I'm supposed to be writing a summary, but as my computer crashed, i lost the summary, and had to rewrite it, from memory, since i lost all the recordings. what i remember is, we woke up, Falagar was holding a hammer. Rathkor was alive. Tyrdin was naked. We got a few side quests. one was to find a necklace or something. one was to meet with one of Jay's other characters from another game, a priest or something. I think we made it to him, and were attacked by wolves. Jay, can you refresh us on anything major i missed or got wrong?
RPing would be a lot easier, more organic and natural if it came about from play, not trying to shoehorn it in before we start again, just saying. It seems general consensus is that too much time has passed and we need a chance to reacquaint with our characters and the story before we can RP well.