extend the sentence 5 years as many times as they want if the authorities decide the guy is "too dangerous to be released", so...
My prayers go out to the families who lost loved ones in these senseless acts. No one deserves to be affected as such by this insanity especially in a beautiful country like Norway. On my cruise I had the pleasure of being assigned seating for my evening meals with a couple from Norway and they were great people. They were absolutely appalled by the news I gave them a few nights ago. They made calls as they had a nephew who they thought may have been in the camp who thankfully wasn't... because he got mono.


Staff member
Anonymous has declared war on Anders Breivik and his manifesto, in an effort to take away one of Breivik's objectives, namely people reading his manifesto. Apparently the Operation Unmanifest means taking the manifesto and cutting bits out, putting stupid jokes in and photoshopping the pictures included, so as to "make Anders become a joke, such that nobody will take him seriously anymore".

While I do believe humour is a good way to take away the power of fanatics, despots and assholes, a not-so-diminutive part of me feels like this isn't quite the way to go about it. It's part of this whole "TERRORISM!" shabang: before Breivik's name came out, everyone was sure this was an act of terrorism by Muslim extremists. But now, many people seem unwilling to call this terrorism anymore and just think it was just some lone nutbag who was likely mentally unstable, too.

One columnist put it quite nicely: "Why is it that we ask about Breivik's mental stability, but not of that of al-Qaeda bombers?". I guess it's easier to discredit Breivik as just a solitary douchebag who's not playing with a full deck than to think him clinically sane (I say 'clinically' because this kind of wholesale massacre goes against any definition of sanity I have) - and therefore face the possibility that there might be more people like him about. Hannu Lauerma, the director of the Finnish Prison Psychiatric Care, actually considered Breivik's case in a Finnish article recently, seeing no over signs of mental illness, but considering the possibility that Breivik has a severely pathological personality:
- He spent a long time planning the attacks.
- He was active in local politics and was able to maintain a career and his own business.
- He had a state-issued firearms license.
- Like a terrorist, he operated with precision and efficiency when carrying out his attack.

Of course, it's not until that Breivik goes through a psychological profile in Norway that they can decide if he will be tried or sent to a mental institute. But as Lauerma points out, the above are signs of a person acting in complete knowledge of what he was doing, not the actions of a raving lunatic. Even if (and hopefully when) Breivik gets the maximum penalty of twenty-one years, they're still likely going to keep him in... what is the word... forced psychiatric treatment? I don't know the proper translation of the top of my hat... In any case, Breivik's sentence can end, yes, but if he is considered a threat to the society, he will remain behind bars as long as the doctors treating him see fit. Probably for the rest of his life.
Anonymous has declared war on Anders Breivik and his manifesto, in an effort to take away one of Breivik's objectives, namely people reading his manifesto. Apparently the Operation Unmanifest means taking the manifesto and cutting bits out, putting stupid jokes in and photoshopping the pictures included, so as to "make Anders become a joke, such that nobody will take him seriously anymore".

While I do believe humour is a good way to take away the power of fanatics, despots and assholes, a not-so-diminutive part of me feels like this isn't quite the way to go about it. It's part of this whole "TERRORISM!" shabang: before Breivik's name came out, everyone was sure this was an act of terrorism by Muslim extremists. But now, many people seem unwilling to call this terrorism anymore and just think it was just some lone nutbag who was likely mentally unstable, too.
I'd rather they do the same to all of them... maybe more people will realise that the terrorists they're so scared of aren't that much of a threat they're made out to be...
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