Comic Con 2011 Pics

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I think I was the only Halforumite who was able to attend, so here are a few pics from yesterday. I was Captain Hammer again. What? It works!

The Walking Dead booth:

Teh Kurtz:

The Marriott Hotel:

Pros: Awesome movie premieres, booths, panels, and video game demos. The whole Gaslamp Quarter got into the Con spirit and there were tons of things to do even outside the Convention Center.

Cons: Every one of those things I mentioned was packed. I seriously felt like I was at Disneyland with all those lines. I almost miss the days before geeky stuff became cool. In addition, pre-registration was capped even before I got there so I'll have to take my chances in the online crap-shoot in a few months.
It's not sold out. PRE-registration for the 2011 attendees is full to capacity. They'll still sell passes online as usual sometime in autumn. That will probably mean a succession of server crashes as the hordes of Twi-hards and newbies register hundreds of hits per second.
Disney handles crowds better than ComiCon. ComiCon does a great job with what they are faced with, but not nearly at the efficiency of Disney.
Kagsin and I were there too. I didn't see either of you. D:
I didn't take nearly as many photos this year as I normally do (only 84 vs my usual 400++ per con...)

"Oh, You Sexy Geek" panel

Picked up 4 prints from Laurie B <3 Codex, Harley, Peach, and Leeloo

Adrianne Curry as Leeloo

Kit as Slave Leia

Serenity! This booth had the coolest stuff!

Like these prints! I bought them. They're beautiful.

SDCC 2011 by lady_mei, on Flickr

My boyfriend. I wish. Zach Levi at his NerdHQ. Role-reversal, he's excited to see me! :3

KaseaVP in Witchblade (anime)

Vampy as Electra

Finally met the entire Guild cast!

Friday night was Nerdcore hosted by TheGamerGirls. Soooo I was there. :)

nerdcorenight722 by, on Flickr

Dancing for MC Frontalot!

With my TGG girls.

Figuring out camera settings and being awesome. :D


Staff member
You guys have no idea how jealous I am about your going to SDCC. I was going to get tickets and then we had all that unemployment thing...
When I get my pic's up I'll let you know!

Heatherling and IronBrig4: It looks like you guys had an awesome time! =^^=

I didn't have the camera because I was cosplaying, so when I get them from ze hubby's computer, I'll post for sure.
Love the pics. Here's a few more that I took.

This is the best Garrus outfit I've ever seen.

Don't blink.

They had banners for all the major houses.
You guys have no idea how jealous I am about your going to SDCC. I was going to get tickets and then we had all that unemployment thing...
Been there twice (thanks, USN!), but the last time was way back in 1994. Too bad I lost all the con stuff in the '05 fire. :(
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