Halloween is COMING!
One of my favorite times of year is coming. Nothing beats a good Halloween themed party with fun games to play, awesome decorations, plenty of drinks and snacks to enjoy, interesting social situations, a slutty lady costume to look at all night and of course… enjoy later on.
How many of you are excited about Halloween? Did you choose any outfits yet? What are your plans for the night? Discuss.
Are any of your throwing any Halloween parties? Since we bought our house two years ago I’ve been throwing them (a big issue earlier in my life with strict and boring parents) with my fiancée and we’ve been having a blast. Every year we plan to make it bigger and bigger and the downtime in the summer has finally allowed me to fully research what I want to build on and write down new things to try. It’s never too early to start planning the party of the year!
For example, I’m probably going to try to build a few props of my own instead of buying them at inflated prices in the stores, try new recipes, new games...etc…
I fully plan to share them in this thread as the weeks go by.
Come one; come all, what is going on with you during this event? Do you have any pictures to share? Etc.