*sigh* I wanted to like this. I really did. The reviews all said it was top notch. The acting was pretty good. But it's just...I don't know. It's like the movie didn't know if it was a dark (VERY dark) comedy or a lighter drama/action. And then his "origin story" or whatever the hell that was just (dream/hallucination, I guess)...didn't relate at all with the rest. In fact, the supposed upbeat ending didn't fit with the rest.
I don't know. Maybe, like Grant Morrison, I'm getting tired of the dark, gritty, deconstructed "realistic" superhero. Super followed almost the exact same kind of basic plot as Defendor, which also felt like it had a case of identity crisis. But at least with Defendor, it stuck with the "real" moreso than Super's hallucinations. Super felt like it needed to be edgy, indie, hip, weird, etc. The "heart" at the tail end of it just didn't work for me after all the over-the-top "realistic" violence.
So yeah, I'm...really torn about it.
EDIT: Huh. Took a quick peak at its Rotten Tomatoes page. I honestly thought it had scored higher than that. Guess I should've gone in with lower expectations.