Introduce Yourself!



A few hundred miles can mean a world of difference in the weather.
Been friggin' hot here.
Long time lurker here, I used to post occasionally on the old boards, but after all the heated discussions (read: where people would just flat out refuse to give in even an inch of their stance no matter what) and then the monthly wipes, I kinda lost the will to post at all.

I grew pretty comfortable with being a lurker and therefore haven't signed up here until now, but I guess I miss being able to post (though I'll probably still be lurking mostly).

I just have one question: Is there a minimum amount of posts required before I can start making jokes about Dave's age (or rather: ages)?

I hope it's 1, otherwise I might be in trouble already..


Staff member
Naw, you're okay to start in on me. I mean, if you know it's a thing then you're cool.

Welcome (back)!

Philosopher B.

Is there a minimum amount of posts required before I can start making jokes about Dave's age (or rather: ages)?
Dude rode dinosaurs to work back in the day. He can take anything. Just don't get in the way of his flappy hooties.
Added at: 22:32
It used to be you needed to have more posts then the years in Dave's life. Then we all realized no one would ever qualify.


Staff member
Well hey, I'm Greg. Or Banana Hands. Whichever you choose.

I was here a little over a year ago at the urging of my roommate (eljuski) at the time. Honestly, it'd just be him poking his head in my room and telling me to make a thread or to comment on something he posted.. blah blah blah.

Well that guy is all off on his own in good ol' D.C., although he might still post here... who knows? Either way, I'm here on my own accord. Because I was looking over the forum and thought 'Hey, these people were pretty rad.' So yeah, why not resurrect the ol' name and jump back into the fray?

Anyway, some quick bits about myself. I film and edit video for HeadCount, I help my brothers' company manage their website and media and also film various projects on my own out of fun. Oh, I love lasagna and I absolutely hate cherries.

tl;dr - I'm back. You guys are rad. HOWAREYOU?


Staff member
It should be noted, that I am not associated with that parody at all. My nickname came from my uncomfortably warm hands.

But now Bad Romance is stuck in my heeeeaaaad.