[TV] My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Episodes 17, 18: Seeing these Cutie Mark Crusader episodes made me realize where a world ruled by horses makes their glue--the lesser examples.

Annoying is the best word to describe them. I'm more grateful now that the show focuses on the adult ponies, because this is what the show could've been like ALL THE TIME. And they're so stupid...

And why is Rarity watching that little brat? I understand with Applejack since she and her sister are on a big family farm, but Rarity's running n establishment. Fuck, if she's getting in the way of your business, send her home to your parents. You're an adult; it's not your fucking job to watch your little sister while she messes up your store.

And Twilight needs to never drop the title of the show again, let alone twice within 10 minutes.

19: I thought this was going to be another terrible one with the "pony of pop" beginning, but then it turned out to be a pretty good episode. I didn't like Rarity early on, but she's developed into a better character through the episodes focusing on her.


On a related note: Dammit bronies, stop harassing Obscurus Lupa!
Where is this harassment happening?

Very cool picture, both for what it is, and that it shows how well the Channel Awesome people designed outfits to personality. I could easily recognize who was who for a lot of those just by the faces and hair without looking at the cutie mark.


Staff member
Where is this harassment happening?
I'm not sure, a little was on Twitter, but most was elsewhere; maybe the Spoony Experiment forums, maybe email. I think it's died down, though. Idiots claiming that she intentionally didn't mention MLP:FiM in a recent video, because she secretly hates the show, and is lying about being indifferent towards it. Total trolling, especially when the name calling started.


Staff member
I have no idea how I came across this, but when I saw it, I knew I needed to see if there was a pony thread on this forum. And then I knew it needed to be here.

Apparantly MLP:FiM doesn't teach humor. Oh well.
Let's see... honesty, kindness, laughter, generosity, loyalty, magic.

Yup, it's in there! I would've laughed, I just didn't know it was a joke, even when I clicked the Youtube link. I thought you were just withholding the information to be sadistic, not saying "fooled you". Which you did.
I enjoyed his presense on the forums and was actually quite disappointed in the forum's ostracization of him, which lead to his leaving. Wouldn't mind having him back at all.