Come on, Irene (formerly about the VA quake)

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Did you guys know it's a balmy 22 degrees here today, it might rain on Monday. Man, Canada sucks.

(meaning thank Christ all I deal with weatherwise is too much shitty snow in the winter, to which I am terribly accustomed)
The best part is how you pass me off as being an asshole despite the fact you were the original dickhead in this thread.
I don't have to pass you off as an asshole, Chaz. It's a well established fact around here. My eyeroll was actually in response to the fact that you won't let this die.
Er, anyways, bummer about those hurricanes and that little earthquake and all that.

I think we can all take away from this that no matter how bad we are to each other, mother nature is the real dick here.

Fuck you, nature. I'm glad we're fucking you up.
bitch started it.

Anyway, that was a whole lot of nothing. At least where I'm at. We were clipped by the outer edges got a lot of wind and a bit of rain. Not to many trees fell, at least around my apartment complex.
bitch started it.

Anyway, that was a whole lot of nothing. At least where I'm at. We were clipped by the outer edges got a lot of wind and a bit of rain. Not to many trees fell, at least around my apartment complex.
In a lot of places, it's been a whole lot of something, with trees coming down, but more importantly flooding. Lots of it.

...Not where I live though. I've seen it on news site about deaths and rising water in NC, but the worst of it passed my area in the middle of the night. We lost power for 5 minutes around 3 AM, but the rain and wind have calmed down since then. I think we're still in for a spike of bad weather at some point today, but the storm seems to be moving for NY now. I hope it's lost some of its force by now.


Staff member
Yeah, I'm not going to hold panicking against anyone in a hurricane. I've been through several, and there's no such thing as "just a 1". Remember, Houston was devastated by "just" a tropical storm (Alison).
I was sickened watching CBS Sunday Morning News. They quoted a store owner in NC that was bitching because the State ordered the evacuation of tourists because HE knew it would not be a major storm... The FUCKING STORE OWNER HAD HIS WINDOWS BOARDED UP!!!!

I love Monday Morning Quarterbacks and their bullshit-hubris.
Tri-state seems mostly fine, so far. Some flooding, and all pubtrans is down, but that's it for the moment.

Of course, I haven't been back to my apartment in the mandatory evac zone yet....
Hope your apartment is dry and intact KO! Went down to the C&D Canal yesterday evening to see how bad things were there and the access roads were dry (did find some mud to play with the truck in) but there are still plenty of areas flooded out and without power. As of this morning Delmarva Power reports 45,772 customers without power across the region it serves. I consider those of us who got away easy to be very lucky.
Hope your apartment is dry and intact KO! Went down to the C&D Canal yesterday evening to see how bad things were there and the access roads were dry (did find some mud to play with the truck in) but there are still plenty of areas flooded out and without power. As of this morning Delmarva Power reports 45,772 customers without power across the region it serves. I consider those of us who got away easy to be very lucky.
Indeed. The building lobby was flooded, but receded quickly, and my place was completely untouched. My area got off quite lightly; some other parts of town are without power, and there was a fair amount of real flooding.
Not losing power on a calm, sunny day is good luck when it comes to Pepco. They must be stepping up their game lately.

In NY my friend on Long Island is without power and might stay that way until the weekend. Other places apparently the only roads into some small towns were washed away.


I wasn't that concerned about it. I spent the first 35 years of my life in Houston, where we tracked hurricanes yearly like it was a state-sponsored religion. I figured the odds of us getting even tropical-storm level winds was pretty remote. And in the end, we got a little sprinkle, a little light rain, and it was a bit gusty for a couple of hours. We've had worse thunderstorms. My biggest concern was the power--even a light shower often causes the power to flicker here.

People around here don't know how to prepare for a hurricane, either. I saw people buying 4 and 5 gallons of milk, for pete's sake! MILK?? You're not going to drink that much normally, and if you lose power, that milk will do you absolutely no good. The water aisle was nice and stocked, and there was no freaking milk to be found in and around my town. What the hell were people planning on doing with so much milk?

I bought some water, and a couple of days of canned goods. I figured if we lost power for longer than a couple of days, I'd drive up into west virginia and buy some more. heh. In the end, we didn't even lose power. It was a total non-event where I was.
LOL. I guess they didn't read "Alas, Babylon" either huh?

First mistake: increase the order of MILK!


Staff member
Used to that in Louisiana. The cable and phone companies don't give you a break. We were without cable for maybe a week after Gustav in 2008, and received no credit.
Man, Direct TV gave out free programming for several months (well top movie channels) after Ike, to make up the week or two people went without power.
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